Outputting user error messages
The user has the option of outputting user error messages in the NC program via the #ERROR NC command.
The related error texts are saved to a text file with parameters defined in P-STUP-00169. The output is sent to the log file defined via P-STUP-00170.

Error IDs saved to text file together with the related error texts are only written to the log file.
The range for possible error IDs is 1 – 1000.
Programing Example

Customer-specific error text in log file
Content of user-specific error text file:
455 error text to ID455
The call in the NC program then looks like this:
#ERROR [ID455 RC2 PV1=5 PV2=4.999 PM1=2 PM2=3]
Other information on the #ERROR command: [PROG://User-defined error output]
The output in the log file: