Tool-related dynamic limiting for spindles
The dynamic behaviour of spindles can be modified by a tool change depending on the entry in the tool data. Spindle behaviour can then be adapted to the permissible dynamic loads of the tool.
The tool is assigned in the tool data [TOOL] to a spindle via the logical axis number.
The tool dynamic data takes effect automatically on transition of the spindle from standstill to interpolation after programming a new tool (D word, #TOOL DATA).
After deselecting the tool, the dynamic curves of the tool last selected remain valid.
Logical axis number of the spindle axis | |
Minimum speed | |
Maximum speed | |
Maximum acceleration |
Programing Example

Tool-related dynamics limiting
wz[i].log_ax_nr_spdl 6
wz[i].vb_min 60000 [10-3 °/s]
wz[i].vb_max 3000000 [10-3 °/s]
wz[i].a_max 3000 [°/s2]
D word or #TOOL DATA

Adoption of new dynamic curve parameters can be deactivated by entering the logical axis number 0.