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HTML Bootstrap Framework (new features, fixes and discontinuations)
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System requirements for HTML5 Help
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Notice concerning the version of this HTML help file
Liability conditions
Legal information
Overview of ISG kernel documentation
PDF downloads
List of references
Overview of programming commands
G functions (G..)
M functions (M..)
Functions reserved according to DIN and ISG extensions
Control block statements ($..)
Additional functions (#..)
Additional axis-specific functions (<X>[..])
PLC-Open functions (<X>[MC_..])
Programming variables (V.)
Miscellaneous functions
Migrated NC commands
System parameters
CNC system parameters
Conformity comparison between DIN ISO programming and CNC programming language syntax
Meaning of G functions
Meaning of other M functions
Address character and special characters
Programming manual
Brief description
Basic principles of programming
Typographical representation of syntax
Character and number formats
Character set and file format
Numerical input
Structure of NC control data: NC programs
NC block structure
Skipping NC blocks '/'
Standard skipping
Extended skipping (skip levels)
Block-specific comments
Line break in NC block '\'
Word structure
Mathematical expressions
Integers <int>
Decimal numbers <double>
Arithmetic expressions <expr>
Operations for character strings
Assigned address characters
Programming examples
Path information
Axis commands
Measuring systems, input and precision ranges
Coordinate systems
G functions
Path preparatory functions
Rapid traverse (G00)
Linear interpolation (G01)
Circular interpolation (G02/G03)
Helical interpolation (G02 Z.. K../G03 Z.. K..)
Simple helical interpolation
Arc in space (G303)
Contour line programming (#ANG)
Dwell time (G04), (#TIME)
Programmable homing (G74)
Reference point offset (G92)
Set negative software limit switch (G98)
Set the positive software limit switch (G99)
Extensions to G98 and G99
Measuring functions
Measure with multiple axes (G100) (Type 1)
Measure with a single axis (G100) (Type 2)
Measure with motion through to target point (G100/G106) (Type 3)
Measure with main axes (G100) (Type 4)
Measure with interruption and jump (G310) (Types 5, 6)
Measure with motion to a fixed stop (G100) (Type 7)
Calculate measuring offsets (G101/G102)
Edge banding (G108)
Glue in one motion block (Method 1)
Edge banding across several motion blocks (G107)(Method 2)
Program distance to go
Determining acceleration/deceleration (G08/G09/G900/G901)
Path/time-related feed interpolation (G193/G293)
Selection of planes (G17/G18/G19)
Mirroring in the plane (G21/G22/G23/G20)
Mirroring with axis specification (G351)
Units (G70/G71)
Implicit subroutine calls (G80–G89/G800..)
Dimension systems (absolute dimension/incremental dimension) (G90/G91)
Exclusive programming
Combined programming
Exact stop (G60/G360/G359)
Polynomial contouring (G61/G261/G260)
Corner deceleration
Parameterising corner deceleration (#CORNER PARAM)
Selecting/deselecting corner deceleration (G12/G13)
Zero offsets (G53/G54/...G59)
Enhanced zero offset variables
Adding and subtracting offsets
Access to the current zero offset
Default zero offset
Creating zero offset groups
Extended zero offset (G159)
Enable/disable zero offsets axis-specific (G160)
Specifying centre point for circle definition (G161/G162)
Controlling centre point offset in circle (G164/G165)
Special function: circle radius compensation in combination with G164
Feedforward control (G135/G136/G137)
Weighting of maximum velocity (G127/ G128)
Weighting of rapid traverse velocity (G129)
Parameterising the acceleration profile
Acceleration weighting (G130/G131/G230/G231/G333/G334)
Ramp time weighting (G132/G133/G134/G233/G338/G339)
Machining time or feedrate (G93/G94/G95/G194)
Inserting chamfers and roundings (G301/G302) (#FRC/#CHR/#CHF/#RND)
Insert chamfers using G301 as example
Inserting roundings using G302 as example
Manual mode
Selecting/deselecting manual mode with parallel interpolation (G201/G202).
Selecting manual mode without parallel interpolation (G200)
Reaction at program end (M02, M30)
Parameterising operating modes
Handwheel mode (#HANDWHEEL)
Continuous jog mode (#JOG CONT)
Incremental jog or interruptible jog mode (# JOG INCR)
Specify offset limits (#MANUAL LIMITS)
Example of parameterising an axis in manual mode
#ECS in connection with manual mode
Requesting offset, command and actual values
Request current manual mode offsets and file to "V.A.MANUAL_OFFSETS[ ]" (#GET MANUAL OFFSETS)
Request current command positions and file to "V.A.ABS[ ]” (#CHANNEL INIT)
Request current actual positions and file to "V.A.ABS[ ]” (#CHANNEL INIT)
Request current command positions of axes and file to variables or parameters (#GET CMDPOS)
Request current actual positions of axes and file to variables or parameters (#GET ACTPOS)
Gear change (G112)
Influence on the look-ahead functionality (G115/G116/G117)
Override (G166)
Cycle synchronisation at block end (G66)
Rotate the coordinate system in the plane (G68/G69)
Switching and supplementary functions (M/H/T)
User-specific M/H functions
Programmed stop (M00)
Optional stop (M01)
Program end (M02/M30)
Subroutine end (M17/M29)
Call a tool change program (M06)
Axis-specific M/H functions
M/H functions with optional additional information
Tool position selection (T )
Velocities (F/E)
NC block numbers (N)
Subroutine techniques
Local subroutines (Call LL <string>) <string>)
Global sub-routines (Call L <string>)
Parametric subroutine call (LL / L V.E. or macro)
Implicit global subroutine call at program start
Implicit global subroutine call at program end
Cycles as global or local subroutines (Call L | LL CYCLE)
Calling block sequences (L SEQUENCE)
Parameters and parameter calculation (P)
Programming of coordinates by parameters
Indirect parameters
Statements for influencing NC program flow
Conditional jumps
The IF - ELSE branch
Switch branching ($SWITCH )
The $GOTO statement
Parametric jump call
Counting loop ($FOR)
Loops with running condition
Verification of running condition at loop start ($WHILE)
Verification of running condition at loop end ($DO), ($REPEAT)
Influencing loop flow sequences
The $BREAK statement
The $CONTINUE statement
Smoothing methods
Programs with several short blocks
Trim a contour (#HSC ON/OFF)
Surface machining with Surface Optimiser (method 3)
FIR filter (#FILTER)
Polynomial contouring for long blocks (G61/G261/G260)
Definition of terms
General properties
Maximum corner distance, minimum residual block length
Relevant block length
Executing additional blocks
Jerk within the polynomial
Velocity curve in the contouring section
Parameterising contouring modes in the NC program (#CONTOUR MODE)
Activating contouring modes in the NC program
Contouring with corner deviation
Corner distance contouring
Dynamic optimised contouring
Dynamic optimised contouring with master axis
Contour with interim point
Dynamically optimised contouring of the complete contour
Other processes
Akima spline interpolation
Selecting AKIMA spline type (#SPLINE TYPE AKIMA )
Selecting Akima spline interpolation (#SPLINE ON)
Deselecting Akima spline interpolation (#SPLINE OFF)
Specifying transition type (spline curve) (#AKIMA TRANS)
Defining the start tangent (#AKIMA STARTVECTOR)
Defining the end tangent (#AKIMA ENDVECTOR)
B spline interpolation
Selecting B spline type (#SPLINE TYPE BSPLINE)
Selecting B spline interpolation (#SPLINE ON)
Deselecting B spline interpolation (#SPLINE OFF)
PSC programming with OP1 and OP2
Available operation modes
Additional parameters
Additional functions
Restoring axis configurations and axis couplings
Saving a current configuration (#SAVE CONFIG)
Loading or restoring a saved configuration (#LOAD CONFIG)
Clearing a current configuration (#CLEAR CONFIG)
Axis exchange commands
Standard syntax
Requesting axes (#CALL AX)
Releasing axes (#PUT AX, #PUT AX ALL)
Definition of an axis configuration (#SET AX)
Extended syntax
Requesting axes (#AX REQUEST)
Releasing axes (#AX RELEASE, #AX RELEASE ALL)
Definition of an axis configuration (#AX DEF)
Load the default axis configuration (#AX DEF DEFAULT)
Dwell time
Cross-block comments (#COMMENT BEGIN/END)
Waiting for event (#WAIT FOR)
Adapting minimum radius for tangential feed ((#TANGFEED))
Suppressing offsets (#SUPPRESS OFFSETS)
Settings for measurement
Switching measurement type (#MEAS MODE)
Extended programming (#MEAS, #MEAS DEFAULT)
Selecting position preset (#PSET)
Deselecting position preset (#PRESET)
Synchronous operation
Programming axis couplings (#SET AX LINK, #AX LINK)
Extended programming of axis couplings (“SOFT-GANTRY“) (#SET AX LINK, #AX LINK)
Enabling/disabling axis couplings (#ENABLE AX LINK, #DISABLE AX LINK)
Inquiring coupling state and coupling number via variables
Messages from the NC program
Programming a message (#MSG)
Programming message information #MSG INFO)
Including the ‘Macro’ functionality
Writing messages to a file (#MSG SAVE)
Programming a message to the Event Logger
Outputting additional informations at block end (#ADD)
Jerk limiting slope
Selecting operating mode (#SLOPE, #SLOPE DEFAULT)
Writing and reading SERCOS parameters and commands
Drive parameters (#IDENT)
Non-synchronised write (#IDENT WR)
Non-synchronised read (#IDENT RD)
Synchronised write (#IDENT WR SYN)
Non-synchronised write (#COMMAND WR)
Synchronised write (#COMMAND WR SYN)
