ID 110640
P-COMP-00061 (max_points) for table size of the plane compensation must not be changed. | ||||
Description | The parameter P-COMP-00061 (max_points) sets how many inputs are reserved for the table of the plane compensation [FCT-C5]. This value may not be changed after start-up. | |||
Response | Class | 6 | List interpretation is aborted | |
Solution | Class | 6 | Set value of P-COMP-00061 (max_points) to the original value and re-interpret compensation value lists | |
Parameter | %1: | Logical axis number [-] | ||
Logical axis number (P-AXIS-00016) of axis affected. | ||||
%2: | Current value [-] | |||
Name of the list file | ||||
Error type | 2, Error message by data transfer from parameter list into control device. | |||