Overview of all channel parameters
The channel parameter overview is sorted into a 4-column table.
- Column 1 contains the unambiguous identifier of the channel parameter called the “ID” which consists of the prefix “P-CHAN” and a unique 5-digit number, e.g.
P-CHAN-00001. - Column 2 represents the data structure which defines the parameters,
e.g. prog_start.slope.
The structure is a categorisation aid and is described in the following section. If an entry is missing in ‘structure’, this is not an error. The parameter in column 3 is then only valid on its own. - Column 3 contains the “parameter” with its exact description, e.g.
acceleration. The important thing is that “structure”+”parameter” always belong together and must therefore be configured in exactly the same way in the channel parameter list,
e.g. prog_start.slope.acceleration. - Column 4 contains the “functionality” in a summarised term/short description,
e.g. Slope setting
ID | Structure | Parameter | Functionality |
prog_start.slope. | acceleration | Default effect of acceleration weighting at program start | |
vector. | acceleration | Path acceleration limit | |
gruppe[i]. | achs_anzahl | Number of axes in each axis group | |
spindel[i]. | autom_range | Automatic range selection for spindle gear change | |
gruppe[i]. | bezeichnung | Name of the axis group in the NC channel | |
gruppe[i].achse[j]. | bezeichnung | Name of an axis in the NC channel | |
spindel[i]. | bezeichnung | Name of a spindle in the NC channel | |
| cax_face_id | Machine ID with C axis face machining | |
| corr_v_trans_jerk | Reduction of tangential transition velocity between circles | |
| default_ax_name_of_spindle | Spindle name within a path compound | |
gruppe[i].achse[j]. | default_feed_axis | Assign an axis to the default feed group | |
speed_limit_look_ahead. | dist_from_corner | Distance from corner for speed limit look ahead | |
speed_limit_look_ahead. | dist_to_corner | Distance to corner for speed limit look ahead | |
| einrechnen_mit_t | Implicit execution of D word with T | |
| einzelschrittmodus | Define single-step operating mode | |
| ext_wzv_vorhanden | Tool data is requested from an external tool management | |
speed_limit_look_ahead. | enable | Enable/disable speed limit look ahead | |
speed_limit_look_ahead. | time | Unit to interpret the SLD signal for speed look ahead | |
syn_chk. | errors_total | Number of errors in an NC program on syntax check | |
syn_chk. | errors_per_block | Number of errors per row on syntax check | |
| create_cont_mask_warnings | Suppress warnings during contour masking (tool radius compensation) | |
aep. | g_gruppe[i] | Enable logging of G functions | |
| grp_anzahl | Number of axis groups in the NC channel | |
aep. | output_mode | Enable change logging | |
| h_default_outp_ax_name[i] | Axis-specific H functions | |
| h_prozess_zeit[i] | Timeout / process times of H functions for machining time calculation | |
| h_synch[i] | Synchronisation type of H functions | |
syn_chk. | interactive | Specify the operation mode on syntax check | |
| kasto_multi_block | Block global edge banding | |
| kasto_residual_path | Residual path on arrival of measurement signal at edge banding | |
| kind_of_2nd_ecs_ax | Select the second axis of effector coordinate systems (ECS) | |
| kinematik_id | Select kinematic default transformation (kinematic type) | |
prog_start. | late_sync_ready | Default setting for 'Late synchronization at program end' at program start | |
| lin_aufloes | Resolution of linear axes | |
gruppe[i].achse[j]. | log_achs_nr | Logical number of an axis in the NC channel | |
spindel[i]. | log_achs_nr | Logical axis number of a spindle in NC channel | |
synchro_data.koppel | log_achs_nr_master | Logical axis number of the master axis (synchronous operation) | |
synchro_data.koppel | log_achs_nr_slave | Logical axis number of the slave axis (synchronous operation) | |
| m_default_outp_ax_name[i] | Axis-specific M functions | |
| m_prozess_zeit[i] | Timeout / process times of M functions for machining time calculation | |
| m_synch[i] | Synchronisation type of M functions | |
spindel[i]. | m19_prozess_zeit | Timeout and process time of M19 to calculate machining time | |
spindel[i]. | m19_synch | Synchronisation types for M19 | |
spindel[i]. | m3_prozess_zeit | Timeout and process time of M03 for calculation of machining time | |
spindel[i]. | m3_synch | Synchronisation method for M03 | |
spindel[i]. | m4_prozess_zeit | Timeout and process time of M04 for calculation of machining time | |
spindel[i]. | m4_synch | Synchronisation types for M04 | |
spindel[i]. | m5_prozess_zeit | Timeout and process time of M05 for calculation of machining time | |
spindel[i]. | m5_synch | Synchronisation types for M05 | |
| mach_plane_of_2nd_ecs_ax | Select the plane for the second axis of the effector coordinate systems (ECS) | |
| main_spindle_ax_nr | Logical axis number of the main spindle in the NC channel | |
| main_spindle_gear_change | Enable mechanical gear change of main spindle | |
| main_spindle_name | Designation of the main spindle in the NC channel | |
| mass_einh | Dimensional unit for translatory axes in NC program | |
range_table[j]. | max_speed | Maximum spindle speed of a speed range (spindle gear change) | |
| max_vb_override | Limiting maximum channel override | |
| messtyp | Predefine measurement type | |
range_table[j]. | min_speed | Minimum spindle speed of a speed range (spindle gear change) | |
