Specifying the kinematic ID, kinematic type and offset data

In order to use a kinematic, it must be explicitly specified by its kinematic ID (P-CHAN-00262) and kinematic type (P-CHAN-00829).

The purpose of the kinematic ID is to explicitly identify a configured kinematic from the list of all kinematics configured. A kinematic may not be configured multiple times.

The kinematic type determines the kinematic type and structure as classified in Overview.

Classification by means of kinematic ID and type is available as of CNC Build V3.1.3080.09. This has the advantage that several identical kinematic types with different offset data can be parameterised in the same configuration list and can be activated as required by using the kinematic ID.



If no kinematic type is specified (kinematic type 0), the value of the kinematic ID is automatically assigned to the kinematic type.

Kinematic type (as of V3.1.3080.09)

The number required to use a specific kinematic results from the specified kinematic type as follows:

KIN_TYP_1      1

KIN_TYP_2      2


In CNC Builds < V3.1.3080.09, the specified kinematic ID is identical with the kinematic type to be used.



As of Version V3.00.3012.00, the structures kin_step[i].trafo[j].* or trafo[j].* replace the definition of kinematic data programmed with kinematik[i].*.

The previous structure kinematik[i].* is no longer supported.



Specifying the kinematic ID, kinematic type and offset parameters

As of Build V3.00 the kinematic must be specified as follows:

trafo[0].id                    9000

trafo[0].type                  9

trafo[0].param[0]              5000000

trafo[0].param[1]              0

trafo[0].param[2]              0

trafo[0].param[3]              0

with an additional transformation, e.g. kinematic ID 60 (no type is specified here, so it is automatically assigned with the value 60)

trafo[1].id                    60

trafo[1].param[0]              2000000

trafo[1].param[1]              0

The same entry of the kinematic with ID 9 to specify a multi-step transformation looks like this:

kin_step[0].trafo[0].id            9

kin_step[0].trafo[0].type          9

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[0]      5000000

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[1]      0

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[2]      0

kin_step[0].trafo[0].param[3]      0

with a second transformation step, the kinematic specification would look like this:

kin_step[1].trafo[0].id            1

kin_step[1].trafo[0].type          20

kin_step[1].trafo[0].param[0]      3000000

Configuring two transformations of the same type, e.g. kinematic type 9 and two different data records:

trafo[0].id                    9000

trafo[0].type                  9

trafo[0].param[0]              5000000

trafo[0].param[1]              1000

trafo[1].id                    8000

trafo[1].type                  9

trafo[1].param[0]              4550000

trafo[1].param[1]              7500



The HDi offsets of a kinematic correspond to the kinematic offsets in the channel parameters for trafo[idx].param[i-1].

Alternatively, these offsets can be entered in the corresponding value of the tool parameters (P-TOOL-00009).

The offset parameter units are 1.0 E-4 mm for translatory offsets and 1.0 E-4° for rotary offsets.