ID 70295

No homing on zero pulse possible with the configured telegram.


Zero pulse homing is parameterised for the axis (P-AXIS-00084. However, the parameterised cyclic drive telegram cannot make a zero pulse search. The latched zero pulse value, the latch status word or the latch control word is not configured in the cyclic drive telegram.

Zero pulse homing is disabled after a warning output.








Based on the values 2 to 4 of the error message, define which elements are missing in the cyclic telegram and extend the telegram configuration accordingly.



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number of affected axis, see P-AXIS-00016


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Value is set to 1 if zero pulse value is configured in the cyclic telegram.


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Value is set to 1 if latch status word is configured in the cyclic telegram.


Current value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Value is set to 1 if latch control word is configured in the cyclic telegram.


Corrected value [0.1 µm or 0.0001°]

Corrected value for P-AXIS-00084.

Error type

11, Error message from position controller.