| mittelpkt_diff | Permissible absolute centre point offset during circle programming | |
| mittelpkt_faktor | Permissible relative centre point offset during circle programming | |
synchro_data.koppel | mode | Mode of the coupled axis pair (synchronous operation) | |
makro_def[i]. | nc_code | Specify macro content | |
prog_start.g_gruppe[i]. | nr | Default G function numbers at program start | |
prog_start.m_gruppe[i]. | nr | Default M function numbers at program start | |
| override_delay | Override scanning | |
| override_weight_prog_feed | Influence of override on feed | |
| p_param_haltend | Global program effectiveness of P parameters | |
aep. | p_parameter | Enable logging of P parameters | |
spindel[i]. | plc_control | Spindle control by PLC via channel specific interface | |
| m_pre_outp[i] | Path or time-related pre-output of M functions | |
prog_start.slope. | profile | Default acceleration profile at program start | |
tool. (old syntax: werkzeug.) | prozess_zeit | Timeout / process time of tool request for machining time calculation | |
prog_start.slope. | ramp_time | Default effect of ramp time weighting at program start | |
spindel[i]. | range_way | Direction of range selection for spindle gear change | |
| reset_no_axis_to_axv | Axis release after reset | |
| tool_life_to_wzv | Send tool life data to external tool management | |
| rpf_prozess_zeit | Process time of homing for machining time calculation | |
| rund_aufloes | Resolution of rotary axes | |
| rund_mass_einh | Dimensional unit for rotary axes in NC program | |
spindel[i]. | s_prozess_zeit | Timeout and process time of the spindle function S for the machining time calculation | |
spindel[i]. | s_synch | Synchronisation type of the spindle S function | |
| spdl_anzahl | Number of configured spindles in NC channel | |
| spind_aufloes | Resolution of spindles | |
makro_def[i]. | symbol | Specification of symbol strings | |
tool. (old syntax: werkzeug.) | synch | Synchronisation type of tool request (T function) | |
| t_info_to_wzv | Information of the external tool management in case of a T function | |
aep. | v_eigendef | Enable logging of self-defined variables | |
speed_limit_look | v_limit | Weighting of speed limit for speed limit look ahead | |
vector. | velocity | Path velocity limit | |
| versch_im_durchm | Set the offset scaling for diameter programming | |
| wrk_im_kanal_vorhanden | NC channel configuration includes a module for tool radius compensation (TRC) | |
aep. | wz_daten | Enable the logging of tool data | |
kinematik[i]. | param[j] | Define kinematic parameters | |
| log_number_tracking_axis | Define the tracking axis (C axis tracking) | |
| feed_to_weakest_axis | Define the weakest axis as the default feed axis | |
| use_drive_curr_limit | Valid deceleration ramp at FEEDHOLD | |
| spindle_m_fct_free | Switch over the meaning of M functions M3/M4/M5/M19 | |
prog_start. | feedrate | Default feed rate at program start | |
| move_tool_offsets_directly | Time of effectiveness of tool compensation data | |
| auto_align_tracking_axis | Automatic orientation of a tracking axis | |
| plc_command_rapid_feed | Operating principle of PLC feed | |
P-CHAN-00103 |
| d_clear_to_wzv | Save and delete tool data in an external tool management |
synchro_data. | restore_coupling_after_reset | Restore coupling after reset (synchronous operation) | |
synchro_data. | preserve_coupling_after_prog_end | Restore coupling after program end (synchronous operation) | |
| t_with_implicit_flush | Releasing motion blocks during T-selection | |
| h_pre_outp[i] | Path or time-related pre-output of H functions | |
prog_start. | feedrate_factor | Default feed rate unit at program start | |
| fast_tracking_transition | Select tracking mode without stopping | |
| check_jerk_on_poly_path | Including jerk in the polynomial | |
| time_override_weight_dwell_time | Influence of time override on dwell time | |
| ori_rotation_angle | Mode of orientation angle programming for kinematic transformations | |
| path_reject_std_manual_mode | Reject manual mode path at program end | |
| rel_offset_limits_std_manual_mode | Relative manual mode offset limits with G200 | |
| release_non_channel_axis | Release of non-channel axes after reset | |
| multi_dimension_in_block | Exclusivity of measuring system programming | |
| mode_trans_jerk | Jerk limiting mode at block transition of any blocks | |
| m6_prog_file | Subroutine call with M6 | |
| start_init_prog_file | Name of implicit subroutine call at program start | |
| soft_limit_tolerance | Software limit switch (SLS) monitoring with tolerance | |
| simu_output_wcs | Display format during machining simulation | |
hsc.bspline. | path_deviation | Maximum deviation of the B spline from the programmed path contour | |
hsc.bspline. | track_deviation | Deviation of the tracked axis (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | max_path_length | Path length of relevant blocks (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | max_angle | Contour bend angle for linear block transitions (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | merge_retry | Cancellation criteria for merging blocks (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | merge_window | Start criteria for merging blocks (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | auto_off_g00 | Deselect spline with G00 blocks (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | auto_off_path | Response to maximum path deviation (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | auto_off_track | Response to maximum tracked axis deviation (B Spline) | |
