Activate lift function
P-STUP-00060 | Defining functionalities for path preparation. |
Description | This parameter defines the individual functionalities for path preparation. The individual functions can be enabled or disabled for testing or for performance reasons. |
Parameter |[i].path_preparation.function |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | FCT_DEFAULT |
Remarks |
Path preparation function table
Flag | Description |
FCT_FFM | Free-form surface mode, #HSC [OPMODE 1 CONTERR 0.01], #HSC [OPMODE 2] |
FCT_PRESEGMENTATION | Linear pre-segmentation in HSC mode |
FCT_SPLINE | #HSC[], AKIMA, B-Spline, G150/G151 |
FCT_POLY | #CONTOUR MODE[], G61, G261/G260 |
FCT_CAX | C axis processing, i.e. the spindle is embedded in the NC channel. |
FCT_CAX_TRACK | #CAX TRACK, tracking an axis according to the contour angle |
FCT_SEGMENTATION | For dynamic segmentation of the path contour, e.g. if the curvature of a polynomial segment varies significantly. |
The following functions must also be enabled: | |
FCT_LIFT_UP | Automatic lifting/lowering of an axis (path-based coupling). |
FCT_EMF | Edge machining (sharp angle contours). |
FCT_EMF_POLY_OFF | Edge machining inactive with polynomials. Contrary to the setting with FCT_EMF, edge signal generation is masked when path polynomial generation is active in the channel. Polynomials are generated for smoothing G261 or when B Spline is active. The resulting geometry is then tangential. Example: FCT_DEFAULT | FCT_EMF_POLY_OFF |
FCT_SYNC | Synchronisation of an axis on a path group. |
FCT_PRECON | Optimised planning using #HSC[BSPLINE]. |
FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME | Automatic lifting/lowering of an axis (time-based coupling). |
FCT_PTP | Dynamically optimised contouring of the complete contour. |
FCT_M_PRE_OUTPUT | Pre-output of M/H functions (microjoints). |
FCT_SURFACE | HSC machining with Surface Optimiser |
FCT_SEG_CHECK | Block segmentation in combination with path-controlled offset of M functions (dwell time), |
FCT_NIBBLING | Activate the nibbling function |
FCT_PUNCHING | Activate the punching function |
FCT_VSM | Activate the velocity smoothing function |
P-STUP-00070 | Definition of interpolator functionalities |
Description | This parameter defines individual functionalities and the size of the look-ahead buffer in the interpolator, i.e. it defines the number of blocks to calculate deceleration distance and dynamic planning. |
Parameter |[i].interpolator.function |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | FCT_IPO_DEFAULT |
Remarks |
Interpolation function table
Identifier | Description |
FCT_LOOK_AHEAD_LOW | 30 blocks |
FCT_LOOK_AHEAD_HIGH | 190 blocks |
FCT_LOOK_AHEAD_CUSTOM | Any number of look-ahead blocks in the interval [ 0; 200]. Specification by parameter P-CHAN-00653. |
FCT_SYNC | Synchronisation of an axis on a path group. |
FCT_LOOK_AHEAD_OPT | The path velocity curve can be further improved for HSC machining by additional calculations. This generally reduces machining time. The additional calculations place greater demands on the controller hardware. |
FCT_LIFT_UP_TIME | Automatic lifting/lowering of an axis (time-based coupling). |
FCT_SHIFT_NCBL | Path-controlled offset of M functions (dwell time). |
FCT_CALC_STATE_AT_T | Calculation of path velocity at a time in the future. Function only available in combination with HSC slope and only as of V3.1.3057.0 |
FCT_CALC_TIME | Calculation of interpolation time to next feed block (G01,G02,G03). |
FCT_CONTOUR_LAH | Contour look-ahead: advance output of motion blocks to the PLC |
FCT_DYN_POS_LIMIT | Dynamic limitation of axis positions |
FCT_EXTENSION_EQUIDIST | Die-sinking EDM Planetary expansion |
The look-ahead buffer size values specified above apply as of CNC Builds V2.11.2800 and higher; the following settings apply to CNC Build V2.11.20xx:
FCT_LOOK_AHEAD_LOW | 30 blocks |
FCT_LOOK_AHEAD_HIGH | 120 blocks |