Non-synchronised wait (#COMMAND WAIT)
Synchronised wait (#COMMAND WAIT SYN)
Channel synchronisation
Synchronisation scenarios
Sending signals (# SIGNAL)
Removing (broadcast) signals (#SIGNAL REMOVE)
Waiting for signals (#WAIT)
Reading signals without waiting (#SIGNAL READ)
RESET handling
Rotate the coordinate system in the plane (#ROTATION ON/OFF)
Automatic axis tracking (C axis tracking) (#CAXTRACK)
User-defined error output (#ERROR)
Time measurement (#TIMER)
Definition of feed axes (#FGROUP, #FGROUP ROT, #FGROUP WAXIS)
Adapt path dynamic limit values (#VECTOR LIMIT ON/OFF)
Defining a minimum block transition velocity (#TRANSVELMIN ON/OFF)
Writing machine data (#MACHINE DATA)
File operations
Definition of file names (#FILE NAME)
Renaming a file (#FILE RENAME)
Deleting a file (#FILE DELETE)
Checking existence of a file (#FILE EXIST)
Create and manage backup files
Monitoring the work space and protection space
Defining a control area (#CONTROL AREA BEGIN/END)
Selecting/deselecting control areas (#CONTROL AREA ON/OFF)
Clearing control areas (#CONTROL AREA CLEAR)
Monitor additional axes
Special features in manual mode
Influence forward/backward motion on path
Skipping program sequences (#OPTIONAL EXECUTION)
Clearing backward storage (#BACKWARD STORAGE CLEAR)
Tool change with active synchronous mode (#FREE TOOL CHANGE)
Locking program areas for single-step mode (#SINGLE STEP)
Programmable path override (#OVERRIDE)
Drive-independent switching of drive functions
Synchronised write (#DRIVE WR SYN)
Synchronous waiting for acknowledgement (#DRIVE WAIT SYN)
Velocity-optimised motion control by segmentation (#SEGMENTATION)
Enlarging/reducing contours (#SCALE ON/OFF))
Punching and nibbling
Splitting up motion path and programming (#STROKE DEF, #PUNCH ON/OFF, #NIBBLE ON/OFF)
Further functions
Controlling edge machining (#EDGE MACHINING)
Switching dynamic weighting (#DYNAMIC WEIGHT)
Weighting of external feedrate (# FF)
Axis clamping and monitoring (#CLAMP MONITORING)
Gantry start-up (#GANTRY ON/OFF)
Position controller-based axis couplings (#GEAR LINK)
Settings for turning functions (# TURN)
Distance to go display in a program section (#DIST TO GO)
Switching over the resolution to the external velocity interface of the PLC (#EDM ON/OFF)
Tool geometry compensation (D)
Tool length compensation
Axis-specific assignment of tool length compensation (#TLAX, #TLAX DEFAULT)
Tool radius compensation (TRC)
Direct/indirect deselection of TRC
Direct selection (G138/G41/G42)
Indirect selection (G139/G41/G42) with G25
Indirect selection (G139/G41/G42) with G26
Direct/indirect deselection of TRC
Direct deselection (G138/G40)
Indirect deselection (G139/G40) with G25
Indirect deselection (G139/G40) with G26
Perpendicular selection/deselection of TRC (G237)
Technology functions
Technology function in single block
Selecting inside corner of TRC (G238)
Restrictions of inside corner selection
Direct selection/deselection of TRC without block (G239)
Direct selection/deselection of TRC on the path (G236)
Selecting/deselecting G236 with closed contours
Selection/deselection at inside corners
Selection/deselection at outside corners
Generate compensation blocks
Reaction on contour change
Reaction to change in tool radius
Tangential selection/deselection of TRC (G05)
Adapting feed of TRC (G10/G11)
Selecting/deselecting TRC contour masking (G140/G141)
Limits of TRC
Programmable additional options of TRC (#TRC)
TRC option SPLIT
TRC option G236_LIN
TRC options for online TRC and 2-path
Exception list of commands with active TRC/SRK
Variables and calculation of variables
Axis-specific variables (V.A.)
Spindle-specific variables (V.SPDL., V.SPDL_PROG.)
Global variables (V.G.)
Versioning of NC programs
Self-defined variables (#VAR, #ENDVAR, #DELETE)
Global, valid up to end of main program (V.P.)
Global, valid throughout main program (V.S.)
Local, valid throughout subroutine (V.L.)
Cycle variables (V.CYC.)
Validity and visibility
Delete V.CYC. variables
External variables (V.E) (#INIT V.E.)
Spindle programming
Parameterising spindles
Axis parameters
Channel parameter
Programming in DIN syntax
The spindle M functions
Move spindle in DIN syntax ((M3/M4/M5)
Position spindle in DIN syntax ((M19,*. POS)
Spindle speed (S)
Spindle gear change (M40 - M45)
Turning functions
Diameter programming (G51/G52)
Cutter radius compensation (G40/G41/G42)
Feedrate per revolution (G95)
Constant cutting speed (G96/G97/G196)
Thread cutting with endlessly rotating spindle (G33)
Thread cutting at actual spindle speed
Tapping (G63)
Tapping (G331/ G332)
C axis machining
Exchange spindles in coordinated motion (# CAX, #CAX OFF)
Face machining (#FACE, #FACE OFF)
Face machining with 2 rotary axes (#FACE 2ROT, #FACE OFF)
Surface machining (#CYL, #CYL OFF)
Lateral surface machining with 2 rotary axes (#CYL 2ROT, #CYL OFF)
Switching between face and lateral surface machining
Tool offsets
Gear change (G112)
Homing in DIN syntax( G74)
Spindle override in DIN syntax (G167)
Programming in spindle-specific syntax
The spindle M functions
Moving spindle in spindle-specific syntax ((M3/M4/M5)
Positioning spindle in spindle-specific syntax (M19, POS)
Spindle speed (REV)
User-specific M/H function in spindle-specific syntax
Homing in spindle-specific syntax (G74)
Spindle override in spindle-specific syntax (G167)
Releasing/requesting spindle axes (PUTAX/CALLAX)
Commanding spindle feedforward control (G135/G136/G137)
Spindle feed link (FEED_LINK)
Programmable spindle override
Acceleration weighting (G130)
Changing the main spindle (#MAIN SPINDLE)
Synchronous spindle operation
Cross-block synchronisation (Late Sync)
Implicit synchronisation
Explicit synchronisation (#EXPL SYN)
Synchronisation of spindle M functions
PLCopen programming
MC_Home command
MC_MoveAbsolute command
MC_MoveAdditive command
MC_MoveRelative command
MC_MoveSuperImposed command
MC_MoveVelocity command
MC_Stop command
MC_GearIn command
MC_GearOut command
MC_Phasing command
MC_TouchProbe command
Macroprogramming (# INIT MACRO TAB)
Nesting macros
Use in mathematical expressions
Separating address letter and mathematical expression
5-Axis functionality
Rotation Tool Centre Point (RTCP)(# TRAFO OFF)
Transformation of PCS positions (#TRAFO PCS ON/OFF)
Transformation stack (#TRAFO STACK)
Tool Length Compensation (#TLC ON/OFF)
Orienting tool (#TOOL ORI CS)
Machine kinematics (#KIN ID)
Modify kinematic characteristics (#KIN DATA)
Positioning without compensation motion (#PTP ON/OFF, #AX LOCK ALL, #AX UNLOCK ALL)
Coordinate systems
Standard programming
Defining a machining coordinate system (#CS DEF, #CS ON/OFF, #CS MODE ON/OFF)
Defining/activating a coordinate system for fixture adaptation (#ACS)
Linkage of coordinate systems
Define/activate a basic coordinate system (#BCS)
Offsets in the coordinate system
Effector coordinate system (#ECS ON/OFF)
Temporary transition to the machine coordinate system (#MCS ON/OFF)
Auxiliary functions for coordinate transformation (#WCS TO MCS, #MCS TO WCS)
Auxiliary function to calculate motion limits in the workpiece coordinate system (#GET WCS POSLIMIT)
Extended programming
Defining and linking coordinate systems (#CS ADD)
Selecting/activating a coordinate system (#CS SELECT)
Selecting/activating the machine coordinate system (#CS SELECT[MCS/MCS])
Changing the definition of a coordinate system (#CS SET)
Deleting and removing coordinate system links (#CS DEL)
Tracking a coordinate system (#CS TRACK)
Reading the overall offset in the active coordinate system
Coordinate transformation between coordinate systems (#TRANSFORM)
Orientation programming
Programming and configuration of 5-axis kinematics (#ORI MODE)
Programming and configuration of 6-axis kinematics (robot) (#ORI MODE)
Status & Turn (IS, IT)
Multi-step transformations
Separate preselection and activation
Combined preselection and activation
Programming modulo axes
Positioning on the shortest way
Extended tool programming
Description of function
Tool ID
Tool life data recording
Using tool ID (V.TOOL.) (#TOOL DATA, #TOOL PREP)
Refreshing tool data (#TOOL REFRESH)
Reading/removing tool life values (#TOOL LIFE READ/REMOVE)
Weighting factors for tool life and tool life distance ((V.TLM)
Setting tool life parameters (#TOOL LIFE DEF)
Positioning axes
Oscillating axes (OSC)
Cartesian/kinematic transformation and positioning axes
Positioning and shifts
Axis-specific programming
Selecting/deselecting axis compensations in the NC program (COMP)
Distance control (sensed spindles) (DIST_CTRL)
Programmable axis override (OVERRIDE)
Programmable acceleration overload (DYNAMIC)
Synchronising an axis in coordinated motion (SYNC IN / OUT)
Programming an axis polynomial (POLY)
Setting an axis position in the channel (SET_POSITION)
Lifting/lowering an axis (LIFT)
Moving to fixed stop (FIXED_STOP)
Rotary axes
Programming software limit switch monitoring (POS_LIMIT)
Programming the modulo range (MODULO)
2-path programming
General 2-path syntax
Global and path-specific commands
G functions
Miscellaneous functions
Additional functions
M/H functions
Parameters and variables
Programming examples for syntax
NC program exmaple
Definition of lower and upper plane
Shifting a coordinate system (#CS SHIFT Z)
Overview of commands
G functions (G..)
M functions (M..)
Functions reserved according to DIN and ISG extensions
Control block statements ($..)
Additional functions (#..)
Additional axis-specific functions (<X>[..])
PLC-Open functions (<X>[MC_..])
Programming variables (V.)
