Tool parameter modes
The kinematic of the velocity limit is independent of the kinematic processed. The behaviour at tool change can be adapted by the parameter P-CHAN-00469.
P-CHAN-00469 = 0 (default)
If the T/D word follows a tool change, the tool length and the tool head offsets of the kinematic are updated.
If the tool is changed without a following T/D word (e.g. using V.G.WZ_AKT), the kinematic parameters must be explicitly updated using the #LIMIT REFRESH [KIN] command.
The #TRAFO ON / OFF function does not automatically update the kinematic of the TCP velocity monitor.
The same applies if the kinematic parameters themselves are changed, e.g. using V.G.KINEMATIK[i].PARAM[j].
The parameters of kinematics are always updated:
- at program start,
- when the D word is set,
- by the #LIMIT REFRESH [KIN] command.
P-CHAN-00469 = 1
In this mode, the kinematic parameters are not updated by a T/D word. In addition, the length or tool head offsets of the active tool are not added to the kinematic data of the kinematic at any time.
However, if tool parameters of the TCP kinematic have to be changed, they can be adapted using the V.G. variables V.G.LIMIT.KIN[i].TOOL.KIN_PARAM[j] and V.G.LIMIT.KIN[i].TOOL.LENGTH.
Once the LIMIT parameters are written, they remain effective until they are overwritten or the controller is restarted. These parameters are then used as in Mode=0 of the tool parameters (additional to the kinematic parameters).
When the V.G. parameters are written, they are added to the kinematic parameters at the next program start or added immediately by using the NC command #LIMIT REFRESH [KIN].
The #LIMIT REFRESH [KIN] command updates all active limit kinematics. The mode then decides whether the parameters of the V.G.LIMIT… or of the active tool are added.
Mode = 1 should be used if…
- the tool parameters have no relevance for the limit function,
- they are not compatible with other kinematics, or
- the tool has different parameters for the limit.

In combination with the couple kinematic KIN_ID 210, no kinematic parameter changes are adopted by means of the tool or the V.G.LIMIT.