When positioning operations are executed in the XY plane, the Z axis is lifted as far above the workpiece as possible to avoid collision with cut-out parts between cutting operations (G01/G02/G03, M04 laser on, M05 laser off). This is called Smart Collision Guard. The CNC automatically calculates motion of the Z axis between contour elements.
The user can specify a maximum lifting distance to lift the Z axis. Lifting/lowering is executed automatically and across blocks so that the path feedrate in the XY plane is reduced as little as possible and the Z axis reaches the specified target height at the start of the next machining contour.
The path motion is normally not affected by the lifting/lowering motion, i.e. the Z axis can be attached and detached without feed stop (on the path). The Z axis moves with jerk limiting.
The Smart Collision Guard is available in 2 methods.
- Advanced Lifting (time-based method)
- Lifting (path-based method)

This document uses the terms lift axis and Z axis synonymously.
Neither of the two methods is activated in the basic setting.
In order to use the recommended Advanced Lifting function, the section Parametrisation describes the start-up parameters P-STUP-00060 and P-STUP-00070 where the value FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME is assigned. In addition, the channel parameter P-CHAN-00345 “enable_time_based_lift“ must be set to 1.
The P-STUP-00060 is also assigned the value FCT_LIFT_UP . Do not set the channel parameter P-CHAN-00345 "enable_time_based_lift".
The lift range is defined by the two commands Z[LIFT_START...] and Z[LIFT_END]. The lift axis is automatically moved by the lift function in the intermediate motion blocks.

This function is an additional option requiring a license.