Miscellaneous functions
Migrated NC commands
Configuration / Parametrisation (MDS)
General description
Links to other documents
Syntax and interpretation of ASCII list file
Comments in the ASCII list file
Referencing parameters
Application examples for parameter references
Axis compensation
Overview of compensation parameters
General description
Classification of compensation data
The compensation list header (kopf.*)
Logical axis number (P-COMP-00001)
Axis name (P-COMP-00002)
General compensation value data (kw.*)
Cross compensation (kw.crosscomp.*)
Maximum number of table entries for cross compensation (P-COMP-00060)
Last index of compensation value table (P-COMP-00004)
Logical axis number of the master axis (P-COMP-00005)
Number of cycles for ‘smooth switching’ (P-COMP-00026)
Manual activation (P-COMP-00029)
Table of compensation values (kw.crosscomp.table[i].*)
Interpolation point of the master axis (P-COMP-00006)
Compensation values for the slave axis (P-COMP-00007)
Example of a compensation value list
Plane compensation (kw.crosscomp2.*)
Maximum number of table entries for plane compensation (P-COMP-00061)
Type of interpolation point grid (P-COMP-00031)
Distance between interpolation points (P-COMP-00009)
Distance between the interpolation points of the first master axis (P-COMP-00032)
Distance between interpolation points on the second master axis (P-COMP-00033)
Last index of master axis 1 (P-COMP-00010)
Last index of master axis 2 (P-COMP-00011)
Start position of master axis 1 (P-COMP-00012)
Start position of master axis 2 (P-COMP-00013)
Logical axis number of the master axis 1 (P-COMP-00014)
Logical axis number of the master axis 2 (P-COMP-00015)
Number of cycles for ‘smooth switching’ (P-COMP-00027)
Manual activation (P-COMP-00030)
Table of compensation values (kw.crosscomp2.table[j][i].*)
Compensation values for the slave axis (P-COMP-00016)
Example of a compensation value list
Leadscrew error compensation (kw.ssfk.*)
Maximum number of table entries for leadscrew error compensation (P-COMP-00059)
Unit of the length entries (P-COMP-00017)
Distance between interpolation points (P-COMP-00018)
Start position of compensation values (P-COMP-00019)
Number of compensation values (P-COMP-00020)
Operation mode of compensation (P-COMP-00021)
Compensation of a modulo axis (P-COMP-00022)
Manual activation (P-COMP-00028)
Consideration of other axis compensations (P-COMP-00057)
Table of compensation values (kw.ssfk.table[i].*)
Compensation value in positive direction (P-COMP-00023)
Compensation value in negative direction (P-COMP-00024)
Interpolation points of the axis (P-COMP-00025)
Example of a compensation value list
Friction compensation (frict_comp.*)
Maximum number of table entries for friction compensation (P-COMP-00062)
Friction interpolation mode (P-COMP-00041)
Number of elements in the compensation value table (P-COMP-00042)
Delay value for current build-up (P-COMP-00043)
Reversal look ahead (P-COMP-00044)
Scaling factor for the compensation values (P-COMP-00045)
Velocity input variable (P-COMP-00046)
Measured friction (motor current) – output variable (P-COMP-00047)
Delay time for the compensation values (P-COMP-00058)
Crosstalk compensation (kw.crosstalk.*)
Logical axis number of the master axis (P-COMP-00063)
Number of cycles for ‘smooth switching’ (P-COMP-00064)
Manual activation of crosstalk compensation (P-COMP-00065)
Accelerations of the master axis (P-COMP-00066)
Negative acceleration of the master axis (P-COMP-00067)
Logical axis number of first adaptation axis (P-COMP-00080)
Logical axis number of second adaptation axis (P-COMP-00081)
Crosstalk compensation mode (P-COMP-00082)
Number of measurement tests in the compensation value list (P-COMP-00083)
Different compensation values for different motion directions (P-COMP-00084)
Position of the first adaptation axis with acceleration test (P-COMP-00085)
Position of the second adaptation axis with acceleration test (P-COMP-00086)
Compensation value for acceleration in positive motion direction (P-COMP-00087)
Compensation value for acceleration in negative motion direction (P-COMP-00088)
Compensation value for deceleration in positive motion direction (P-COMP-00089)
Compensation value for deceleration in negative motion direction (P-COMP-00090)
Discontinued parameters
Unit of the length entries (P-COMP-00003)
Unit of the length entries (P-COMP-00008)
Axis parameter
Overview of axis-specific parameters
General description
Structure and classification of axis parameters
List interpretation at start-up
Referencing parameters
Application examples for parameter references
Axis data header (kopf.*)
Logical axis number (P-AXIS-00016)
Identifying axis machine data (P-AXIS-00110)
Default name of an axis (P-AXIS-00297)
Multiple instantiation of an axis
Multiple instantiation of an axis - linked axis (P-AXIS-00101)
Multiple instantiation of an axis - existing axis (P-AXIS-00040)
General axis data (kenngr.*)
Drive type and axis type
Drive type (P-AXIS-00020)
Axis type (P-AXIS-00018)
Operating mode of an axis (P-AXIS-00015)
Functional settings
Special settings for rotary axes
Settings for modulo calculation for rotary axis
Upper modulo limit (P-AXIS-00126)
Lower modulo limit (P-AXIS-00127)
Number of rotations in case of modulo error compensation (P-AXIS-00125)
Error in modulo circle (P-AXIS-00124)
Activation of modulo compensation (P-AXIS-00120)
Switching modulo calculation range off / on (P-AXIS-00557)
Special settings for spindles
Restriction of direction of rotation (P-AXIS-00224)
Definition of preferred direction of spindle rotation (P-AXIS-00031)
Speed-value attained - tolerance band (P-AXIS-00217)
Limiting velocity for the measurement system (P-AXIS-00220)
Limit for spindle speed 'zero' (P-AXIS-00216)
Reverse of sign for setpoint and actual value (P-AXIS-00159)
Switch to velocity controlled mode (P-AXIS-00265)
Switch back to position control (P-AXIS-00266)
Use actual velocity for revolution monitoring (P-AXIS-00519)
Output time M19 for positioning the spindle (P-AXIS-00523)
Checking commanded spindle speed versus permissible tool speed limits (P-AXIS-00474)
Weighting of velocity feedforward control (P-AXIS-00766)
Velocity limit for switching to velocity controlled mode (P-AXIS-00767)
Velocity limit for switching back to position control (P-AXIS-00768)
Delay time for error message suppression with spindle tool revolution monitoring (P-AXIS-00787)
Limit velocity for delay with spindle tool revolution monitoring (P-AXIS-00788)
Settings for turning functionality
Absolute diameter programming (P-AXIS-00058)
Relative diameter programming (P-AXIS-00059)
Settings for homing
Preferred direction of axis for homing (P-AXIS-00158)
Homing without cam (P-AXIS-00156)
Homing without reverting (P-AXIS-00157)
Position of the reference point (P-AXIS-00152)
Fast velocity for detection of reference cam (P-AXIS-00219)
Slow velocity for exact detection of reference position (P-AXIS-00218)
Homing only with cam (without zero pulse) (P-AXIS-00084)
Slow / fast movement down from cam (P-AXIS-00064)
Maximum velocity for unreferenced axes (P-AXIS-00268)
Lock moving of unreferenced axes (P-AXIS-00277)
Modes for setting the homing position (P-AXIS-00278)
Offset to the homing position (P-AXIS-00279)
Homing method ‘evaluation of encoder overflow’
Selection of the homing method (P-AXIS-00294)
Shifting of encoder overflow (P-AXIS-00354)
Number of bits for evaluation of encoder overflow (P-AXIS-00355)
Acceleration during homing (P-AXIS-00285)
Ramp time during homing (P-AXIS-00286)
Homing type (P-AXIS-00299)
Gantry monitoring during drive-controlled homing (P-AXIS-00298)
Input interface for reference cam signal (P-AXIS-00321)
Use of hardware limit switch as reference switch (P-AXIS-00329)
Maximum distance for zero pulse search (P-AXIS-00404)
Delayed activation of zero pulse logic (P-AXIS-00494)
Maximum distance during homing (P-AXIS-00412)
Maximum distance when moving from reference cam (P-AXIS-00531)
Homing to fixed stop
Velocity (P-AXIS-00333)
Acceleration (P-AXIS-00334)
Jerk (P-AXIS-00335)
Minimum distance (P-AXIS-00344)
Maximum distance (P-AXIS-00345)
Direction (P-AXIS-00346)
Velocity limit value (P-AXIS-00347)
Retraction distance (P-AXIS-00348)
Reference position (P-AXIS-00349)
Minimum time (P-AXIS-00350)
Position lag limit for fixed stop detection when homing to a fixed stop (P-AXIS-00819)
Residual torque to detect a fixed stop during homing to a fixed stop (P-AXIS-00820)
Distance to fixed stop for simulation (P-AXIS-00822)
Reference monitoring (antr.reference_check.*)
Bit number (P-AXIS-00425)
Element name (P-AXIS-00426)
Error message suppression on reference loss of non-interpolated axes (P-AXIS-00825)
Axis remains referenced after resolution change (P-AXIS-00538)
Transfer reference position for drive-controlled homing to the drive (P-AXIS-00584)
Allow drive-controlled homing without controller enable (P-AXIS-00803)
Referencing to limit switch with tracking (P-AXIS-00814)
Settings for software limit switch (SLS) monitoring
Tolerance range for software limit switch (P-AXIS-00179)
Positive software limit switch (P-AXIS-00178)
Negative software limit switch (P-AXIS-00177)
Activate command position software limit switch monitoring in position controller
Monitoring for positive software limit switch (P-AXIS-00520)
Monitoring for negative software limit switch (P-AXIS-00521)
