Spindle gear change (M40 - M45)
A spindle gear change is programmed with M40...M45. These M functions define max. 6 gear stages. A separate gear data record must be parameterised for each gear stage in the associated spindle axis list [AXIS].
The M functions can be programmed together with the spindle speed and the M function for the direction of rotation in the same NC block. Functions M40 to M45 are used to select the gear stage and to trigger mechanical gear change.
Syntax: | |
M40 | M41 | M42 | M43 | M44 | M45 [<spindle_name>..] [ M03 | M04 ] | modal |
M40 to M45 | Gear stages 1 to 6 |
<spindle_name>=<expr> | Spindle speed consisting of spindle name according to P-CHAN-00053 and speed value in [rpm]. |
Programing Example

Spindle gear change (M40 - M45)
S800 M41 M03 ;Spindle speed 800, gear stage 2, rotation cw
- The decoded functions M40 to M45 are modal and are activated at block start. M40 to M45 cancel each other out.
- The system permits definition of max. 6 spindle gear stages (M40... M45). The minimum and maximum speeds are defined for each gear stage in a "Table of speed stages" in [1]-4 (unit = rpm).
- The maximum speed for the 10 V output in the case of position-controlled spindles is defined for analogue drives via the Multi-Gain Factors P-AXIS-00128 and P-CHAN-00129..
- In a system with automatic gear stage selection, this is determined solely by programming the speed S. M40 to M45 then do not need to be programmed.
- M40 to M45 can only be programmed for closed-loop position-controlled spindles.
- The NC kernel always attempts to minimise gear changing (for example, if a new speed can be used with the current gear stage, a gear change is suppressed even if it was explicitly programmed with M40 to M45).
Channel parameter list [1]:
- Definition of M functions M40 - M45 and definition of synchronisation modes.
m_synch[1] 0x00000001 MOS
m_synch[2] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[40] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[41] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[42] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[43] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[44] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[45] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
m_synch[48] 0x00000008 MNS_SNS
m_synch[49] 0x00000002 MVS_SVS
- Activate gear change:
main_spindle_gear_change 1 0:OFF 1:ON
- Parameterise the spindle gear (search direction, speed ranges):
spindel[0].range_way 0 0:bottom up 1: top down
spindel[0].range_table[0].min_speed 50 (M40)
spindel[0].range_table[0].max_speed 560 (M40)
spindel[0].range_table[1].min_speed 400 (M41)
spindel[0].range_table[1].max_speed 800 (M41)
spindel[0].range_table[2].min_speed 700 (M42)
spindel[0].range_table[2].max_speed 3500 (M42)
spindel[0].range_table[3].min_speed 3501 (M43)
spindel[0].range_table[3].max_speed 4000 (M43)
spindel[0].range_table[4].min_speed 3800 (M44)
spindel[0].range_table[4].max_speed 5500 (M44)
spindel[0].range_table[5].min_speed 5400 (M45)
spindel[0].range_table[5].max_speed 7000 (M45)
Programing Example

Spindle gear change (M40 - M45)
Automatic determination of the gear stage: ON
spindel[0].autom_range 1
NC program:
S650 M03 OK, M41⇒ PLC
S750 OK, no change, M41 already selected
S950 OK, automatic change, M42=> PLC
S1050 OK, no change, M42 already selected
S750 OK, automatic change, M41=> PLC
S500 OK, no change, M41 already selected
S8000 Error, speed too high
A programmed gear stage is always checked:
M41 S750 OK, "automatic" change, M41=> PLC
M40 S750 Error, incorrect gear stage
Programing Example

Spindle gear change (M40 - M45)
Automatic determination of the gear stage: OFF
spindel[0].autom_range 0
NC program:
M41 S650 M03 OK, M41 => PLC
M41 S750 OK, no change, M41 already selected
M42 S950 OK, change, M42=> PLC
M42 S1050 OK, no change, M41 already selected
M41 S750 OK, change, M41=> PLC
M41 S500 OK, no change, M41 already selected
M41 S200 Error, program different gear stage (M40)
S950 Error, no gear stage (M42) programmed