ID 70433

Parametrized greatest index of plane compensation table exceeds limits.


In the compensation value list, parameters P-COMP-00010 and P-COMP-00011 for plane compensation specify the value (starting with 0) of the index of the last valid entry in the compensation value list for area compensation for the corresponding axis.


During interpretation of that list by the CNC, it is checked if the specified indexes are between the limits that are provided for plane compensation.


See [COMP// Section: Cross compensation]




Closed-loop controlled stop of axis, the plane compensation is turned off.




Checking the values of parameters P-COMP-00010, P-COMP-00011. The values must be within the two limits, given in the error message.



Logical axis number [-]

Logical axis number P-AXIS-00016 of concerned slave axis


Error value [-]

Value specified by the operator in parameter P-COMP-00010 for the index of the last valid entry in the compensation value list for plane compensation for the first axis.


Lower limit value [-]

Lower limit value, the value of parameter P-COMP-00010 or P-COMP-00011 must be greater than or equal to this value.


Upper limit value [-]

Upper limit value, the value of parameters P-COMP-00010 or P-COMP-00011 must be less than or equal to this value.

Error type

2, Error message by data transfer from parameter list into control device.