The “speed limit detect” status signal is generated depending on the set parameters if the programmed paths cause deceleration along the path and the speed drops below the speed limit, e.g. due to a corner.
Excerpt from the channel parameter list [CHAN]:
# Speed limit look ahead parameterisation
# ======================================
speed_limit_look_ahead.f_enable 1
speed_limit_look_ahead.v_limit 750
speed_limit_look_ahead.f_time 0
speed_limit_look_ahead.dist_to_corner 10000
speed_limit_look_ahead.dist_from_corner 10000
speed_limit_look_ahead.f_override_weight_v_limit 0

Parameters can also be changed in the NC program by appropriate variables (V.G.SPEED_LIMIT.*) [PROG].
Programing Example

"Speed limit detect” status signal
Speed drop at end of NC block
X0 Y0
N10 G01 X50 F5000
N20 X100
N30 X150
N40 X200 (speed drop at end of NC block)
N50 X250 Y-25
N60 X300 Y-50
The parameters listed above and the F word in the NC program result in:
Speed limit = 75% of the programmed velocity
→ v_limit = 3750 mm/min (62500 um/s)
In the NC program example the path velocity drops to 8.562 um/s at block transition N40 -> N50 due to a path kink angle of 30 degrees. This means that the “speed limit detect” status signal is set 1 mm before limit speed undershoot at the block end of N40 and reset 1 mm after limit speed overshoot at the block start of N50.