hsc.bspline. | limit_corner_dist | Limit the corner distance (B Spline) | |
hsc.gen. | linear_segmentation | Linear block segmentation (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | linear_center_point | Number of blocks for linear segmentation (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | linear_continuous_split | Segmentation specification (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | linear_split_length | Segment length with linear blocks (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | circular_secant_error | Basis of segmentation of circular blocks (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | circular_segmentation | Segmentation of circular blocks (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | circular_param | Contour error in the case of segmentation of circular blocks (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | filter_deviation | Handling short blocks (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | min_segment_length | Minimum segment length for block segmentation (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | jerk_monitoring_mode | Jerk limiting algorithm (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | jerk_weighting_5ax | Factor for permissible jerk in 5-axis mode (HSC) | |
hsc.gen. | jerk_weighting | Factor for permissible jerk in 2.5D mode (HSC) | |
| suppress_cs_tracking_offset | Suppress a rotary CS offset in tracking mode | |
| kin_trafo_display | Activation of TCP display data | |
| parameter_change_during_execution | Adopt configuration lists when NC program is active | |
| soft_limit_warning_axes | Error reaction for software limit switch monitoring on command value side | |
| multi_axes_in_block | Exclusivity of axis programming | |
| kasto_reject_rest_block | Reject residual block for edge banding on receipt of the measuring signal and continue with next NC block | |
| remain_block_number_sub_prog_call | Adoption of block number 'N..' when subroutine is called | |
| auto_enable_kin_trafo | Implicit selection of kinematic transformation at program start | |
| auto_disable_kin_trafo | Implicit deselection of kinematic transformation at program end | |
| kasto_remain_active | Modal active measurement at edge banding | |
| ax_exchange_with_implicit_flush | Axis exchange with implicit channel synchronisation (FLUSH CONTINUE) | |
speed_limit_look | override_weight_v_limit | Weighting the speed limit via override for speed limit look ahead function | |
tool. | minimum_length | Minimum permissible tool length | |
tool. | minimum_radius | Minimum permissible tool radius | |
| streaming_prog_file | Program name for automatic streaming | |
| modal_i_j_k_for_circle | Modal effect of I/J/K for circle programming | |
| g80_prog_file | Implicit call with G80 | |
| g81_prog_file | Implicit call with G81 | |
| g82_prog_file | Implicit call with G82 | |
| g83_prog_file | Implicit call with G83 | |
| g84_prog_file | Implicit call with G84 | |
| g85_prog_file | Implicit call with G85 | |
| g86_prog_file | Implicit call with G86 | |
| g87_prog_file | Implicit call with G87 | |
| g88_prog_file | Implicit call with G88 | |
| g89_prog_file | Implicit call with G89 | |
| override_weight_acc | Influence of override on acceleration | |
| max_radius_diff_circle | Maximum permissible absolute radius difference during circle programming | |
| max_proz_radius_diff_circle | Maximum permissible percentage radius difference during circle programming | |
| suppress_ax_group_in_pos_check | Active testing whether axis group is 'in position' | |
| channel_name | Define a channel name for display on the HLI | |
| channel_type | Definition of a channel type for display on the HLI | |
| meas_error_no_signal | Error reaction with measurement type 1 | |
ori. | mode | Type of orientation representation | |
ori. | fixed_axis_index | Index of fixed rotary axis to program Euler angles | |
| ax_default_config_after_reset | Restore default axis configuration in the channel after reset | |
| suppress_prg_display_level | Suppress display of file name/file offset | |
| g00_override_mode | Define and activate rapid traverse override mode | |
| plcopen_std_unit | Units used in PLC Open functions | |
| simu_ignore_internal_stop_cond | Ignore internal stop conditions with rapid contour visualisation | |
| kin_trafo_display_curr_pos | Switchover of TCP display data between command and actual positions | |
| tracking_axis_rot_wc | Define the position of the tracking axis in the workpiece | |
| override_v_handwheel | Override with manual mode | |
| g800_prog_file[i] | Additional implicit calls with G800-G819 | |
tool_ori_cs. | axis | Define the main axis of the current coordinate system to which the tool is to be aligned | |
tool_ori_cs. | mode | Selecting the orientation resolution | |
| dynamic_weighting_active | Activate path-dependent dynamic weighting | |
dynamic_weighting[i]. | path_limit | Motion path limit (path-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
dynamic_weighting[i]. | velocity_fact | Weighting factor for speed (path-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
dynamic_weighting[i]. | acceleration_fact | Weighting factor for acceleration (path-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
dynamic_weighting[i]. | ramp_time_fact | Weighting factor for ramp time (path-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
