TwinCAT3 error output
Errors under TwinCAT3 are output
- via the PLC or
- directly in the TwinCAT Event Logger.
The overview diagram below shows the general function of the Event Logger:

Outputs under TwinCAT 3
In TwinCAT the PRINT channel is interfaced to the Event Logger output:

Default parameter definition
By default, errors are output to the PLC together with logging to the Event Logger via the original ChannelError function block.
If an existing CNC configuration is migrated from TwinCAT2 to TwinCAT3, the start-up parameters for error management require no adaptation in P-STUP-00167 (error_protocol_mode).
Parameter | Parameter name | Setting |
P-STUP-00167 | error_protocol_mode | PRINT | LOG | REPORT |
P-STUP-00168 | error_text_of_id | <TC3-Install>\components\mc\cnc\diagnostics\ |
P-STUP-00169 | error_text_user_of_id | not assigned |
P-STUP-00170 | error_log_file_name | <TC3-Install> \components\mc\cnc\diagnostics\error.log |
P-STUP-00171 | error_log_file_max_size | 100000 # maximum length in bytes |
P-STUP-00172 | error_plc_wait_cycles | 5 # waiting cycles [IPO ticks] |
P-STUP-00173 | error_ao_name | (not assigned |
Error texts
With a CNC release, language-specific error texts are automatically installed by the TcCncErrors-xml file.