P-AXIS-00174 | Activation of plane compensation | |
Description | This parameter activates the plane compensation (2-dimensional cross compensation). | |
Parameter | lr_param.crosscomp2 | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0/1 | |
Axis types | T | |
Dimension | T: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Drive types | ---- | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00061 | Maximum number of table entries for plane compensation | |
Description | This plane compensation parameter (FCT-C5) saves the memory space required for a particular number of table entries.
The size of the actually used compensation table is defined by `last_index:master1` (P-COMP-00010) and `last_index_master2` (P-COMP-00011) and the following must apply:
(`last_index_master1` + 1) * (`last_index_master2` + 1) <= `max_points`
If `max_points` is not specified (or assigned the value 0), the previous restrictions apply to `last_index_master1` and `last_index_master2`.
| |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.max_points | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 <= P-COMP-00061 | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 10201 (*) | |
Remarks | The parameter value can no longer be changed after start-up or after lists are reloaded. Otherwise error ID 110640 is output.
If P-COMP-00061 is not specified (or assigned the value 0), the default value is assigned to P-COMP-00061 for downward compatibility reasons. To avoid the default assignment, memory can be saved for an axis that does not use plane compensation by assigning the value 1 to P-COMP-00061.
* composition of the default value: 101*101 =10201 This parameter is available as of CNC Build V3.3079.06 |
P-COMP-00008 | Unit of the length entries | |
Description | This parameter defines the unit of the length / position entries. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.unit | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0: Encoder increments 1: Metric (in 0.1 µm) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00009 | Distance between interpolation points | |
Description | This parameter defines the distance between two interpolation points if both axes use an identical grid (P-COMP-000031(grid) = QUADRATIC). | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.interval | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < interval < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm or increments | R,S: 0.0001° or increments |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00010 | Last index of master axis 1 | |
Description | This parameter determines the last valid index in the table of master axis 1 (maximum value is 100). The table always starts with index 0. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.last_index_master1 | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ P-COMP-00010 <= 100 | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks | As of Build V3.1.3079.06, P-COMP-00010 is freely assignable. There is no upper limit. However, the condition of P-COMP-00061 must be complied with. P-COMP-00010 * P-COMP-00011 <= P-COMP-00061 Attention: If this parameter is re-interpreted, all the values in the compensation value table (P-COMP-00016) must be read in again. |
P-COMP-00011 | Last index of master axis 2 | |
Description | This parameter determines the last valid index in the table of the two master axes (maximum 100 values). The table always starts with index 0. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.last_index_master2 | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ P-COMP-00011 <= 100 | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks | As of Build V3.1.3079.06, P-COMP-00011 is freely assignable. There is no upper limit. However, the condition of P-COMP-00061 must be complied with. P-COMP-00010 * P-COMP-00011 <= P-COMP-00061 Attention: If this parameter is re-interpreted, all the values in the compensation value table (P-COMP-00016) must be read in again. |
P-COMP-00012 | Start position of master axis 1 | |
Description | This parameter determines the start position of master axis 1 in the compensation table. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.start_position_master1 | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | MIN(SGN32) ≤ start_position_master1 < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm or increments | R,S: 0.0001° or increments |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00013 | Start position of master axis 2 | |
Description | This parameter determines the start position of master axis 2 in the compensation table. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.start_position_master2 | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | MIN(SGN32) ≤ start_position_master2 < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm or increments | R,S: 0.0001° or increments |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00014 | Logical axis number of the master axis 1 | |
Description | This parameter defines the logical axis number of the first master axis. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.master1_ax_nr | |
Data type | UNS16 | |
Data range | 1 ≤ master1_ax_nr ≤ MAX (UNS16) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00015 | Logical axis number of the master axis 2 | |
Description | This parameter defines the logical axis number of the second master axis. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.master2_ax_nr | |
Data type | UNS16 | |
Data range | 1 ≤ master2_ax_nr ≤ MAX (UNS16) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00016 | Compensation values for the slave axis | |
Description | This parameter defines the relative compensation values of the slave axis at interpolation points [j][i]. When indexing the interpolation points in the compensation list, the first index j refers to the second master axis. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.table[j][i].correction | |
Data type | SGN32 | |
Data range | MIN(SGN32) ≤ correction < MAX(SGN32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm or increments | R,S: 0.0001° or increments |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00027 | Number of cycles for ‘smooth switching’ | |
Description | This parameter determines the number of cycles for which plane compensation is activated/deactivated smoothly. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.n_cycles | |
Data type | UNS16 | |
Data range | 0 ≤ n_cycles ≤ 20 (maximum number of cycles for which cross compensation is activated/deactivated, | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00030 | Manual activation | |
Description | Plane compensation is automatically activated by the CNC if it selected in the axis parameters (P-AXIS-00174) and the required conditions are met (e.g. axis is homed). If the parameter is set to value 1, plane compensation must be activated explicitly by an NC command (see [PROG//Selecting/deselecting axis compensations in the NC program]. In addition, compensation is deselected at the end of the NC program, at CNC reset and on axis release. | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.manual_activation | |
Data type | BOOLEAN | |
Data range | 0: Automatic activation 1: Manual activation in NC program | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: ---- | R,S: ---- |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00032 | Distance between the interpolation points of the first master axis | |
Description | The parameter defines the interval between two interpolation points for the first master axis if both master axes use a different grid (P-COMP-00031(grid) = RECTANGULAR). | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.interval1 | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < interval1 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm or increments | R,S: 0.0001° or increments |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |
P-COMP-00033 | Distance between the interpolation points on the second master axis | |
Description | The parameter defines the interval between two interpolation points for the first master axis if both master axes use a different grid (P-COMP-00031(grid) = RECTANGULAR). | |
Parameter | kw.crosscomp2.interval2 | |
Data type | UNS32 | |
Data range | 0 < interval2 < MAX(UNS32) | |
Axis types | T, R, S | |
Dimension | T: 0.1 µm or increments | R,S: 0.0001° or increments |
Default value | 0 | |
Remarks |