Deactivate position lag monitoring

The are two options to deactivate position lag monitoring.

  1. Set the axis parameter P-AXIS-00176
  2. Write the CNC object ac_<ANo>_disable_pos_lag_w in the COM task

Set the axis parameter

When the axis parameter P-AXIS-00176 is set, position lag errors are suppressed, as during start-up. This parameter can also be changed by the NC program with the #MACHINE DATA command.
Another option to change this parameter is by updating the parameter lists, for example, for the PLC.



A change in the axis parameter remains effective after program end.

Write the CNC object

When the CNC object ac_<ANo>_disable_pos_lag_w to written to the COM task, position lag monitoring of the axis can be deactivated.

The CNC object ac_<ANo>_disable_pos_lag_r checks the current state of position lag monitoring of the axis.