ID 70284

Calculated absolute position out of permissible range.


A new absolute position is calculated when the reference position is set via the HLI interface (see [HLI//Section: Control commands of an axis]) or when the absolute position is ready with Profidrive drives. The computed result however is greater than permissible.


Possible causes:

  • The axis has a path resolution greater than one. The homing position specified in the PLC (see [HLI]) is larger/smaller than permissible when converted into increments.
  • The offset mode for setting the homing position (see P-AXIS-00278) is used. The current position of the drive + the specified offset to the homing position P-AXIS-00279 is too large or too small.
  • The absolute position read by the Profidrive exceeds the permissible value range. The conversion factor P-AXIS-00065 may have been specified incorrectly.




Closed-loop controlled stop of axis, setting of homing position is aborted







Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number P-AXIS-00016 of axis affected.


Current value [-]

Calculated absolute position in increments.


Lower limit value [-]

Minimum permissible position value


Upper limit value [-]

Maximum permissible position value

Error type
