Suppress software limit switch monitoring on command value side (P-CHAN-00459)
P-CHAN-00459 | Suppress the software limit switch monitor on the command value side |
Description | This parameter suppresses software limit switch monitoring for individual axes in the channel on the command value side. The (cross-channel) monitoring mechanisms of axes in the position controller, such as the monitoring of software limit switches and axis collisions on the command value and actual value sides, are not affected. If monitoring is suppressed for a single axis in the channel, the index for this axis in the channel must be set bit-coded in P-CHAN-00459. The function is a property of the channel axes. |
Parameter | suppress_soft_limit_monitoring_axes |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0x0..0xFFFFFFFF |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | 0: SLS monitoring is active for all axes in the channel; active SLS’es limit the offset limits in manual mode (default). !=0: The following applies to the selected axes in the channel:
Parameterisation example: SLS monitoring of axes 1 to 3 of the channel inactive. suppress_soft_limit_monitoring_axes 0x7 |

Application example - Deactivate SLS monitoring
With an axis coupling via PLC, source axes are used and operated in coupling mode 1(HLI_AXIS_COUPLING_ZERO).
If the software limit switch monitor for these axes is suppressed by P-CHAN-00459 , the monitoring of software limit switches and axis collisions on the actual value sides stored in the axis parameters remain active for each axis in the position controller.
For these axes, the manual mode offset limits to be monitored are specified by CNC objects (manual cmd.abs.limit-, manual cmd.abs.limit+). These manual mode offset limit settings may also be outside the parameterised software limit switches (P-AXIS-00177/ P-AXIS-00178) and consequently limit only the motion path of source axes.