Behaviour of software limit switches (P-AXIS-00554)
Switching software limit monitoring off / on (P-AXIS-00705)
Logical axis number of the master axis for software limit switch dependence (P-AXIS-00558)
Positive software limit switch of the dependent axis (P-AXIS-00559)
Negative software limit switch of the dependent axis (P-AXIS-00560)
Settings for measurement
Define axis as measurement axis (P-AXIS-00118)
Probe stroke for measurement types 2 and 4 (P-AXIS-00086)
Measurement speed for measurement type 2 (P-AXIS-00215)
Measurement travel offset for measurement type 2 (P-AXIS-00114)
Measurement travel offset for all measurement types (P-AXIS-00467)
Measurement signal parameters (kenngr.measure.*)
Measurement methods (P-AXIS-00516)
Number of probing input (P-AXIS-00517)
Pulse edge (P-AXIS-00518)
Probing input for edge banding (P-AXIS-00539)
Drive probing input for PROBE0/1 Keyword (P-AXIS-00583)
Old probing signal parameters (up to CNC Build V2.11.2019.14)
Measurement signal from hardware interface (P-AXIS-00117)
Pulse edge (P-AXIS-00113)
Measurement with SERCOS drives (P-AXIS-00116)
Measurement signal via axis-specific control bit mask (P-AXIS-00115)
Measurement signal via HLI Control Unit (P-AXIS-00257)
Measurement signal from drive (P-AXIS-00269)
Measurement with movement to a fixed stop (P-AXIS-00330)
Measurement parameters for SERCOS drives
SERCOS-status/control bit for measurement (P-AXIS-00060)
SERCOS-status bit for measurement (P-AXIS-00106)
Real-time bits for probe 1
Name process data 'enable probe 1' (P-AXIS-00675)
Bit number process data 'enable probe 1' (P-AXIS-00676)
Name process data 'value latched probe 1' (P-AXIS-00677)
Bit number process data 'value latched probe 1' (P-AXIS-00678)
Name process data 'probe 1 actuated' (P-AXIS-00679)
Bit number process data 'probe 1 actuated' (P-AXIS-00680)
Real-time bits for probe 2
Name process data 'enable probe 2' (P-AXIS-00681)
Bit number process data 'enable probe 2' (P-AXIS-00682)
Name process data 'value latched probe 2' (P-AXIS-00683)
Bit number process data 'value latched probe 2' (P-AXIS-00684)
Name process data 'probe 2 actuated' (P-AXIS-00685)
Bit number process data 'probe 2 actuated' (P-AXIS-00686)
Real-time bits for start measurement command
Name of process data element 'start measurement command' (P-AXIS-00699)
Bit number of process data element 'start measurement command' (P-AXIS-00700)
Parameters for measuring travel on fixed stop
Limit for position lag (P-AXIS-00331)
Number of position control cycles (P-AXIS-00332)
Position lag limit for fixed stop detection when measuring travel on fixed stop (P-AXIS-00774)
Minimum time for fixed stop detection when measuring travel on fixed stop (P-AXIS-00775)
Minimum path to activate fixed stop detection when measuring travel on fixed stop (P-AXIS-00776)
Percentage minimum path for fixed stop detection when measuring travel on fixed stop (P-AXIS-00777)
Maximum position change for fixed stop detection when measuring travel on fixed stop (P-AXIS-00778)
Abortion of measuring order at reset (P-AXIS-00378)
Actuation time delay of probe (P-AXIS-00487)
Activation of edge banding (P-AXIS-00098)
Gantry mode
Axis number of master axis (P-AXIS-00070)
Resettable path distance (P-AXIS-00072)
Non resettable path distance (P-AXIS-00071)
Static offset (P-AXIS-00073)
Velocity of correction (P-AXIS-00075)
Gantry difference monitoring before homing (P-AXIS-00249)
Drive-controlled homing of gantry axis (SERCOS) (P-AXIS-00253)
CNC-controlled error reaction (P-AXIS-00254)
Conditions for clearing the gantry difference (P-AXIS-00704)
Maximum path for a gantry slave axis during homing (P-AXIS-00284)
Suppress homing for gantry slave axis (P-AXIS-00074)
Home gantry slave axis relative to encoder overflow (P-AXIS-00393)
Behaviour on setting the homing position (P-AXIS-00445)
Edge detection GantryOn-signal (P-AXIS-00261)
Monitoring of axis collision
Logical axis number (P-AXIS-00043)
Security distance (P-AXIS-00045)
Stopping in all channels in case of drive errors (P-AXIS-00044)
Inverting of moving directions (P-AXIS-00262)
Offset of zero positions (P-AXIS-00263)
Valid deceleration (P-AXIS-00267)
Tracking mode
Maximum feed of compensation movement after deselection (P-AXIS-00208)
Maximum difference after deactivation (P-AXIS-00056)
Keep position offset after tracking (P-AXIS-00258)
Acceleration for back-interpolation after tracking mode (P-AXIS-00760)
Gear data
Default gear step number (P-AXIS-00079)
Default gear step number for C-axis mode (P-AXIS-00052)
Settings for SAI (Single Axis Interpolation)
Configuration of a SAI-axis (P-AXIS-00250)
Requesting of a SAI axis at RESET (P-AXIS-00251)
Moving to a target position after reversal of direction (P-AXIS-00252)
Switching off superimposed interpolator (P-AXIS-00287)
Enable decoupling of the drive of an axis (P-AXIS-00489)
Camming/Gearing (cam_gear.*)
Define axis as Camming / Gearing -Master (P-AXIS-00288)
Velocity tolerance range (P-AXIS-00289)
Minimum time in tolerance range for speed synchronisation (P-AXIS-00290)
Maximum time for velocity synchronisation (P-AXIS-00291)
Average value filter for current master velocity (P-AXIS-00300)
Number of scanning cycles for average value filter (P-AXIS-00301)
Delay time on gearing with current master velocity (P-AXIS-00302)
Maximum commanded velocity for slave axis (P-AXIS-00303)
Maximum commanded acceleration for slave axis (P-AXIS-00304)
Velocity for phase synchronisation (P-AXIS-00305)
Acceleration for phase synchronisation (P-AXIS-00306)
Deceleration for phase synchronisation (P-AXIS-00307)
Jerk for phase synchronisation (P-AXIS-00376)
Jerk for velocity synchronisation (P-AXIS-00377)
Coupling behaviour on error from position control (P-AXIS-00308)
Coupling behaviour on feed enable drop (P-AXIS-00309)
Permissible acceleration of master actual position (P-AXIS-00437)
Error response of the master axis when the coupling is active (P-AXIS-00564)
Error response of the slave axis when the coupling is active (P-AXIS-00565)
Velocity monitoring
Velocity limit during active monitoring of current velocity (P-AXIS-00311)
Activation of speed monitoring (P-AXIS-00312)
Activation of feed enable via PLC (P-AXIS-00313)
Speed monitoring during torque limitation (P-AXIS-00314)
Behaviour when enabling the drive controller
Max. allow. relieve position difference when enabling drive controller (P-AXIS-00108)
Relieve position difference when enabling drive controller (P-AXIS-00327)
Ignore feedhold at position correction after drive enable (P-AXIS-00356)
Tolerance window for IIR axis filter (P-AXIS-00351)
Tolerance window for IIR axis filter after feedhold (P-AXIS-00780)
Settings for velocity override
Maximum permissible velocity override (P-AXIS-00109)
Mode of velocity override (P-AXIS-00491)
Settings for feed rate influencing
Feedhold mode (P-AXIS-00540)
Effective deceleration value with feedhold (P-AXIS-00556)
Reduced speed
Reduced maximum speed at active G01 (P-AXIS-00214)
Reduced maximum speed with active G00 (P-AXIS-00155)
Reduced maximum speed in security zone
Upper limit of security zone 1 (P-AXIS-00085)
Lower limit of security zone 1 (P-AXIS-00093)
Upper limit of security zone 2 (P-AXIS-00097)
Lower limit of security zone 2 (P-AXIS-00105)
Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone (P-AXIS-00030)
Maximum permissible axis velocity in security zone 2 (P-AXIS-00503)
Torque configuration
Torque offset (P-AXIS-00324)
Numerator scaling factor for torque (P-AXIS-00325)
Denominator scaling factor for torque (P-AXIS-00326)
Gear couplings
Axis specific definition (kenngr.multi_link[i].*)
Lead or master axis (P-AXIS-00383)
Numerator of coupling factor (P-AXIS-00384)
Denominator of coupling factor (P-AXIS-00385)
Forward mapping of drive position (P-AXIS-00436)
Forward mapping of drive position with absolute coordinates (P-AXIS-00460)
Homing check for coupled axes (P-AXIS-00461)
Copy HLI gantry master axis coupling to slave (P-AXIS-00486)
Interpolation of tracked axes in inserted TRC blocks (P-AXIS-00427)
Axis specific dynamic monitoring during interpolation
Warning level for velocity (P-AXIS-00439)
Error level for velocity (P-AXIS-00440)
Warning level for acceleration (P-AXIS-00441)
Error level for acceleration (P-AXIS-00442)
Warning level for jerk (P-AXIS-00443)
Error level for jerk (P-AXIS-00444)
Suppressing reversal of speed at stop (P-AXIS-00548)
Suppress stop of spindle axis during channel reset (P-AXIS-00455)
Enabling PLCopen interface of a channel axis (P-AXIS-00457)
Collision monitoring during oscillation (P-AXIS-00485)
Inversion of spindle rotation direction for spindle M-functions M3/M4 (P-AXIS-00490)
Delay filter acts only on command positions (P-AXIS-00513)
Enabling of IPO-LR interface after axis release (P-AXIS-00483)
Setting of 'in position' for position controller generated axis movements (P-AXIS-00458)
Settings for drive controllers
Select specific manufacturer-specific procedures for drive controllers (P-AXIS-00535)
Select specific device-specific procedures for drive controllers (P-AXIS-00536)
Dynamic limits with tool gear (P-AXIS-00786)
Number of bits for command value (P-AXIS-00816)
Gear step dependent parameters (getriebe[i].*)
Gear step number (P-AXIS-00135)
Gear change position (P-AXIS-00078)
Identifier for hardware specific parameter set (P-AXIS-00054)