man_mode.vector | v_max_pos | Command speed of a linear axis in manual mode | |
man_mode.vector | a_max_pos | Command acceleration of a linear axis in manual mode | |
man_mode.vector | tr_pos | Ramp time of a linear axis in manual mode | |
man_mode.vector | v_max_ori | Command speed of an orientation axis in manual mode | |
man_mode.vector | a_max_ori | Command acceleration of an orientation axis in manual mode | |
man_mode.vector | tr_ori | Ramp time of an orientation axis in manual operation mode | |
vector. | deceleration | Path deceleration limit | |
| m_h_pre_outp_time_calc_mode | Calculation model for M/H pre-output time | |
| cycle_changes_modal | Modal effect of changes in the cycle | |
| suppress_cycle_logging | Suppress NC blocks from cycles and M6 in trace data and display | |
| m_h_pre_outp_calc_value_to_go | Activate residual path/time calculation with M/H code look ahead | |
| gap_in_trafo_axis_sequence | Permit gapped axis configuration when a transformation is selected | |
| meas_deceleration_mode | Active delay with measuring signal | |
| consider_rot_tracking_offset | Including a contour rotation in the tracking axis | |
| max_nc_blocks_ahead | Select decoder block ahead limiting via number of blocks | |
hsc.gen. | on_delay_output_one_block | Delayed HSC selection for contour spline processing | |
| independent_axis_error_stop | Mode of deceleration response in case of an axis error | |
| implicit_contour_masking | Activate implicit contour masking (tool radius compensation) | |
edge_machining. | enable | Enable / disable the edge machining function | |
edge_machining. | angle_limit | Critical bend angle (edge machining function) | |
edge_machining. | pre_dist | Distance before the edge (edge machining function) | |
edge_machining. | pre_feed | Feed before edge (edge machining function) | |
edge_machining. | wait_time | Waiting time in edge (edge machining function) | |
edge_machining. | post_dist | Distance after the edge (edge machining function) | |
edge_machining. | post_feed | Feed rate after the edge (edge machining function) | |
| kasto_suppress_path_check | Suppress motion path check with edge banding | |
| permitted_trafo_deviation_limit | Permissible calculation tolerance with forward / backward transformation | |
| curve_dynamic_weighting_active | Activate radius-dependent dynamic weighting | |
curve_dynamic | radius_limit | Radius limit (radius-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
curve_dynamic | velocity_fact | Weighting factor for velocity (radius-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
curve_dynamic | acceleration_fact | Weighting factor for acceleration (radius-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
curve_dynamic | ramp_time_fact | Weighting factor for ramp time (radius-dependent dynamic weighting) | |
| exact_stop_after_g00 | Exact stop after every rapid traverse | |
hsc.bspline. | auto_contour_mode | Automatic insertion of polynomials on internal B spline deselection | |
hsc.bspline. | fgroup | Define feed group for B spline | |
hsc.bspline. | no_hsc_for_deviation_zero | Deselect HSC if a deviation is equal to zero (B Spline) | |
| tool_life_to_wzv_suppress_zero | Suppress output of tool life parameters 0 | |
| lift_min_dist | Minimum path length for lift movements | |
| trans_limit_with_curvature | Additional consideration of curvature at block transition between linear blocks | |
| max_motion_blocks_ahead | Selecting decoder ahead limiting via number of NC motion blocks | |
| ori_wcs | Mapping of the tool orientation in the active machining coordinate system | |
tube_profile. | techno_nr_rnd_on | Technological functions to signal rounding transitions on engaging with tube profile machining | |
tube_profile. | techno_nr_rnd_off | Technological functions to display rounding transitions when exiting for tube profile machining | |
tube_profile. | techno_type | Type definition of technological functions for tube profile machining | |
| final_prog_file | Name of implicitly called subroutine at program end | |
| use_alias_name_in_ax_list | Alternative programming of axis-specific movements in robotics | |
| output_block_length_zero | Handling polynomial blocks of zero length | |
| tool_life_capture_all_movements | Tool life data recording for rapid traverse motions | |
| display_diameter_pos | Diameter display for turn machining | |
| kasto_prog_meas_trigger | Switch over measurement logic to a programmed measurement signal at edge banding | |
| kasto_relate_to_prog_contour | Switch over to contour-related residual path for edge banding | |
| opt_contour_mode | Optimised polynomial smoothing for transitions in circular blocks | |
| start_init_prog_file_mode | Mode of implicit subroutine call at program start | |
| multi_path_configuration | Enable 2-path programming | |
kin_step[i].trafo[j].* | id | Define kinematic ID for multi-step transformations | |
kin_step[i].trafo[j].* | param[k] | Define kinematic parameters for multi-step transformations | |
| default_id_of_kin_step[i] | Select default kinematic types for multi-step transformations | |
| suppress_tracking_vec_limit | Suppress vector dynamic limitation in aligning blocks in tracking mode | |
| meas_fixed_stop_no_error | Error response with measurement type 7 | |
| hli_input_disable_condition | Configuring interpolator input disable | |
| meas_soft_limit_move_path | Automatic motion path limiting | |
