Defining a minimum block transition velocity (#TRANSVELMIN ON/OFF)
At discontinuous block transitions (contour knee angles), path velocity is reduced to such an extent that the resulting axis accelerations do not exceed the limit values predefined in the axis parameters. From a technological aspect (e.g. flame or gas cutting), this velocity reduction at contour knee angles sometimes is undesirable. In this case, the following command defines a minimum velocity which may not be undershot at contour knee angles.

The programmed minimum velocity in the command acts only at discontinuous block transitions of circular and linear blocks. As a result, no contouring mode or spline interpolation may be selected in the NC program (e.g. G261, #HSC, G151).
Syntax: |
#TRANSVELMIN ON [ [ <min_vel> ] ] |
<min_vel> | Minimum block transition velocity in [mm/min, inch/min]. |
If no limit value is programmed after #TRANSVELMIN ON, the minimum transition velocity is set to 0. The command #TRANSVELMIN OFF causes a switch-over to the free calculation of the velocity limitation by the look ahead function.
The function works with linear and non-linear slopes but with a non-linear slope, jerk limitation for discontinuous block transitions with channel parameter P-CHAN-00009 (corr_v_trans_jerk=1) may not be active. In such cases, jerk limitation is prioritised.
The programmed minimum velocity is only valid until program end. It is set to zero at the next program start or RESET.
Pre-assignment in the channel parameter list is not possible.