Load inertia (P-AXIS-00391)
Dynamic characteristic values
Parameter for linear velocity profile (getriebe[i].lslope_profil.*)
Acceleration of step 1 (P-AXIS-00011)
Acceleration of step 2 (P-AXIS-00012)
Deceleration of step 1 (P-AXIS-00282)
Deceleration of step 2 (P-AXIS-00283)
Changeover speed (P-AXIS-00221)
Acceleration of step 1 in rapid mode (P-AXIS-00005)
Acceleration of step 2 in rapid mode (P-AXIS-00006)
Deceleration of step 1 in rapid mode (P-AXIS-00280)
Deceleration of step 2 in rapid mode (P-AXIS-00281)
Changeover speed in rapid mode (P-AXIS-00211)
Deceleration at feedhold (P-AXIS-00024)
Parameter for non-linear velocity profile (getriebe[i].slope_profil.*)
Acceleration at machining feed (P-AXIS-00001)
Deceleration at machining feed (P-AXIS-00002)
Ramp time for acceleration up-gradation (P-AXIS-00196)
Ramp time for acceleration down-gradation (P-AXIS-00195)
Ramp time for deceleration up-gradation (P-AXIS-00198)
Ramp time for deceleration down-gradation (P-AXIS-00197)
Acceleration at rapid movement (P-AXIS-00004)
Ramp time at rapid movement (P-AXIS-00200)
Deceleration at feedhold (P-AXIS-00053)
Ramp time at feedhold (P-AXIS-00081)
Effective acceleration profile (P-AXIS-00270)
Rapid mode velocity (P-AXIS-00209)
Gearbox ratio numerator/denominator
Gearbox ratio numerator (P-AXIS-00511)
Gearbox ratio denominator (P-AXIS-00512)
Permissible axis dynamics (getriebe[i].dynamik.*)
Maximum permissible axis velocity (P-AXIS-00212)
Maximum permissible axis acceleration (P-AXIS-00008)
Deceleration for an emergency stop (P-AXIS-00003)
Minimum permissible ramp time (P-AXIS-00201)
Geometric ramp time (P-AXIS-00199)
Weighting of acceleration at motion block transition (P-AXIS-00013)
Weighting of jerk at block transition (P-AXIS-00154)
Jerk at block transition
Jerk at non-tangent continuous block transition (P-AXIS-00339)
Jerk at tangent continuous block transition (P-AXIS-00340)
Maximum permissible exceeding of acceleration (P-AXIS-00394)
Maximum acceleration at weighting (P-AXIS-00292)
Minimum ramp time at weighting (P-AXIS-00293)
Characteristic curve-controlled acceleration (getriebe[i].beschl_kennlinie.*)
Type of the characteristic acceleration curve (P-AXIS-00202)
Characteristic a(n) in polynomial or hyperbolic form
Limit speed of the acceleration curve (P-AXIS-00130)
Constant acceleration in the range n<ngrenz (P-AXIS-00007)
Minimum value of acceleration for high speed (P-AXIS-00010)
Parameters of the a(n) Polynomial (P-AXIS-00026/-00027/-00028)
Parameter of the a(n) polynomial b1 (P-AXIS-00026)
Parameter of the a(n) polynomial b2 (P-AXIS-00027)
Parameter of the a(n) polynomial b3 (P-AXIS-00028)
Characteristic curve for asynchronous drives
Maximum acceleration (P-AXIS-00240)
Speed limit 1 (P-AXIS-00241)
Speed limit 2 (P-AXIS-00242)
Maximum axis torque (P-AXIS-00798)
First coefficient of the friction model (P-AXIS-00804)
Parameters for position control
Proportional factor kv for P-positional control (P-AXIS-00099)
Position window for exact stop (P-AXIS-00236)
Position window for rapid movements (P-AXIS-00472)
Activation of position controller-interfaces
Activation of display function (P-AXIS-00023)
Optimized bus access (P-AXIS-00276)
Additional interface parameters
Enable interface (P-AXIS-00732)
Handling – position command values as offset (P-AXIS-00733)
Reinitialisation after enable (P-AXIS-00734)
Enable filter (P-AXIS-00735)
Filter - frequency (P-AXIS-00739)
Filter - bandwidth (P-AXIS-00740)
Filter – order (P-AXIS-00736)
Filter - characteristic (P-AXIS-00737)
Filter – signal share (P-AXIS-00741)
Filter - type (P-AXIS-00738)
Filter – time constant (P-AXIS-00742)
Settings for backlash compensation
Size of backlash (P-AXIS-00103)
Selection of backlash compensation (P-AXIS-00021)
Distribution of the backlash on multiple cycles (P-AXIS-00243)
Settings for temperature compensation
Selection of temperature compensation (P-AXIS-00271)
Parametrisation of temperature compensation
Reference position of temperature compensation (P-AXIS-00272)
Offset of temperature compensation (P-AXIS-00273)
Offset of temperature compensation (P-AXIS-00274)
Distribution of the temperature compensation on several cycles (P-AXIS-00275)
Manual activation of temperature compensation (P-AXIS-00482)
Activate crosstalk compensation (P-AXIS-00789)
Monitoring of axis compensations
Effectiveness in automatic mode (P-AXIS-00465)
Treatment of axis movement from axis compensation while active feedhold (P-AXIS-00454)
Settings for position lag monitoring
Type of position lag monitoring (P-AXIS-00172)
Minimum position lag (P-AXIS-00169)
Maximum position lag (P-AXIS-00168)
Factor for dynamic position lag monitoring (P-AXIS-00167)
Remaining deviation for non linear position lag monitoring (P-AXIS-00166)
Maximum settling time (P-AXIS-00151)
Maximum position settling time (P-AXIS-00532)
Time constant for position lag monitoring (P-AXIS-00170)
Suppression of position lag (P-AXIS-00176)
Delayed generation of position lag error message (P-AXIS-00488)
Tendency test (P-AXIS-00189)
Settings for dynamic monitoring in position controller
Factor for permissible axis velocity (P-AXIS-00407)
Adaptation of command values
Adaptation of command value of drive to the drive format (denominator, P-AXIS-00128)
Adaptation of command value of drive to the drive format (numerator, P-AXIS-00129)
Measurement value adaptation
Distance resolution of measurement (denominator, P-AXIS-00233)
Distance resolution of measurement system (numerator, P-AXIS-00234)
Identification code for absolute path measurement system (P-AXIS-00014)
Quantisation of the measuring system increments (P-AXIS-00323)
Definition of traverse distance between lubrication pulses (P-AXIS-00237)
Settings for axis compensations
Activation of cross compensation (P-AXIS-00047)
Activation of plane compensation (P-AXIS-00174)
Activation of SSFK (P-AXIS-00175)
Activation of friction compensation (P-AXIS-00522)
Settings for the volumetric compensation (lr_param.vol_comp.*)
Maximum permissible correction value (P-AXIS-00525)
Maximum permissible velocity (P-AXIS-00526)
Settings for dynamic kv adjustment (getriebe[i].dyn_kv.*)
Activation of dynamic kv adjustment (P-AXIS-00244)
Parameters of dynamic kv adjustment - kv1 (P-AXIS-00245)
Parameters of dynamic kv adjustment - kv2 (P-AXIS-00247)
Parameters of dynamic kv adjustment - v1 (P-AXIS-00246)
Parameters of dynamic kv adjustment - v2 (P-AXIS-00248)
Parameters for distance control
Enabling of distance control (P-AXIS-00328)
Filtering of sensor values (P-AXIS-00413)
Maximum position offset (P-AXIS-00414)
Maximum velocity (P-AXIS-00415)
Maximum acceleration (P-AXIS-00416)
Maximum permissible change speed of measured distance (P-AXIS-00417)
Reference point offset for control measuring system (P-AXIS-00418)
Upper limit for measuring system (P-AXIS-00419)
Lower limit for measuring system (P-AXIS-00420)
Tolerance band for limits (P-AXIS-00421)
Consideration of distance control in software limit switch monitoring (P-AXIS-00428)
Option: Coupling of distance sensor and motor encoder (P-AXIS-00500)
Option: Adaptive weighting of acceleration (P-AXIS-00501)
Minimum acceleration (P-AXIS-00502)
Minimum distance error (P-AXIS-00504)
Maximum distance error (P-AXIS-00505)
Option: Low pass filter (P-AXIS-00506)
Order of the filter (P-AXIS-00507)
Characteristic frequency of a filter (P-AXIS-00508)
Option: Dead time reduction (P-AXIS-00509)
Velocity weighting for the lowering movement (P-AXIS-00533)
Weighting the distance control output values (P-AXIS-00759)
Acceleration weighting for the lowering movement (P-AXIS-00534)
Integral action time of PID controller (P-AXIS-00764)
Derivative action time of PID controller (P-AXIS-00765)
Filter type for smoothing sensor values (P-AXIS-00782)
Uncertainty of measurement values (P-AXIS-00783)
Smoothing factor (P-AXIS-00784)
Position controller dead band (P-AXIS-00395)
Settings for I (Integral) -position control
Integral time Tn for I-position control (P-AXIS-00495)
Maximum output for I-position control (P-AXIS-00496)
Switch on delay for I-position control (P-AXIS-00497)
Clear Integrator if drive is switched off (P-AXIS-00498)
Improved Position Control (lr_param.improved_position_control.*)
activation (P-AXIS-00758)
Factor for permissible additive velocity (P-AXIS-00757)
Mode (P-AXIS-00753)
Weighting factor numerator (P-AXIS-00754)
Weighting factor denominator (P-AXIS-00755)
Order of the bandpass filter (P-AXIS-00750)
Damped frequency (P-AXIS-00751)
Quality factor of the bandpass filter (P-AXIS-00752)
Damping of simulated mech. vibration (P-AXIS-00756)
Restoring axis position at controller start (P-AXIS-00761)
Switch over drive type to simulation
Switching over drive type to simulation (P-AXIS-00790)
Setting the initial position for simulation drives (P-AXIS-00791)
Initial position for simulation drives at controller start (P-AXIS-00792)
Parameters of the axis peripheral interfaces for position control (lr_hw[i].*)
Value of drift compensation (P-AXIS-00057)
Sign reversal of command value (P-AXIS-00231)
Sign reversal of actual value (P-AXIS-00230)
Identifier for hardware specific parameter set (P-AXIS-00136)
Numerator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system (P-AXIS-00422)
Denominator distance resolution of the additive sensor measuring system (P-AXIS-00423)
Handling of the additive sensor values (P-AXIS-00424)
