Max. number of elementary instructions per CNC cycle (P-CHAN-00427)
P-CHAN-00427 | Max. number of elementary instructions per CNC cycle |
Description | This parameter defines the maximum number of elementary instructions per CNC cycle. P-CHAN-00427 as well as P-CHAN-00425 and P-CHAN-00426 can limit the execution time in realtime cycles in the CNC cycle.
If the number of elementary instructions in the current CNC cycle exceeds the value of this parameter, error ID 50854 is output. |
Parameter | rt_cycles.max_steps |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 < P-CHAN-00427 < MAX_UNS32 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | MAX_UNS32 - 1 |
Remarks | The user has no restrictions regarding the number of instructions within a realtime cycle. Realtime timeouts will occur if realtime cycles contain too many instructions and cannot be executed in one CNC cycle,
The parameters P-CHAN-00425 and P-CHAN-00426 represent a safety mechanism to prevent such realtime timeouts as early as possible. |