Example 1: Reducing the maximum torque
The maximum torque of a drive should be reduced in the NC program regardless of the drive profile. The value programmed in the VAL parameter should be specified in [Nm] related to the motor shaft.
The maximum permitted torque value is 6.5 Nm and the minimum permitted value is 1.0 Nm.
The torque limit of the motor is set to 4.5 Nm:
Name of drive function
To permit the drive function to be addressed in the "TORQLIMIT" key in the NC program, assign the value “TORQLIMIT” to the P-AXIS-00396 parameter:
antr.function[0].id TORQLIMIT (P-AXIS-00396)
Torque scaling
The following motor data are required to parameterise torque scaling:
- Nominal torque of the motor: 7 Nm
- Maximum torque of the motor: 15 Nm
- Torque scaling of the motor: In 0.1% referred to the maximum motor torque. (This parameterisation is executed in the drive.)
Enter the nominal motor torque in P-AXIS-00392:
antr.acc_reference_value 7.0 (P-AXIS-00392)
In parameters P-AXIS-00325 and P-AXIS-00326 enter the value that must be output to the drive for the motor to achieve its nominal torque.
With the specified values:

The values for the following axis parameters are then:
antr.torque_scale_num 4667 (P-AXIS-00325)
antr.torque_scale_denom 10 (P-AXIS-00326)
To terminate the process, enter torque scaling in P-AXIS-00401:
antr.function[0].scaling_type TORQUE_DRIVE_SIDE
Set the limits in the parameters P-AXIS-00408 and P-AXIS-00409.
Since the scaling type is set to torque scaling, the limits must also be specified in [Nm].
antr.function[0].min_limit 1.0 (P-AXIS-00408)
antr.function[0].max_limit 6.5 (P-AXIS-00409)
Parameterising the transfer
1. Variant:
SERCOS drive: The torque limit is set by writing the SERCOS parameter S-0-92 over the service channel.
The following axis parameters must be set in the axis parameter list:
antr.function[0].commu ACYCLIC (P-AXIS-00397)
antr.function[0].wr_ident[0] S-0-92 (P-AXIS-00398)
antr.function[0].data_type SGN16 (P-AXIS-00399)
2. Variant:
SERCOS drive: The torque limit is transferred in the cyclically transferred setpoint diagram.
The following axis parameters must be set in the axis parameter list:
antr.function[0].commu CYCLIC (P-AXIS-00397)
antr.function[0].wr_ident[0] S-0-92 (P-AXIS-00398)
antr.function[0].data_type SGN16 (P-AXIS-00399)
A telegram element with the name "S-0-92" and data type SGN16 must be configured in the cyclic telegram.
If cyclic communication is used, it is possible to transfer a start value at controller start-up; enter this in axis parameter P-AXIS-00400. If the transferred value is scaled, enter the unscaled value here.
antr.function[0].startup_value 6.5 (P-AXIS-00400)
3. Variant:
PROFIdrive drive: The torque limit is transferred in the cyclic setpoint telegram in the "MOMRED" telegram element as a signed 16-bit value.
The following axis parameters must be set in the axis parameter list:
antr.function[0].commu CYCLIC (P-AXIS-00397)
antr.function[0].wr_ident[0] MOMRED (P-AXIS-00398)
antr.function[0].data_type SGN16 (P-AXIS-00399)
antr.function[0].startup_value 100 (P-AXIS-00400)
A telegram element with the name "MOMRED" and data type SGN16 must be configured in the cyclic telegram.
4. Variant:
CANopen drive: The torque limit is transferred in the cyclic setpoint telegram in the telegram element "6072_00” as a signed 16-bit value.
The following axis parameters must be set in the axis parameter list:
antr.function[0].commu CYCLIC (P-AXIS-00397)
antr.function[0].wr_ident[0] 6072_00 (P-AXIS-00398)
antr.function[0].data_type UNS16 (P-AXIS-00399)
antr.function[0].startup_value 100 (P-AXIS-00400)
A telegram element with the name "6072_00" and data type UNS16 must be configured in the cyclic telegram.