Extensions to G98 and G99
As of Build V3.1.3077.0, limit switch positions referenced to the limits specified in the axis parameter list can also be extended by G98 and. This permits a temporary change to an extended section within an NC program and back. The positive limits must continue to be greater than the negative limit. At the next NC program started or after a CNC reset, the configured default values will again a0pp0ly.
The following applies in
- automatic mode: When G98/G99 are programmed before the motion movement, the limited section compared to the configured setting can also be enlarged.
- Manual mode: When G98/G99 are programmed before manual mode is activated,, the limited section compared to the configured setting can be extended:
- Relative offset limits P-AXIS-00137 and P-AXIS-00138. The new limit acts immediately when manual mode is activated.
- Absolute offset limits P-AXIS-00492 and P-AXIS-00493: These values are effective if they are entered in the axis parameter list !=0. They can then be set to the maximum configured limit switch positions (P-AXIS-00177, P-AXIS-00178). In this way, the axis cannot move beyond these limits in manual mode, even if the limits are extended by G98 and G99. However, these absolute manual mode limits can be adapted towards the new limit switch positions using CNC objects.
The parameter P-CHAN-00498 (as of Build V3.1.3080.4) sets the limit behaviour. When P-CHAN-00498 is set, it is prohibited to extend the limit.
Programing Example

Increase software limit switch range using G98 and G99
;Assuming: Software limit switches are configured to +- 200 in X, Y
N10 G01 G90 X199
N100 G98 X-500 Y-500 ;neg. Software limit switches X and Y -> -500
N200 G99 X500 Y500 ;pos. Software limit switches X and Y -> +500
N300 G01 X450 Y450 ;Move within extended section
N400 G01 X100 Y100 ;Back to limited section
N500 G98 X-200 Y-200 ;neg. Software limit switches X and Y -> -200
N600 G99 X200 Y200 ;pos. Software limit switches X and Y -> 200