Exchange spindles in coordinated motion (# CAX, #CAX OFF)
This "basic mode" is required in particular for C axis machining on lathes because in this case the position-controlled spindle has to be converted into a rotary path axis (e.g "C").

C axis machining can also be executed on milling machines or machining centres which are designed with rotary workpiece fixtures (e.g. turntable). In this case, it is not necessary to select #CAX.
The three physical axes X, Y, Z and the C axis replaced in coordinated motion can be directly programmed. Linear axes are programmed in Cartesian coordinates and the C axis in angle units.
Radius and diameter programming depends on G52/G51.
Two linear axes define the main plane: ZX (G18) or YZ (G19).
Syntax: |
#CAX [ [ [<main_spindle_name>, ] <C_axis_name> ] ] |
<main_spindle_name> | Only the main spindle name can be programmed according to P-CHAN-00053. If a spindle other than the C axis is used, it must first be declared as the main spindle (see programming example in Section [PROG// Changing the main spindle]). Otherwise, an error message is output. |
<C_axis_name> | Freely definable name of the C axis in the NC program. If no C axis name is programmed, the default name from P-CHAN-00010 is used. |
The main plane (circular interpolation, tool radius compensation, etc.) remains the same as before activation of the C axis.
An error is generated if a command for this spindle (M3, M4, M5, etc.) is programmed although the axis is still declared as a C axis in the coordinated motion.
The C axis is deselected, i.e. the axis is released to the spindle interpolator, by the following:
Syntax: |
Programing Example

C axis machining
Exchange spindles in coordinated motion
#CAX ; Assuming: default C axis is "C"
G01 G90 X50 Z10 C90 F200
#CAX OFF ; deselect C axis mode
#CAX[S, C] or #CAX[C] ; Assuming: main spindle is "S"
G01 G90 X50 Z10 C90 F200
#MAIN SPINDLE [S2] ; “S2” becomes new main spindle “S”
#CAX[S, C] ; select C axis mode
G01 G90 X50 Z10 C90 F200
#CAX OFF ; deselect C axis mode
#CAX[S3, C]; Error, “S3“ is not the main spindle