Configuring axes
The axis configuration of the partial kinematics is described in detail in the subsection Configuring the partial kinematics.

Besides the axes which are required for the partial kinematics, six additional simulation axes must be configured for the TCP. They must lie on the axis indices 0 - 5 of the channel.

Only one TCP is allowed. It must always refer to the first group (Index 0). The kinematics of the other groups must be directly programmed.
The following parameters must be configured for all six TCP axes:
Parameter | Parameter number | Value |
kenngr.antr_typ | 4 | |
kenngr.messachse | 0 |

Measuring with independent axes
TCP axes latch no measurement values since they are not physical axes. As a result, they need not be configured as measurement axes.
However, a measurement travel can still be executed with the TCP axes when a transformation is active. The Cartesian measurement values of the TCP are then calculated from the measurement values of the individual partial kinematics.
The sequence of the axes in the channel must be arranged according to the scheme below:
- Starting with group index 0, the axes for the first kinematic in the kinematic chain (chain[0]) are sorted according to the TCP axes in the channel.
- This is followed by the axes of the next kinematic (chain[1]) etc.
- The same principle is used for the other groups (Index 1 to n).

Configuring the axes of a 6-axis robot on linear axis
Configuring the axes of a 6-axis robot standing on an X linear axis and working at a rotary/swivel table (2 rotary axes).
trafo[2].id 3
trafo[2].type 210
trafo[2].group[0].id 100
trafo[2].group[0].chain[0] 2
trafo[2].group[0].chain[1] 1
trafo[2].group[1].id 200
trafo[2].group[1].chain[1] 3
The axis sequence can be defined as follows:
- Axis index 0-5: TCP axes
- Axis index 6: Axis of the ID 2 kinematic (X linear axis)
- Axis index 7-12: Axes of the ID 1 kinematic (6-axis robot)
- Axis index 13-14: Axes of the ID 3 kinematic (rotary/swivel table)

The axis sequence must be maintained according to the scheme described above.
Any resulting errors are dependent on which axes are incorrectly assigned to a different kinematic.