| max_time_ahead | Selecting time-based decoder block ahead limiting | |
| dec_max_ahead_protected | Block ahead limiting in protected mode | |
flush. | d_cmd | Implicit '#FLUSH WAIT' on selection of D word | |
| disable_chamfers_roundings | Select/deselect the chamfers and roundings function | |
| m_h_pre_outp_nbr_block | Number of NC blocks at M/H code look ahead | |
forward_backward. | with_offset | Backward motion with external position offsets | |
forward_backward. | disable_m00_backward | Programmed M00 stop during backward motions | |
forward_backward. | disable_m00_2nd_forward | Programmed M00 stop during next forward motions | |
forward_backward. | disable_m01_backward | Programmed M01 stop during backward movement | |
forward_backward. | disable_m01_2nd_forward | Programmed M01 stop during next forward movement | |
customer. | val[i] | Free user-defined values | |
| filter_tracking_axis | PCS smoothing function for tracking axis | |
| drive_cmd_use_physical_axis_number | Use of axis numbers of master channel in clone channel | |
| encryption_extension[i] | Definition of file extensions for encryption of NC programs | |
| trc_circular_kerf_masking | Extended kerf detection for circular blocks (TRC) | |
kinematik[91].* or kin_step[i].trafo[j].* or trafo[j].* | orientation[k] | Zero orientation of the tool (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | position[k] | Zero position of the tool (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | rtcp | Angle transformation (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | programming_mode | Programming mode (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | number_of_axes | Number of axes (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | chain[k] | Axis sequence (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].axis[k].* or | type | Axis type (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].axis[k].* or | orientation[l] | Axis orientation (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].axis[k].* or | point[l] | Interpolation point on the axis (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | linkage_mode | Mode for the transformation between axis values and Cartesian coordinates (Universal Kinematics) | |
kinematik[91].* or | linkage[k][l] | Transformation between axis values and Cartesian coordinates (Universal Kinematics) | |
| meas_use_std_dynamic | Active dynamic for measurement run | |
| mode_exact_stop_indp_axis | Position synchronisation of independent axes | |
| kasto_warning_no_signal | Output a warning message if probing signal is not detected at edge banding | |
| kasto_warning_residual_path | Output of a warning message if residual motion path is too small at edge banding | |
edge_machining. | [ DISABLE_FEED_ADAPTION ] ] | Switching feed rate adjustment (edge machining function) | |
edge_machining. | mode | Edge detection mode | |
| block_search_restart_mode | Jog of path option after block search for coupled axes | |
| jog_of_path_only | Checking the license in the clone channel | |
| position_lookahead_distance | Time preview: Reserved distance for time calculation | |
forward_backward. | disable_stop_backward | Response at STOP marks during backward movement | |
forward_backward. | disable_stop_1st_forward | Response at STOP marks during forward movement | |
forward_backward. | disable_stop_2nd_forward | Response at STOP marks during repeated forward movement | |
| meas_pcs_value_no_probe_radius | Include ball radius in calculation of PCS measured value | |
| meas_allow_actuated_probe | Allow already-actuated measuring probes when starting a measurement run | |
| meas_error_no_move_path | Measurement run without programmed motion path | |
| resolution_factor | Scaling factor of axis resolution | |
prog_start. | initialize_on_actual_position | Job manager mode: Request current positions at program start | |
prog_start. | set_default_config | Job manager mode: Initialise working data at program start | |
prog_start. | report_scene_sample | Job manager mode: Enable the interface to log scene data | |
prog_start. | report_run_time_measure | Job manager mode: Enable the interface to log time stamps | |
prog_start. | report_axes_position_sample | Job manager mode: Enable the interface to log axis positions | |
| block_filter_tolerance | Merge short blocks for optimised smoothing | |
| t_with_tool_data_provide | Output of tool data to the PLC interface (Tool Data Provider) | |
esa. | time | Default offset time to calculate future states | |
esa. | mode | Precalculation mode | |
| meas_dont_allow_suspend_axis_output | Block switch-over between physical and clone axes during a measurement run | |
| meas_all_axes | Axes, measurement values and offsets in CS | |
| mode_feed_display | Display of active path feed | |
| ipo_start_wait_cycles | Buffer motion blocks to optimise the feed rate profile | |
| display_top_coord_sys | Select the coordinate system for display of axis positions | |
| kin_trafo_enable_cs_coord_display | Display of axis command values and target points in Cartesian coordinate systems | |
| ori_prog | Response of G91 with orientation axes for complete transformation | |
| mdi_log_file | Name of the manual block log file | |
| mdi_log_file_max_size | Maximum size of the manual block log file | |
| position_lookahead_contour_path | Relating the reserved distance for time preview to contour | |
| opt_insert_flush_continue | Optimised insertion of #FLUSH CONTINUE | |
