Homing for NC spindles
To execute spindle positioning, the coordinate zero point must be synchronised with the signals of the actual value measuring system by a reference marker. With spindles, this can take place during endless rotation without standstill. For example, the zero point passage of the actual value encoder is used.
Automatic homing
If no homing took place for the spindle, it is executed automatically before positioning with M19 takes place or if positioning or stopping the spindle with M05 takes place after the control limit speed is exceeded (see the figure in section Spindle operation modes).

With digital drive systems (e.g. SERCOS), drive-controlled homing is executed using the command (G74). Automatic homing is not possible. This must be deactivated by axis parameter P-AXIS-00015.

Homing for NC spindles
G74 S1 or S[G74]
Homing spindles and other axes can be started simultaneously but is otherwise not synchronised.
1. Homing the spindle starts simultaneously with Y axis homing:
N10 G74 X2 Y1 S1
2nd Same as 1. The system continues to the next NC block without waiting until the spindle is referenced so that the X axis is referenced quasi simultaneously:
N10 G74 S1
N15 G74 X1 Y2
3rd Axes X and Y are first referenced. Spindle referencing then starts:
N10 G74 X1 Y2
N15 G74 S1
A detailed description of homing for axes and spindles is contained in the documentation [FCT-M1].