Parameters for counter interface
Name of counter hardware (P-AXIS-00042)
Channel identifier for counter (P-AXIS-00041)
Parameters of D/A interface
Name of D/A-hardware (P-AXIS-00049)
D/A-channel number (P-AXIS-00048)
Parameters of digital input interface for homing cams
Name of hardware (P-AXIS-00037)
Bit variable for cam signals (P-AXIS-00039)
Level of cam signals (P-AXIS-00038)
Access to cam signals (P-AXIS-00036)
Encoder value range for EtherCAT drives(P-AXIS-00296)
Delay reading of actual position after field bus start (P-AXIS-00567)
Parameters for feedforward control
Feedforward control mode (P-AXIS-00223)
Conventional feedforward control
Numerator equivalent time constant for feedforward control of acceleration (P-AXIS-00225)
Denominator equivalent time constant for feedforward control of acceleration (P-AXIS-00226)
Numerator weighting factor for feedforward control (P-AXIS-00228)
Denominator weighting factor for feedforward control (P-AXIS-00229)
Permanent activation of feedforward control (P-AXIS-00255)
Permanent deactivation of feedforward control (P-AXIS-00256)
Numerator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward (P-AXIS-00337)
Denominator of scaling factor for jerk feedforward (P-AXIS-00338)
Delay time for jerk feedforward (P-AXIS-00547)
Delay time for velocity feedforward (P-AXIS-00389)
Delay time for acceleration feedforward (P-AXIS-00390)
Numerator weighting factor for velocity feedforward (P-AXIS-00514)
Denominator weighting factor for velocity feedforward (P-AXIS-00515)
Parameters for PROFIDRIVE
Time offset of feed forward control setpoints (P-AXIS-00165)
Position controller increments per revolution (P-AXIS-00092)
Time constant of command position filter for feedforward balancing (P-AXIS-00361)
Time constant low-pass filter position lag (P-AXIS-00190)
Output of velocity feedforward control value (P-AXIS-00566)
Parameters for drives (antr.*)
General drive parameters
Handling of drive command position (P-AXIS-00123)
Handling of drive actual position (P-AXIS-00122)
Time base for normalisation of velocity (P-AXIS-00207)
Normalisation of the velocity
Normalisation of the velocity numerator (P-AXIS-00206)
Normalisation of the velocity denominator (P-AXIS-00205)
Normalisation of the velocity
Delay between command value and actual value (P-AXIS-00191)
Positioning operation mode of an axis (P-AXIS-00320)
Number of the latch input used for edge banding (P-AXIS-00353)
Ignore unknown entries in drive telegram (P-AXIS-00358)
Maximum time delay for disabling drive after a PLC watchdog error (P-AXIS-00367)
Name of the EtherCAT master process (P-AXIS-00372)
Encoder, used for CNC controlled homing (P-AXIS-00388)
Base value for scaling of acceleration feedforward (P-AXIS-00392)
Encoder resolution via feed constant numerator (P-AXIS-00362)
Encoder resolution via feed constant denominator (P-AXIS-00363)
Offset between drive position and CNC position for absolute encoders (P-AXIS-00403)
Factor to coarse encoder resolution (P-AXIS-00405)
EtherCAT-Fieldbus: Number of permissible telegram failures (P-AXIS-00406)
Bit number for control of a DC brake (P-AXIS-00410)
Number of probing input in drive (P-AXIS-00430)
Use of position lag calculated in drive (P-AXIS-00466)
Maximum time for drive reset (P-AXIS-00484)
Drive without support for probing state (P-AXIS-00524)
Activate evaluation of encoder position with additional mask (P-AXIS-00527)
Drive encoder modulo range (P-AXIS-00528)
Mechanical movement distance outside the software limit switches (P-AXIS-00459)
Additional datum to calculate power_state_r
Bit number of additional information for calculation of HLI signal 'power_state_e' (P-AXIS-00709)
Inverting 'Ready for Power' signal (P-AXIS-00710)
Element name of additional information for calculation of HLI signal 'power_state_e' (P-AXIS-00711)
Disabling drive controller for position lag error (P-AXIS-00537)
Disabling drive controller in case of bus error (P-AXIS-00542)
Drive type simulation (antr.simu.*)
Numerator of sampling time constant of axis simulation (P-AXIS-00239)
Denominator of sampling time constant of axis simulation (P-AXIS-00238)
Numerator of attenuation of axis simulation (P-AXIS-00051)
Denominator of attenuation of axis simulation (P-AXIS-00050)
Numerator of natural frequency of axis simulation (P-AXIS-00062)
Denominator of natural frequency of axis simulation (P-AXIS-00061)
Dead time (P-AXIS-00194)
Tool path up to zero pulse during homing simulation (P-AXIS-00161)
Set actual position equal to command position (P-AXIS-00096)
Drive type SERCOS (antr.sercos.*)
Telegram type (P-AXIS-00188)
Ring number (P-AXIS-00160)
Drive address (P-AXIS-00019)
Time slot calculation (P-AXIS-00063)
Operation mode for velocity control (P-AXIS-00264)
Drive supported execution of the CNC based homing (P-AXIS-00386)
Assignment of control and status bits for CNC based homing (P-AXIS-00387)
Evaluation of SERCOS state bit drive follows command (P-AXIS-00411)
Master data telegram (antr.sercos.mdt[i].*)
MDT-Ident number (P-AXIS-00090)
Length of ID (P-AXIS-00088)
Assigning the output process data to CNC-internal characteristics (P-AXIS-00132)
Drive telegram type 7 ([i].*)
AT-Ident number (P-AXIS-00089)
Length of ID (P-AXIS-00087)
Assigning the input process data to CNC-internal characteristics (P-AXIS-00131)
Index of ID (antr.sercos.ident[i].*)
SERCOS-Ident-No (P-AXIS-00134)
Length of ID (P-AXIS-00100)
Modifier of ID (P-AXIS-00119)
Phase for ID-processing (P-AXIS-00150)
Type of ID (P-AXIS-00203)
Value of ID (P-AXIS-00235)
ID as List (P-AXIS-00102)
Filename (P-AXIS-00068)
Time slot parameters (antr.sercos.times.*)
Transmission moment of drive telegram (P-AXIS-00180)
Transmission moment of MDT (P-AXIS-00182)
Validation moment for command values (P-AXIS-00183)
Latch moment of actual values (P-AXIS-00184)
Earliest transmission moment for drive telegrams (P-AXIS-00181)
Switch over moment between transmission and reception (P-AXIS-00187)
Latch moment of actual values (P-AXIS-00185)
Recovery time in slave (P-AXIS-00193)
Processing time for command values (P-AXIS-00192)
Slave identifier (P-AXIS-00173)
Transmitter recovery time (P-AXIS-00186)
Delay of display command values (P-AXIS-00813)
Drive type PROFIDRIVE (antr.profibus.*)
Factor for calculation of the position value (P-AXIS-00065)
Slave-life sign limit (P-AXIS-00162)
Activation of velocity command interface (P-AXIS-00260)
Reading absolute position from drive (P-AXIS-00315)
Offset factor for G1_XIST1 (P-AXIS-00316)
Offset factor for absolute value in G1_XIST2 (P-AXIS-00317)
Calculation mode for actual position (P-AXIS-00318)
Offset to the read absolute position of the drive (P-AXIS-00341)
Automatic follow up mode for disabled drive (P-AXIS-00352)
Number of detectable motor revolutions (P-AXIS-00336)
Velocity scaling factor (P-AXIS-00379)
Suppress slave life sign warning (P-AXIS-00462)
Encoder settings for additive encoders (antr.profibus.encoder[i].*)
Reading the encoder's absolute position out of the drive (P-AXIS-00447)
Calculation mode for encoder's actual position (P-AXIS-00448)
Offset from the read absolute position of the encoder (P-AXIS-00449)
Offset factor for absolute value in GX_XIST2 (P-AXIS-00450)
Offset factor for GX_XIST1 (P-AXIS-00451)
Mechanical movement distance outside the software limit switches (P-AXIS-00546)
Drive type CANopen (antr.canopen.*)
Number of probing input (P-AXIS-00295)
Number of digital input for latching zero pulse (P-AXIS-00364)
Operation mode for drive position control (P-AXIS-00463)
Operation mode for drive velocity control (P-AXIS-00464)
Zero pulse search for negative edge of zero pulse signal (P-AXIS-00618)
Select trigger source for zero pulse search (P-AXIS-00701)
Select trigger source for probing (P-AXIS-00702)
Inverting the swap evaluation of the probe status word (P-AXIS-00456)
Input process data item ([i].*)
Memory name (P-AXIS-00476)
Signal number (P-AXIS-00645)
Signal length (P-AXIS-00646)
CNC sense (P-AXIS-00475)
Output process data item (antr.canopen.out[i].*)
Memory name (P-AXIS-00479)
Signal number (P-AXIS-00648)
Signal length (P-AXIS-00649)
CNC meaning (P-AXIS-00478)
Drive type KUKA (antr.dse.*)
Brake control
Time delay for brake opening (P-AXIS-00373)
Brake opening time (P-AXIS-00374)
Brake premature time (P-AXIS-00375)
Drive type Terminal (antr.terminal.*)
Torque reduction at standstill (P-AXIS-00481)
Parameters for drive functions (antr.function[i].*)
Name of drive functions in NC program (P-AXIS-00396)
Type of communication with drive controller (P-AXIS-00397)
Name of the parameter or telegram element (P-AXIS00398)
Data type of the data to be transmitted (P-AXIS-00399)
Value of data element after start-up of control (P-AXIS-00400)
Scaling of the data to be transmitted (P-AXIS-00401)
Minimum permissible output value (P-AXIS-00408)
Maximum permissible output value (P-AXIS-00409)
Writing of drive values by bit mask (P-AXIS-00429)
Parameterise motion to fixed stop (antr.fixed_stop.*)
Use default value (P-AXIS-00730)
Position lag limit for detection (P-AXIS-00712)
Monitoring window (P-AXIS-00713)
Number of position control cycles (P-AXIS-00714)
Error output on abort (P-AXIS-00715)
Error message if fixed stop is not detected (P-AXIS-00716)
Warning message on reset and detected fixed stop (P-AXIS-00717)
Motor torque at maximum axis acceleration (P-AXIS-00718)