man_mode.vector_limit. | j_max_ori | Command jerk of an orientation axis in manual mode | |
| suppress_trafo_curr_pos | Suppressed output of actual positions transformed kinematically and/or in the Cartesian system | |
| enable_time_based_lift | Switch-over to time-based calculation when an axis is lifted | |
| enable_mod_axis_always_shortest_way | Positioning of modulo axes on shortest path | |
| no_init_prog_start | Start NC programs without initialisation | |
prog_start.slope. | mode_ramp_time | Profile calculation mode | |
vector. | cir_radial_acc_limit | Implicit dynamic limit in the circle | |
vector. | acc_dec_unit | Unit for path acceleration/deceleration and jerk | |
| feed_override_weight_dwell_time | Influence of feed override on dwell time | |
| plcopen_implicit_sync | Synchronisation of PLCopen jobs | |
| enable_unit_feet_cut_speed | Unit of constant cutting velocity | |
vector. | radial_acceleration | Radial acceleration limit | |
P-CHAN-00362 | conveyor_sync. | log_number_master | Logical axis number of conveyor belt during belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00363 | conveyor_sync. | move_direction | Conveyor belt movement direction in the case of belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00364 | conveyor_sync. | x_virtual | Virtual axis in the case of belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00365 | conveyor_sync. | sync_in_tolerance | Tolerance window for synchronisation to a conveyor belt (throughfeed machining) |
P-CHAN-00366 | conveyor_sync. | hold_limit_vel_factor | Factor for reducing the velocity when limiting motion to the end position (throughfeed machining) |
P-CHAN-00367 | conveyor_sync. | hold_limit_tolerance | Permissible tolerance for the end stop position of the X axis conveyor belt coordinate system (throughfeed machining) |
P-CHAN-00368 | conveyor_sync. | cart_t0_shift_x | X offset of the Cartesian basic coordination system for belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00369 | conveyor_sync. | cart_t0_shift_y | Y offset of the Cartesian basic coordination system for belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00370 | conveyor_sync. | cart_t0_shift_z | Z offset of the Cartesian basic coordination system for belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00371 | conveyor_sync. | cart_t0_rot_a | A rotation of the Cartesian basic coordination system for belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00372 | conveyor_sync. | cart_t0_rot_b | B rotation of the Cartesian basic coordination system for belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00373 | conveyor_sync. | cart_t0_rot_c | C rotation of the Cartesian basic coordination system for belt synchronisation/throughfeed machining |
P-CHAN-00374 | conveyor_sync. | pos_limit | End stop position of the X axis in the conveyor belt coordinate system (throughfeed machining) |
hsc.gen. | slope_segmentation_nbr_blocks | Maximum number of segmented blocks for feed profile planning (HSC) | |
error_filter. | reason | Error cause (filtering error messages in the channel) | |
error_filter. | action | Error action (filtering error messages in the channel) | |
error_filter. | conditional_activation | Conditional activation (filtering error messages in the channel) | |
error_filter. | conditional_action | Conditional action (filtering error messages in the channel) | |
error_filter. | conditional_param | Conditional filter activation (filtering error messages in the channel)) | |
error_filter. | conditional_output | Output of additional error information (filtering error messages in the channel)) | |
dcc. | active | Selecting/deselecting the dynamic contour control function (Dynamic Contour Control) | |
dcc. | call | Select calculation method (Dynamic Contour Control) | |
geo_feed_adapt. | active | Select/deselect the constant surface feed rate function | |
geo_feed_adapt. | call | Selection of calculation method (surface feed rate) | |
dcc.param. | f[i] | REAL64 dynamic contour control input parameters (Dynamic Contour Control) | |
dcc.param. | i[i] | SGN32 Dynamic Contour Control input parameters | |
geo_feed_adapt.param. | f[i] | REAL64 input parameters for surface feed rate | |
geo_feed_adapt.param. | i[i] | SGN32 input parameters for surface feed rate | |
debug. | prg_trace | Trace parameters and variables (debug data of NC programs) | |
coordinate_system. | rotation_mode_fixed | Definition of rotation mode for a coordinate system | |
coordinate_system. | rotation_sequence | Definition of rotation sequence for a coordinate system | |
coordinate_system. | display_global | Select the display coordinate system of the second path with 2-path programming | |
coordinate_system. | 2nd_path_on_actual_1st_path | Select the reference coordinate system to define the coordinate system of the second path | |
coordinate_system. | axes_offsets_layer_specific | Manage axis offsets in the tracked axes for a specific coordinate system | |
coordinate_system. | intersection | Select/deselect calculation of intersecting points with coordinate system planes with 2-path programming | |
provide_channel | track_cs | Automatic enable of channel interface for synchronous dynamic CS operations | |
| channel_id | Logical number of an NC channel for CNC objects | |
path[i]. | dir | Path specification to NC programs | |
path[i]. | id | Logical path number for a program path | |
path[i]. | type | Type of path of a program path | |
path[i]. | priority | Priority of a program path | |
