Channel parameters
P-CHAN-00001 | Default effect of acceleration weighting at program start |
Description | Default value to set acceleration weighting. |
Parameter | prog_start.slope.acceleration |
Data type | SGN16 |
Data range | 0: Weighting acts on all accelerations (default) 1: Weighting acts on aaccel 2: Weighting acts on adecel |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks |
P-CHAN-00002 | Path acceleration limit |
Description | If no change is made to the parameter values by NC programming, this value limits path acceleration after it is activated in the NC program. |
Parameter | vector.acceleration |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 ... Maximum acceleration, application-specific |
Dimension | mm/min² or mm/s² * |
Default value | 100000000 |
Remarks | * The dimension used depends on P-CHAN-00351. Parameterisation example: vector.acceleration 1800000 The specified default value is in mm/min². |
P-CHAN-00009 | Reduction of tangential transition velocity between circles |
Description | Tangential block transitions between circles with different radii and circles and linear blocks and vice versa lead to a jerk depending on circle radius. A jerk produced by activating this function can be reduced in order to reduce the excitation of vibrations on the machine when non-linear velocity profiles are active. At tangential block transitions, the speed is reduced dependent on the permissible jerk. The calculation is based on axis-specific jerk parameters for non-linear speed profiles (see also [AXIS] documentation). On the other hand, the reduction of speed at tangential block transitions is not acceptable with specific machining technologies since the machining process has a very sensitive reaction to a reduction in velocity. |
Parameter | corr_v_trans_jerk |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: No inclusion of jerk at tangential block transitions. 1: Inclusion of jerk at tangential block transitions. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks |
P-CHAN-00056 | Limiting maximum channel override |
Description | This parameter limits the maximum override in the channel. |
Parameter | max_vb_override |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 ≤ max_vb_override ≤ 2000 (maximum value of channel override, application-specific) |
Dimension | 0.1% |
Default value | 1000 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: The limit of the maximum channel override is 150%. max_vb_override 1500 |
P-CHAN-00071 | Default acceleration profile at program start |
Description | Default value for the selected acceleration profile type with path movements and oscillating axis movements. |
Parameter | prog_start.slope.profile |
Data type | SGN16 |
Data range | 0: Step-shaped acceleration profile (default) 1: Trapezoidal acceleration profile 2: Sine-square acceleration profile 3: Trapezoidal HSC acceleration profile (across blocks) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | The acceleration profile and the associated acceleration and ramp time weighting can be programmed in the NC program with the #SLOPE [TYPE..] command [PROG]. The maximum of the weighted ramp times P-AXIS-00195 is always effective with the trapezoidal HSC acceleration profile. P-AXIS-00198. For every independent axis, the acceleration profile can also be programmed specifically in the NC command with the key word SLOPE_TYPE [PROG]. |
P-CHAN-00073 | Default effect of ramp time weighting at program start |
Description | Default value for setting ramp time weighting. This value is only relevant for trapezoidal or sine-square acceleration profiles. |
Parameter | prog_start.slope.ramp_time |
Data type | SGN16 |
Data range | 0: Weighting affects all ramp times (default) 1: Weighting acts on TR,accel,inc 2: Weighting acts on TR,accel,red 3: Weighting acts on TR,decel,inc 4: Weighting acts on TR,decel,red |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks |
P-CHAN-00078 | Resolution of rotary axes |
Description | This value represents the conversion factor between the path motions or the positions programmed in the NC program and the internal representation for position values with rotary axes. |
Parameter | rund_aufloes |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 < rund_aufloes < MAX(REAL64) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 10000 |
Remarks | Not to be confused with the resolution of the drive encoder P-AXIS-00234/P-AXIS-00235. As of CNC Build V2.11.2026.09 P-CHAN-00315 replaces the parameters lin_aufloes, rund_aufloes and spind_aufloes (P-CHAN-00034, P-CHAN-00035 and P-CHAN-00036). It is recommended to use only P-CHAN-00315 as of this CNC Build. Parameterisation example: All rotary axes are specified in the dimension 'Degree' [°] in the NC program. rund_aufloes 10000 |
P-CHAN-00090 | Path velocity limit |
Description | If no change is made to the parameter values by NC programming, this value limits path velocity after it is activated in the NC program. |
Parameter | vector.velocity |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 ... Maximum acceleration, application-specific |
Dimension | mm/min |
Default value | 2000000000 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: vector.velocity 1500 |
P-CHAN-00090 | Path velocity limit |
Description | If no change is made to the parameter values by NC programming, this value limits path velocity after it is activated in the NC program. |
Parameter | vector.velocity |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 ... Maximum acceleration, application-specific SLOPE_VB_MAX |
Dimension | mm/min |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: vector.velocity 1500 vector.acceleration 1800000 vector.deceleration 2000000 |
P-CHAN-00097 | Valid deceleration ramp at FEEDHOLD |
