Number of elementary instructions for time check (P-CHAN-00426)
P-CHAN-00426 | Number of elementary instructions for time check |
Description | This parameter defines the number of elementary instructions after which another time check is executed.
A check for the execution time of realtime cycles must be made within a CNC cycle to see whether the permitted execution time is already exceeded. This takes place by checking the expired time after a specific number of elementary instructions in a cycle. Parameter P-CHAN-00426 indicates the number of these elementary instructions. |
Parameter | rt_cycles.cont_steps |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 < P-CHAN-00426 < MAX_UNS32 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 100 |
Remarks | The user has no restrictions regarding the number of instructions within a realtime cycle. Realtime timeouts will occur if realtime cycles contain too many instructions and cannot be executed in one CNC cycle,
The parameters P-CHAN-00425 and P-CHAN-00427 represent a safety mechanism to prevent such realtime timeouts as early as possible. |