hsc.gen. | max_track_ratio | HSC deselection response for tracking axes | |
configuration.rt_cyles. | enable | Activating real-time cycles | |
configuration.rt_cyles. | memory | Memory for real-time cycles | |
spindel[i]. | optional | Identify an optional spindle | |
syn_chk. | record_result | Write results of syntax check to file | |
| ori_interpolation_mode | Orientation interpolation mode in conjunction with complete kinematic transformations | |
configuration.decoder. | var_memory | Memory size for V.CYC variables | |
| max_number_of_tools | Maximum number of tools which can be loaded from lists | |
| remain_tool_length_in_ax | Axis-specific orientation of tool length compensation | |
hsc.bspline. | auto_off_g60 | Deselecting spline at programmed exact stop G60 (B Spline) | |
| disable_feed_factor | Deactivating feed factor effect | |
| suppress_trafo_in_g0_blocks | Suppress an active kinematic transformation at G0 | |
| v_ch_memory | Memory size for V.CH. variables | |
rt_cycles. | max_duration | Max. execution time of real-time cycles | |
rt_cycles. | cont_steps | Number of elementary instructions for time check with real-time cycles | |
rt_cycles. | max_steps | Max. number of elementary instructions per real-time cycles per cycle | |
| calc_average_feed_ahead | Deactivate time ahead calculation based on mean feed velocity | |
| d_prog_file | Subroutine call with D word | |
| final_prog_file_mode | Mode of implicit subroutine call at program end | |
| mirror_display_positions | Consider mirroring in display and manual mode | |
| kasto_techno_output_with_signal | Output an MNE_SNS technology function at measurement event | |
ori. | tool_ax_in_plane | Plane parallel to tool axis plane | |
| err_outp_mode_move | Error message output after manual mode axis overrun | |
trafo[j]. | corr | Correction values for kinematic parameters | |
| contouring_consider_inch | Contouring method in inch units | |
| suppress_workspace_monitoring | Suppression of workspace monitoring function in manual operation | |
trafo[j] or kin_step[i].trafo[j]. | name | Unique name of the kinematic | |
trafo[j] or kin_step[i].trafo[j]. | base[k] | Coupling kinematic: Base offsets at base | |
trafo[j].group[k] or kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k]. | name | Name of a group of a coupling kinematic | |
trafo[j].group[k] or kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k]. | workpiece_cs | Definition of a group containing the tool of a coupling kinematic | |
trafo[j].group[k] or kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k]. | chain[m] | Coupling kinematic: Structure of the kinematic chain in a group | |
trafo[j].group[k] or kin_step[i].trafo[j].group[k]. | move_prio[m] | Coupling kinematic: Split the TCP movement among the partial kinematics | |
| mode_implicite_sync_indp_asyn_axis | Operating principle of implicit synchronisation with independent asynchronous axes | |
| default_name_of_kin.step | Name of the default transformation | |
| dyn_calc_axis_poly | Dynamic look-ahead for programmed axis polynomials | |
| kinematik_name | Name of the default kinematic after start-up | |
| channel_init_actpos_exclusive | Channel initialisation with actual values | |
| trafo_mode | Mode of the kinematic transformation | |
| post_segmentation_length | Limiting the path length of motion blocks | |
| lock_dof | Coupling kinematics | |
| suppress_soft_limit_monitoring_axes | Suppress software limit switch monitor on command value side | |
| retain_last_ax_config | Retention of last axis configuration in the channel | |
| create_cycle_param_on_read | Create @P parameters automatically | |
limit.kin[i]. | active | Activate TCP velocity monitoring | |
limit.kin[i]. | name | Transformation name of the kinematic used | |
limit.kin[i].velocity. | max | TCP velocity monitoring: Velocity limit | |
| contour_processing_memory | Memory size for contour machining | |
hsc.gen. | use_analytic_dyn_calc | Analytical dynamic calculation for spline curves | |
limit.kin[i]. | mode | TCP velocity monitoring: Mode for tool head offsets | |
hscs.deselect. | prog | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.deselect. | tolerance | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.rough. | prog | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.rough. | tolerance | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.prefinish. | prog | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.prefinish. | tolerance | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.finish. | prog | Cycles HSC settings: | |
hscs.finish. | tolerance | Cycles HSC settings: | |
limit.kin[i].velocity. | ipo_weight_factor | TCP velocity monitoring: Weighting factor | |
configuration.decoder. | pattern_processing_memory | Memory size for pattern definition | |
configuration.rt_cycles. | buffers | Max. number of actions in real-time cycles | |
| cycle_stack_memory | Memory size for @P parameters | |
| tool_life_with_d | Tool life recording with D word | |
| in_position_ignored_movement | Check exact stop with additive movements | |
| trc_inverse_display_pcs_pos | TRC inverse display PCS positions | |
configuration.decoder. | cycle_stack_add_var_count | Additional number of variables for @P parameter | |
| display_pcs_limits | Display motion range limits in PCS coordinate system | |
coordinate_system.def[i]. | id | Coordinate system identifier | |
coordinate_system.def[i].path[j].translation. | t1 | Translation of first axis | |