CNC-internal identifier for the drive object (P-AXIS-00719)
Type of communication with drive controller (P-AXIS-00720)
Name of the drive object in the driver amplifier (P-AXIS-00721)
Data type of the data to be transmitted (P-AXIS-00722)
Default value of data element after controller start-up (P-AXIS-00723)
Scaling type of the data element (P-AXIS-00724)
Maximum permissible output value (P-AXIS-00725)
Minimum permissible output value (P-AXIS-00726)
Write/read drive values by bit mask (P-AXIS-00727)
Scaling factor (P-AXIS-00728)
Value of data element during Move to fixed stop (P-AXIS-00729)
Name of the drive object to be read in the driver amplifier (P-AXIS-00731)
Use default parameterisation of drive objects (P-AXIS-00821)
Quick stop after detecting the fixed stop (P-AXIS-00762)
Error reaction for missing drive releases (P-AXIS-00763)
Position lag limit for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00769)
Minimum time for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00770)
Minimum path to activate fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00771)
Percentage minimum path for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00772)
Maximum position change for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00773)
Velocity limit for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00817)
Default value for torque limit for fixed stop detection (P-AXIS-00818)
Address offset for digital drive types
Address offset input (P-AXIS-00707)
Address offset output (P-AXIS-00580)
Use actual speed for speed monitoring (P-AXIS-00779)
Signal for main encoder (P-AXIS-00823)
Signal for secondary encoder (P-AXIS-00824)
Parameters for manual operation (handbetrieb.*)
Settings for default parameters (handbetrieb.default.*)
Operation mode (P-AXIS-00139)
Logical identifier of control element (P-AXIS-00046)
Setting of offset limits
Relative positive offset limit (P-AXIS-00138)
Relative negative offset limit (P-AXIS-00137)
Setting of default values after G200 or G201 (P-AXIS-00446)
ACS movement limits
Absolute positive ACS movement limit (P-AXIS-00493)
Absolute negative ACS movement limit (P-AXIS-00492)
Effect of feedhold control signals (P-AXIS-00529)
Settings for hand wheel (*)
Hand wheel resolutions (P-AXIS-00025)
Filter time constant for hand wheel increments (P-AXIS-00069)
Settings for the continuous jog mode (handbetrieb.tipp.*)
Velocity for the continuous jog mode (P-AXIS-00077)
Rapid mode velocity for continuous jog mode (P-AXIS-00210)
Settings for incremental jog mode (handbetrieb.jog.*)
Jog incremental widths (P-AXIS-00232)
Incremental jog velocities (P-AXIS-00076)
Rapid mode velocity for jog mode (P-AXIS-00530)
Manual operation mode with parallel interpolation (handbetrieb.ipo.*)
Velocity part of manual operation (P-AXIS-00083)
Velocity part of interpolation (P-AXIS-00095)
Acceleration part of manual operation (P-AXIS-00082)
Acceleration part of interpolation (P-AXIS-00094)
Position correction
Velocity during position correction (P-AXIS-00365)
Acceleration during position correction (P-AXIS-00366)
Manual operation mode without parallel interpolation (handbetrieb.hb.*)
Maximum velocity (P-AXIS-00213)
Maximum acceleration (P-AXIS-00009)
Feedhold acceleration (P-AXIS-00259)
Ramp time during maximum acceleration (P-AXIS-00359)
Ramp time at feedhold (P-AXIS-00360)
Maximum deceleration (P-AXIS-00541)
Reduced maximum acceleration (P-AXIS-00545)
Parameters for measurement simulation (meas_simu.*)
Methods for measurement simulation (P-AXIS-00112)
Setting of the measurement position for simulation
Setting of Parameter 1 (P-AXIS-00145)
Setting of Parameter 2 (P-AXIS-00146)
Setting of Parameter 3 (P-AXIS-00147)
Setting of Parameter 4 (P-AXIS-00148)
Axis-specific filter functions
Default filter function (filter[i].*)
Filter - order (P-AXIS-00140)
Filter - characteristic (P-AXIS-00153)
Filter - type (P-AXIS-00204)
Filter - frequency (P-AXIS-00067)
Filter - bandwidth (P-AXIS-00080)
Filter - signal share (P-AXIS-00164)
Filter - activation (P-AXIS-00319)
Filter - time constant (P-AXIS-00357)
FIR filters (filter_fir.*)
FIR filters - activation (P-AXIS-00573)
FIR filters - type (P-AXIS-00586)
FIR filters - order (P-AXIS-00587)
FIR filters - order in time (P-AXIS-00591)
FIR filters - share factor (P-AXIS-00590)
FIR filters - limit frequency (P-AXIS-00585)
FIR filters - quality (P-AXIS-00593)
Vibration suppression (vib_guard.*)
Activating the Vibration Guard (P-AXIS-00588)
Vibration Guard mode (P-AXIS-00571)
Machine natural frequency (P-AXIS-00589)
Damping factor of natural frequency (P-AXIS-00568)
Parameters for axis specific transformation (trafo.*)
Actual value transformation (trafo.actual_pos.*)
Activation (P-AXIS-00380)
Transformation ID (P-AXIS-00381)
Transformation parameters (P-AXIS-00382)
Additional input axes (P-AXIS-00371)
Command value transformation (trafo.command_pos.*)
Activation (P-AXIS-00368)
Transformation ID (P-AXIS-00369)
Transformation parameters (P-AXIS-00370)
Transformation types
Software limit switches and motion ranges
Parameters for path dependent on dynamic weighting (dynamic_weighting.*)
activation (P-AXIS-00431)
Table of dynamic weightings (dynamic_weighting.param[i].*)
Path distance limit (P-AXIS-00432)
Weighting factor for rapid feed velocity (P-AXIS-00433)
Weighting factor for rapid feed acceleration (P-AXIS-00434)
Weighting factor for rapid feed ramp time (P-AXIS-00435)
Example of a table
User-defined data (customer.*)
Free user defined values (P-AXIS-00510)
Filter parameters for error handling on axis (error_filter[i].*)
Cause of error (P-AXIS-00627)
Error action (P-AXIS-00628)
Conditional activation (P-AXIS-00629)
Conditional action (P-AXIS-00630)
Conditional filter activation (P-AXIS-00631)
Output of additional error information (P-AXIS-00632)
Parameter of the external compensation
Maximum position change of the compensation - warning limit (P-AXIS-00743)
Maximum position change of the compensation - error limit (P-AXIS-00744)
Maximum acceleration of the axes by compensation offset (P-AXIS-00745)
Settings for throughfeed machining (conv_sync.*)
Definition of the master axis of conveyor belt synchronisation (P-AXIS-00708)
Actual position value filter for the master axis (P-AXIS-00620)
Type of the actual position value filter of the master axis (P-AXIS-00621)
Order of the actual position value filter of the master axis (P-AXIS-00622)
Order of the actual speed value filter of the master axis(P-AXIS-00623)
Order of the subsequent actual velocity filter in the case of feedhold on the master axis (P-AXIS-00624)
Order of the actual speed filter in the case of feedhold on the master axis (P-AXIS-00625)
Delay time between master and slave axes (P-AXIS-00626)
Monitoring the workspace of throughfeed machines (P-AXIS-00555)
General examples
Settings of position scaling
Legacy parameters
Activation of (additional) interface for loading application-specific command values (P-AXIS-00091)
Activation of (additional) interface for loading of command and actual values (P-AXIS-00141)
Time constant of the PT2-Filter for the additive command value interface (P-AXIS-00438)
Handling of the loaded position command values as offset (P-AXIS-00322)
Reinitialisation of additional position interface on enable (P-AXIS-00499)
External variables
Overview of EXTV parameters
Function and characteristics
Configuration and initialization
Memory size
Memory layout
Parameterising the memory layout of V.E. variables
Data sets for definition of variable types (struct[i].*)
Name of the variable type (P-EXTV-00015)
Data sets for definition of the elements of a variable type (struct[i].element[j].*)
Name of the structure element (P-EXTV-00016)
Type of the structure element (P-EXTV-00017)
Synchronisation type of the structure element (P-EXTV-00018)
Access right of the structure element (P-EXTV-00019)
Array size of the structure element (P-EXTV-00020)
Size of a structure element of type VSTRING (P-EXTV-00021)
Definition of the number of characters of a string variable (P-EXTV-00022)
Data sets to define external variables (var[i].*)
Variable name (P-EXTV-00001)
Byte offset (P-EXTV-00002)
Variable type (P-EXTV-00003)
Scope of validity (P-EXTV-00004)
Synchronisation type (P-EXTV-00005)
Access right (P-EXTV-00006)
Array size (P-EXTV-00007)
Variable size (P-EXTV-00008)
Enabling of HMI access (P-EXTV-00009)
Variable export to PLC-description (P-EXTV-00047)
Overlapping variables (P-EXTV-00048)
Number of configured external variables (P-EXTV-00010)
Plausibility check of the memory layout (P-EXTV-00011)
Method for automatic memory layout (P-EXTV-00012)
Initialisation at CNC start (P-EXTV-00013)
Example of a configuration list
Example of V.E. structures
Integration in NC boot-up
Application and access to variables
NC program
Access synchronisation by NC channel
Graphical user interface (P-EXTV-00030 - P-EXTV-00037)
Manual mode parameter
Overview of manual mode parameter
General description
Structure and classification of manual mode parameters
Description of elements
Settings for handwheels
Number of physical handwheels (P-MANU-00001)
Handwheel data (hr_data[i].*)
Logical handwheel number (P-MANU-00002)
Access to handwheel counter address (P-MANU-00003)
Handwheel counter address (P-MANU-00004)
Handwheel resolution
Handwheel resolution numerator (P-MANU-00005)
Handwheel resolution denominator (P-MANU-00006).