Description | This parameter defines the deceleration ramp used when FEEDHOLD is active. |
Parameter | use_drive_curr_limit |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0: When FEEDHOLD occurs, deceleration takes place using the currently valid deceleration rate. 1: With FEEDHOLD, the parameterised deceleration in P-AXIS-00024 and the ramp time set in P-AXIS-00081 are used for deceleration. If these two parameters are not set, deceleration takes place at the current deceleration value (P-AXIS-00004). |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks |
P-CHAN-00110 | Including jerk in the polynomial |
Description | The curvature of the programmed contour (polynomial) results in an axis jerk. If the value is 1 or 3, this jerk is monitored together with the axis-specific dynamic parameters of the geometrical ramp time (P-AXIS-00199). In addition, an active kinematic compensation movement is included when value 3 is in the polynomial. If the value is 2, the ramp times P-AXIS-00195… P-AXIS-00198 are used for jerk monitoring. If a relatively small maximum jerk is specified in the axis, the velocity on the path is reduced accordingly. If this reduction is not wanted for technological reasons, these parameters suppress jerk monitoring in polynomials. |
Parameter | check_jerk_on_poly_path |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0: No jerk limiting in the polynomial. 1: Jerk limiting in the polynomial based on P-AXIS-00199 (default). 2: Jerk limiting in the polynomial based on the maximum of P-AXIS-00195, P-AXIS-00196, P-AXIS-00197, P-AXIS-00198. 3: As for value 1 and in addition polynomials in combination with kinematic compensation movement. |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 1 |
Remarks |
P-CHAN-00195 | Command speed of a linear axis in manual operation mode |
Description | This parameter defines the Cartesian dynamics of a manual mode axis for an X, Y, Z movement. |
Parameter | man_mode.vector_limit.v_max_pos |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 1 < v_max_pos < MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | µm/s or 0.001°/s |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: man_mode.vector_limit.v_max_pos 100000 [µm/s] |
P-CHAN-00196 | Command acceleration of a linear axis in manual operation mode |
Description | This parameter defines the Cartesian dynamics of a manual mode axis for an X, Y, Z movement. |
Parameter | man_mode.vector_limit.a_max_pos |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 1 < a_max_pos < MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | mm/s² or °/s² |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: man_mode.vector_limit.a_max_pos 1000 [mm/s²] |
P-CHAN-00197 | Ramp time of a linear axis in manual operation mode |
Description | This parameter defines the Cartesian dynamics of a manual mode axis for an X, Y, Z movement. |
Parameter | man_mode.vector_limit.tr_pos |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 1 < tr_pos < MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | µs |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: man_mode.vector_limit.tr_pos 100000 [µs] |
P-CHAN-00198 | Command speed of an orientation axis in manual mode |
Description | This parameter defines the Cartesian dynamics of a manual mode axis with an A, B, C movement. |
Parameter | man_mode.vector_limit.v_max_ori |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 1 < v_max_ori < MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | µm/s or 0.001°/s |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: man_mode.vector_limit.v_max_ori 50000 [µm/s] |
P-CHAN-00199 | Command acceleration of an orientation axis in manual mode |
Description | This parameter defines the Cartesian dynamics of a manual mode axis with an A, B, C movement. |
Parameter | man_mode.vector_limit.a_max_ori |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 1 < a_max_ori < MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | mm/s² or °/s² |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: man_mode.vector_limit.a_max_ori 500 [mm/s²] |
P-CHAN-00200 | Ramp time of an orientation axis in manual mode |
Description | This parameter defines the Cartesian dynamics of a manual mode axis with an A, B, C movement. |
Parameter | man_mode.vector_limit.tr_ori |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 1 < tr_ori < MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | µs |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | Parameterisation example: man_mode.vector_limit.tr_ori 100000 [µs] |
P-CHAN-00208 | Path deceleration limit |
Description | If no change is made to the parameter values by NC programming, this value limits path deceleration after it is activated in the NC program. |
Parameter | vector.deceleration |
Data type | REAL64 |
Data range | 0 ... Maximum deceleration, application-specific |
Dimension | mm/min² or mm/s² * |
Default value | 100000000 |
Remarks | * The dimension used depends on P-CHAN-00351. Parameterisation example: vector.deceleration 2000000 The specified default value is in mm/min². |
P-CHAN-00351 | Unit for path acceleration and path deceleration |
Description | This channel parameter switches over the unit of acceleration/deceleration in the #VECTOR LIMIT command. The default unit is mm/min² or mm/min3. This unit is switched over to mm/s² by setting the parameters to MM_S2. The arguments ACC, DEC, RADIAL_ACC and RADIAL_JERK in the NC command are then interpreted in the unit mm/s² or mm/s3. |
Parameter | vector.acc_dec_unit |
Data type | STRING |
Data range | MM_M2: Unit is mm/min2 or mm/min3 MM_S2: Unit is mm/sec2 or mm/sec3 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | MM_M2 |
Remarks | This parameter cannot be set using the NC command #VECTOR LIMIT. Parameterisation example: vector.acc_dec_unit MM_S2 |