This function block is used to change the parameter values of a kinematic transformation, e.g. a robot kinematic. The kinematic transformation is identified by the “KinematicID” identification number assigned to it. The individual parameters of a kinematic transformation are identified by an index. The meaning of the individual parameters depends on the kinematic transformation whose parameters are to be changed.
The function block has no “BufferMode” input but behaves like a function block with the “BufferMode” mcBuffered.
After the controller is reset, all changes executed by this type of function block are lost.

Since this FB can change kinematic parameters during operation, it should be noted that incorrect values for the written parameters may lead to unexpected axis motions.
Block diagram

FB parameters
Variable name | Data type | Description |
AxesGroup | AXES_GROUP_REF | Axis group reference |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Execute | BOOL | The parameters of the kinematic transformation are sent to the motion controller on a rising edge. |
KinematicID | UDINT | Identification number of the kinematic transformation ([KITRA]) |
NumberOfParameter | UDINT | Number N of value pairs (IndexX, ParameterX) which are to be sent, where N = [0.6] and X=1..N. For N=0 no parameters are sent to the motion controller. If a value > 6 is applied, it is converted in the FB to 6. |
Index1 | UDINT | Index of the parameter whose value is specified at the “Parameter1” input. The index value depends on the kinematic transformation selected at the “KinematicID” input and which parameter is to be sent. |
Parameter1 | DINT | Parameter value to be sent. Length specifications are in 0.1µm, angles in 10-4 °. |
Index2 | UDINT | Optional: Index for 2nd parameter |
Parameter2 | DINT | Optional: Value of 2nd parameter |
Index3 | UDINT | Optional: Index for 3rd parameter |
Parameter3 | DINT | Optional: Value of 3rd parameter |
Index4 | UDINT | Optional: Index for 4th parameter |
Parameter4 | DINT | Optional: Value of 4th parameter |
Index5 | UDINT | Optional: Index for 5th parameter |
Parameter5 | DINT | Optional: Value of 5th Parameter |
Index6 | UDINT | Optional: Index for 6th parameter |
Parameter6 | DINT | Optional: Value of 6th parameter |
Variable name | Data type | Description |
Done | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the parameters were adopted by the motion controller. |
Busy | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the function block is executing a job. |
Active | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the function block sent the command to the MC. |
CommandAborted | BOOL | TRUE indicates that the currently active command sent by the FB was aborted by another command. |
Error | BOOL | TRUE indicates that an error occurred. |
ErrorID | WORD | Error code |
JobID | UDINT | Ordinal number of the last job sent by the FB. |