ID 46022

FB error: index of axis within axis group at IdentInGroup reference exceeds the limits.


The function block outputting this error has an input of type IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF. The content of this data structure is used to determine an axis in the axis group. This data structure contains, among other things, the classification of the axis in the axis group. This classification is determined by an index number. This error is displayed because it is determined, during execution of the function block, that the index number is outside the valid range of [0..HLI_SYS_AX_MAXIDX].

The global constant HLI_SYS_AX_MAXIDX is defined in the HLI library [HLI].




The job results in no response from the motion controller.




Choose the index number that defines the place of the axis within the axis group so that it is within the range of [0..HLI_SYS_AX_MAXIDX].

Error type
