Frequency response
The PT1 filter has the transmission response of a first order delay element. Contrary to the other axis filters, it is parameterised by specifying a time constant (filter[i].time_constant). No filter prototype needs to be specified for this filter type. To activate the filter, an order > 1 (filter[i].order) must be set.

The figure shows the amplitude response of the PT2 filter depending on the filter[i].time_constant.

Axis filters: PT1 filter with time constant of 0.01 seconds:
filter[0].enable | 1 |
filter[0].order | 1 |
filter[0].type | PT1 |
filter[0].time_constant | 10000 |
filter[0].share_percent | 100 |

Additional interface: PT1 filter with time constant of 0.01 seconds
Lr_param.add_interface.enable | 1 |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[0].enable | 1 |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[0].order | 1 |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[0].type | PT1 |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[0].time_constant | 10000 |
lr_param.add_interface.filter[0].share_percent | 100 |