ID 50978

Timeout: program mark #MARK[SHIFT_POS] not found.


In connection with the #SHIFT functionality, a timeout error occurred while waiting for the calculation/supply of the shift value. In the present case, the program mark #MARK SHIFT POS was not found.


Execute the definition of the possible shift values taking into consideration the programmed NC block lengths and the parameters of the look-ahead motion in the interpolator. This includes any active geometric smoothing/block segmentation functions for motion blocks.

The channel-specific look-ahead function is parameterised in
P-CHAN-00650 and P-CHAN-00653, (alternatively P-STUP-00070 and P-STUP-00071).

FCT_SHIFT_NCBL must be active for P-CHAN-00650 in order to use the function:

configuration.interpolator.function FCT_IPO_DEFAULT | Timeout: program mark #MARK[SHIFT_POS] not found.




Movement stop.




Check the NC program for existing program mark #MARK. Check the number of marks used.,

Check the parameter setting of the look-ahead:
P-CHAN-00650/ P-CHAN-00653, (alternatively P-STUP-00070 / P-STUP-00071).



Block number [-]

Block number of the current block


Line number in file [-]

Line number of the current block


Current value [0.1 10^-3 mm or ø]

Block type of the current block

Error type

1, Error message from NC program.