Start-up parameters
P-STUP-00033 | Memory size for backward motion |
Description | This parameter defines the memory size in bytes used for backward motion on the path. During start-up, the NC checks whether the required minimum size is available. If this is not the case, a warning is output and the memory size is set to the required minimum value. If the size is set to 0, the “forward/ backward motion on the path” function is not available. The maximum size is only limited by the resources available on the PC. |
Parameter | fb_storage_size[i] where i = 0 to 11 |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 ... MAX(UNS32) |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks |
Channel parameters
P-CHAN-00406 | Activating real-time cycles |
Description | This parameter enables the real-time cycle function in the NC channel. The controller must be restarted to adopt the change. Example: configuration.rt_cycles.enable 1 |
Parameter | configuration.rt_cycles.enable |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | 0/1 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 0 |
Remarks | This parameter is available as of CNC Build V3.1.3107.10 or higher. Use of the parameter “rt_cycles.enable“ rt_cycles.enable 1 (as of V3.1.3105) continues to be supported. |
P-CHAN-00407 | Memory size for real-time cycles |
Description | This parameter defines the size of the memory for real-time cycles. The size of the memory is specified in bytes. The controller must be restarted to adopt the change. Then the specified memory is also available for real-time cycles. Example: configuration.rt_cycles.memory 60000 |
Parameter | configuration.rt_cycles.memory |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 ... MAX(UNS32) - 1 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 48000 |
Remarks | Note: The assignment of P-CHAN-00407 is only necessary if the memory set by default is no longer sufficient due to activation of the real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00406).
This parameter is available as of CNC Build V3.1.3107.10 or higher. Use of the parameter “rt_cycles.memory“ rt_cycles.memory 60000 (as of V3.1.3105) continues to be supported. |
P-CHAN-00425 | Max. execution time of realtime cycles per CNC cycle |
Description | This parameter defines the maximum execution time of realtime cycles in the NC channel. The parameter is specified in percent (%) and refers to the length of the CNC cycle. Example: If the realtime task of the CNC is clocked at 2ms and parameter P-CHAN-00425 is 75, the realtime cycles may require a total execution time of maximum 1.5ms. If this time is exceeded, error ID 50939 is output. |
Parameter | rt_cycles.max_duration |
Data type | UNS16 |
Data range | 0 < P-CHAN-00425 < MAX_UNS16 |
Dimension | % |
Default value | 75 |
Remarks | The user has no restrictions regarding the number of instructions within a realtime cycle. Realtime timeouts will occur if realtime cycles contain too many instructions and cannot be executed in one CNC cycle,
The parameters P-CHAN-00426 and P-CHAN-00427 represent a safety mechanism to prevent such realtime timeouts as early as possible. |
P-CHAN-00426 | Number of elementary instructions for time check |
Description | This parameter defines the number of elementary instructions after which another time check is executed.
A check for the execution time of realtime cycles must be made within a CNC cycle to see whether the permitted execution time is already exceeded. This takes place by checking the expired time after a specific number of elementary instructions in a cycle. Parameter P-CHAN-00426 indicates the number of these elementary instructions. |
Parameter | rt_cycles.cont_steps |
Data type | UNS32 |
Data range | 0 < P-CHAN-00426 < MAX_UNS32 |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | 100 |
Remarks | The user has no restrictions regarding the number of instructions within a realtime cycle. Realtime timeouts will occur if realtime cycles contain too many instructions and cannot be executed in one CNC cycle,
The parameters P-CHAN-00425 and P-CHAN-00427 represent a safety mechanism to prevent such realtime timeouts as early as possible. |
External variables
P-EXTV-00005 | Synchronisation type of external variable |
Description | Write/read access is normally performed synchronously with processing. In individual cases, this implicit synchronisation can be suppressed (see Access synchronisation by NC channel). If the variable is a variable structure, all subordinated structure elements inherit the synchronisation type. In addition, the synchronisation type can be individually defined for each structure element in the type definition (P-EXTV-00018). |
Parameter | var[i].synchronisation |
Data type | BOOLEAN |
Data range | TRUE, FALSE |
Dimension | ---- |
Default value | TRUE |
Remarks | Synchronous accesses always cause the decoder to stop during a read operation until the synchronous read value is available to the decoder. In addition, it is not permitted to read synchronous variables, e.g. with functions such as an enabled Tool radius compensation; the message is output with ID 20651. |