coordinate_system.def[i].path[j].translation. | t2 | Translation of second axis | |
coordinate_system.def[i].path[j].translation. | t3 | Translation of third axis | |
coordinate_system.def[i].path[j].rotation. | a1 | Rotation angle of first axis | |
coordinate_system.def[i].path[j].rotation. | a2 | Rotation angle of second axis | |
coordinate_system.def[i].path[j].rotation. | a3 | Rotation angle of third axis | |
| range_check_prog_soft_limits | Behaviour with programmed software limit switches | |
configuration.decoder. | function | Define the decoder functionalities | |
configuration.decoder. | log_entry_number | Maximum number of logged decoder events | |
configuration.decoder. | log_level | Define the type of logged decoder events | |
configuration.decoder. | max_cache_number | Maximum number of possible cache files | |
configuration.decoder. | max_cache_size | Maximum size of a cache file | |
configuration.decoder. | max_local_subroutine_definitions | Maximum number of local subroutine definitions | |
configuration.decoder. | max_vol_comp_measurement_records | Maximum number of measurement records for machine calibration | |
configuration.decoder. | fct_enable[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Conditional enable of decoder functionalities | |
configuration.decoder. | fct_condition[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Condition for enabling the decoder functionalities | |
configuration.decoder. | macro_number | Total number of NC macros | |
configuration.decoder. | macro_definition_number | Maximum number of predefined MC macros | |
configuration.decoder. | macro_symbol_len | Maximum number of characters in the macro name | |
configuration.decoder. | macro_nc_code_len | Maximum number of characters in the macro content | |
configuration.decoder. | msg_diag_memory | Size of message memory for diagnosis data | |
configuration.decoder. | string_label_number | Maximum number of string labels | |
configuration.decoder. | expression_label_number | Maximum number of expression labels | |
configuration.decoder. | p_param_number | Maximum number of P parameters | |
configuration.tool_radius_comp. | function | Define the functionalities of the TRC | |
configuration.tool_radius_comp. | log_entry_number | Maximum number of logged TRC log_level events | |
configuration.tool_radius_comp. | log_level | Define the type of logged decoder events | |
configuration.tool_radius_comp. | fct_enable[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Conditional enable of TRC functionalities | |
configuration.tool_radius_comp. | fct_condition[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Condition for enabling the TRC functionalities | |
configuration.path_preparation. | function | Defining functionalities for path preparation | |
configuration.path_preparation. | log_entry_number | Maximum number of entries in the history buffer | |
configuration.path_preparation | log_level | Define the type of logged path events | |
configuration.path_preparation. | m_pre_output_lookahead | Maximum number of blocks considered for pre-output of M functions | |
configuration.path_preparation. | m_pre_output_max_distance | Maximum path for pre-output of M functions | |
configuration.path_preparation. | fct_enable[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Conditional enable of path functionalities | |
configuration.path_preparation. | fct_condition[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Condition for enabling the path functionalities | |
configuration.interpolator. | function | Definition of interpolator functionalities | |
configuration.interpolator. | log_entry_number | Maximum number of logged interpolator events | |
configuration.interpolator. | log_level | Define the type of logged interpolator events | |
configuration.interpolator. | (parameter, param) number_blocks_lah | User-specific size of look-ahead buffer | |
configuration.interpolator. | blocks_per_call | Reduce the computing time of the interpolator | |
configuration.interpolator. | fct_enable[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Conditional enable of interpolator functionalities | |
configuration.interpolator. | fct_condition[<idx>] where idx 0, 1 | Condition for enabling the interpolator functionalities | |
configuration.interpolator. | dyn_cs_history_max | Number of logs of the dynamic coordinate system | |
configuration.interpolator. | contour_lookahead_log_max | Maximum number of contour elements in the contour look-ahead | |
| dpl_tol_limit_change | Tolerance limit for dynamic limitation of axis positions | |
trafo_stack[i]. | name | Name of transformation stack | |
trafo_stack[i]. | kin[j] | Name of the kinematic | |
trafo_stack[i].cs. | id[k] | ID of CS offset | |
trafo_stack[i].acs. | id[k] | ID or ACS offset | |
trafo_stack[i].bcs. | id[k] | ID or BCS offset | |
| trafo_stack_name_active_prog_start | Name of activated transformation stack at program start | |
backward_compatibility. | axis_spline_ramp_time | Calculation mode of resulting ramp time with #CS and #TRAFO | |
| swe_limits_additive_manual_mode | Limitation of software limit switches in manual mode with parallel interpolation | |
| pre_output_tolerance | Tolerance for deviation with pre-output position of M/H function | |
tapping. | use_actual_position | Tapping with actual positions of the spindle | |
tapping. | n_cycles | Number of filter cycles to filter actual positions of the spindle |