Channel parameters
P-CHAN-00464 | Activate additional functionality for kinematics |
Description | Activates additional functionalities of the specified kinematic. For example, with load model or TCP velocity monitoring. When this parameter is set, the specified kinematic is used to calculate the TCP during TCP velocity monitoring. When the limit is switched on via tcp_velocity_limit control unit , the limit is applied. |
Parameter | limit.kin[i].active |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: No calculation 1: The corresponding velocity of the limit is calculated. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameter available as of V3.1.3079.26 |
P-CHAN-00466 | Velocity limit |
Description | The maximum velocity that may be moved for this kinematic system when the function is active. |
Parameter | limit.kin[i].velocity.max |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | > 0.001 µm/s |
Dimension | µm/s |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameter available as of V3.1.3079.26 |
P-CHAN-00469 | Mode for the use of tool head offsets |
Description | This parameter defines the strategy with which tool parameters are used for the calculating kinematics. |
Parameter | limit.kin[i].mode |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0: If the T/D command is output after a tool change, the tool length and the tool head offsets of the kinematics are updated. 1: In this mode, the kinematic parameters are not updated with a T/D word. In addition, the length or tool head offsets of the active tool are not added to the kinematic data of the kinematic at any time. |
Dimension | --- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Mode = 1 should be used if tool parameters have no relevance for the limit function, they are not compatible between the kinematics or the tool is parameterised differently for the limit. Parameter available as of V3.1.3079.26 |
P-CHAN-00478 | Velocity percentage of the interpolation with G201 |
Description | The parameter defines the velocity percentage [in %] of the interpolation in the velocity P-CHAN-00466 when G201 is active. |
Parameter | limit.kin[i].velocity.ipo_weight_factor |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range |
Dimension | 25 <= ipo_weight_factor <= 75 |
Default value | 70 |
Remarks | Manual mode contains the usual part of 100%; the default value is 70, i.e. 30. Parameter available as of V3.1.3079.26 |
P-CHAN-00830 | Kinematic ID of velocity monitoring |
Description | This parameter defines the ID of the kinematic used to calculate velocity. The kinematic must be defined by the same ID in kin_step[0]. |
Parameter | limit.kin[i].id |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0...MAX(UNS16) |
Dimension | --- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | If the parameter is activated (value unequal to 0), a kinematic type must be specified; otherwise the error message ID 22108 is output. Available as of V3.1.3080.09 |