Upper limit for handwheel increments (P-MANU-00007)
Offset on activation (P-MANU-00012)
Processing handwheel increments (P-MANU-00013)
Inching key settings
Number of inching key pairs (P-MANU-00008)
Inching key data (tasten_data[i].*)
Logical key number (P-MANU-00009)
Processing feedhold (feedhold.*)
Handwheel mode (P-MANU-00010)
Jogging mode (P-MANU-00011)
Messages at offset limits (P-MANU-00014)
Example of assigning manual mode parameters
Startup data
Overview of start-up parameters
Migrated start-up parameters
Description of elements
Number of configured channels (P-STUP-00001)
SERCOS start-up (P-STUP-00002)
Number of SERCOS rings (P-STUP-00003)
SERCOS time slot calculation (P-STUP-00005)
SERCOS AT time slot calculation (P-STUP-00006)
SERCOS Master transmit power (P-STUP-00031)
Topology selected (P-STUP-00007)
List type (P-STUP-00008)
List file name for channel parameters (P-STUP-00009)
List file name for default channel parameters (P-STUP-00034)
Name of the tool data list file (P-STUP-00010)
Name of the list file for zero point data (P-STUP-00011)
Name of the list files for clamp position offset data (P-STUP-00012)
Name of the list file for axis parameters (P-STUP-00013)
Number of axis machine data records (P-STUP-00014)
Name of the list file for axis parameters (P-STUP-00015)
Name of the list file for default axis parameters (P-STUP-00035)
Number of offset value lists (P-STUP-00016)
Name of the list files for offset values (P-STUP-00017)
Axis assignment of the offset value list (P-STUP-00036)
Name of the list file for CNC real-time settings (P-STUP-00135)
Name of the list file for device configuration (P-STUP-00136)
Name of error message text file (P-STUP-00158)
NC program paths (path[i].*)
Path specification (P-STUP-00018)
Logical path number (P-STUP-00019)
Path type (P-STUP-00020)
Priority (P-STUP-00021)
Parameter for diagnosis upload
File path for diagnosis upload (P-STUP-00111)
Filename for diagnosis upload (P-STUP-00112)
Filename for upload file – start-up (P-STUP-00113)
Number of diagnosis data output files to be stored (P-STUP-00114)
Identifier to specify the diagnosis upload (P-STUP-00115)
Diagnosis upload mode (P-STUP-00117)
HMI objects (hmi[i].*)
Name of the list file (P-STUP-00024)
Mode of the list file (P-STUP-00025)
Parameters for the BF Channel (channel[i].*)
Mode of the list file (P-STUP-00027)
Name of the list file (P-STUP-00026)
Memory size for backward motion (P-STUP-00033)
Memory size for external variables (P-STUP-00037)
Name of the list file for external variables (P-STUP-00146)
Version identifier of visualisation data (P-STUP-00039)
Global or channel-specific output of display data (P-STUP-00040)
Alignment of external variables (P-STUP-00145)
Enabling the external compensation (P-STUP-00110)
Parameters for camming
Name of the list file for cam tables (P-STUP-00130)
Size of cam table memory (P-STUP-00131)
Parameter to trace position and dynamic data
Enabling/disabling the trace function (P-STUP-00132)
Defining the ring buffer size (P-STUP-00133)
Scheduling in the CNC
Scheduling in the controller (P-STUP-00134)
Scheduling the NC channel (P-STUP-00182)
Parameter for configuration (configuration.*)
Platform scaling
Position control (configuration.position_controller.*)
Maximum number of logged events (P-STUP-00042)
Defining the type of logged events (P-STUP-00043)
Axis management (configuration.axes_manager.*)
Maximum number of logged events (P-STUP-00091)
Defining the type of logged events (P-STUP-00092)
General scaling
Logging entries of the CNC
CNC logging events
Defining logging levels
Parameters for Volumetric Compensation (vol_comp[i].*)
Number of records to be read in (P-STUP-00100)
Configuration file for Volumetric Compensation (P-STUP-00101)
User-specific data (customer.*)
Free values (P-STUP-00120)
32-bit compatibility mode for CNC display data (P-STUP-00175)
Parameters for error message output
Logging mode (P-STUP-00167)
Name of text file containing error message texts (P-STUP-00168)
Name of text file containing user-specific error message texts (P-STUP-00169)
Name of error log file (P-STUP-00170)
Maximum size of the error log file (P-STUP-00171)
Waiting cycles before evaluation of PLC activation (P-STUP-00172)
Additional descriptive text (AO name) (P-STUP-00173)
Logging a CNC resets (P-STUP-00166)
Name of the file for error message texts of CNC cycles
Filter parameters for error handling on the platform (error_filter[i].*)
Error cause (P-STUP-00186)
Error action (P-STUP-00187)
Conditional activation (P-STUP-00188)
Conditional action (P-STUP-00189)
Conditional filter activation (P-STUP-00190)
Output of additional error information (P-STUP-00191)
Parameters for the Job Manager (jobmanager.*)
Log. ID of a client in Job Manager group (P-STUP-00206)
Client channel in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00207)
Log. ID of a channel agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00208)
Channel agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00209)
Log. ID of a PLC unit agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00210)
PLC unit agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00211)
Param.list of a PLC unit agent in a Job Manager group (P-STUP-00212)
Parameter for scene presentation
Enable scene functionality (P-STUP-00138)
Name of the list file for scene presentation (P-STUP-00137)
Setting units for PLCopen
Positions for linear axes (P-STUP-00192)
Velocities for linear axes (P-STUP-00193)
Velocities for linear axes (P-STUP-00194)
Jerk for linear axes (P-STUP-00195)
Positions for rotary axes (P-STUP-00196)
Speeds for rotary axes (P-STUP-00197)
Speeds for rotary axes (P-STUP-00198)
Jerk for rotary axes (P-STUP-00199)
Common transmission of T and D numbers for tool requests (P-STUP-00029)
Time-optimised setting for the simulation of online machining time calculation (P-STUP-00022)
MultiCore trace
Number of logging entries for logging (P-STUP-00213)
Name of the output file (P-STUP-00214)
Output file for previous logs (P-STUP-00215)
Parameters for channel synchronisation (signal_wait.*)
Activate acknowledgement for signals (P-STUP-00118)
Number of #SIGNAL/#WAIT events (P-STUP-00119)
Example of assigning the start-up list
Channel scaling ([i].*)
Decoding ([i].decoder.*)
Defining the decoder functionalities (P-STUP-00050)
Maximum number of possible cache files (P-STUP-00051)
Maximum size of a cache file (P-STUP-00052)
Maximum number of local subroutine definitions (P-STUP-00053)
Maximum number of logged events (P-STUP-00054)
Defining the type of logged events (P-STUP-00055)
Maximum V.I. user memory in bytes (P-STUP-00183)
Maximum number of creatable V.I. variables (P-STUP-00184)
Maximum number of measurement records for machine calibration (P-STUP-00185)
Tool radius compensation ([i].tool_radius_comp.*)
Defining the functionalities for tool radius compensation (P-STUP-00080)
Maximum number of logged events (P-STUP-00081)
Defining the type of logged events (P-STUP-00082)
Path preparation ([i].path_preparation.*)
Defining the functionalities for path preparation (P-STUP-00060)
Maximum number of blocks considered for pre-output of M functions (P-STUP-00061)
Maximum path for pre-output of M functions (P-STUP-00062)
Maximum number of logged events (P-STUP-00063)
Defining the type of logged events (P-STUP-00064)
Interpolation ([i].interpolator.*)
Defining interpolator functionalities (P-STUP-00070)
User-specific size of look-ahead buffer (P-STUP-00071)
Maximum number of logged events (P-STUP-00072)
Defining the type of logged events (P-STUP-00073)
Number of logs of the dynamic coordinate system (P-STUP-00074)
Reducing interpolator computing time (P-STUP-00075)
Maximum number of contour elements in the look-ahead contour (P-STUP-00076)
Channel parameter
General description
Classification of channel parameters
List interpretation at start-up
Referencing parameters
Application examples for parameter references
Overview of all channel parameters
Description of elements
Configuration of the NC channel.
Define the decoder functionalities (P-CHAN-00500)
Maximum number of logged events (P-CHAN-00501)
Defining the type of logged events (P-CHAN-00502)
Conditional activation of the functionalities (P-CHAN-00507)
Condition for activating the functionalities (P-CHAN-00508)
Maximum number of possible cache files (P-CHAN-00503)
Maximum size of a cache file (P-CHAN-00504)
Maximum number of local subroutine definitions (P-CHAN-00505)
Maximum number of measurement records for machine calibration (P-CHAN-00506)
Total number of NC macros (P-CHAN-00509)
Maximum number of predefined NC macros (P-CHAN-00510)
Maximum number of characters in macro name (P-CHAN-00511)
Maximum number of characters in macro content (P-CHAN-00512)
Activating real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00406)
Memory for real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00407)
Max. number of actions in a real-time cycle (P-CHAN-00480)
Size of additional memory for V.CYC variables (P-CHAN-00418)
Memory size for V.CH. variables (P-CHAN-00424)
Number of variables for P@ parameters (P-CHAN-00488)
Memory size for pattern definition (P-CHAN-00479)
Size of message memory for diagnosis data (P-CHAN-00514)
Maximum number of tools from lists (P-CHAN-00419)
Maximum number of string labels (P-CHAN-00515)
Maximum number of expression labels (P-CHAN-00516)
Maximum number of P parameters (P-CHAN-00517)
Behaviour with messages to ISG_DIAG_BED (P-CHAN-00518)
Behaviour with messages to HMI (P-CHAN-00519)
Behaviour with messages to PLC (P-CHAN-00520)
Maximum V.I. user memory in bytes (P-CHAN-00522)
Maximum number of creatable V.I. variables (P-CHAN-00523)
Length of program trace in diagnosis (P-CHAN-00524)
Tool radius compensation
Defining the functionalities for tool radius compensation (P-CHAN-00550)
Maximum number of logged events (P-CHAN-00551)
Defining the type of logged events (P-CHAN-00552)
Conditional enable of the functionalities (P-CHAN-00553)
Condition for enabling the functionalities (P-CHAN-00554)
Path preparation
Defining the functionalities for path preparation (P-CHAN-00600)
Maximum number of logged events (P-CHAN-00601)
Defining the type of logged events (P-CHAN-00602)
Maximum number of blocks considered for pre-output of M functions (P-CHAN-00603)
Maximum path for pre-output of M functions (P-CHAN-00604)
Conditional activation of the functionalities (P-CHAN-00605)
Condition for activating the functionalities (P-CHAN-00606)
Activate interface for the dynamic model (P-CHAN-00608)
Reduce transformation calls (P-CHAN-00609)
Defining interpolator functionalities (P-CHAN-00650)
Maximum number of logged events (P-CHAN-00651)
Defining the type of logged events (P-CHAN-00652)
User-specific size of look-ahead buffer (P-CHAN-00653)
Reducing interpolator computing time (P-CHAN-00654)
Conditional activation of the functionalities (P-CHAN-00655)
Condition for activating the functionalities (P-CHAN-00656)
Number of logs of the dynamic coordinate system (P-CHAN-00657)
Maximum number of contour elements in the look-ahead contour (P-CHAN-00658)
Configuration of PLC functions
Settings for M functions
Synchronisation types of M functions (P-CHAN-00041)
Examples of synchronisation of M functions
Synchronisation type MOS (without synchronisation)
Synchronisation type MVS_SVS
Synchronisation type MVS_SNS
Synchronisation type MNS_SNS
Synchronisation type MNE_SNS (only for edge banding option)
Synchronisation type MVS_SLM
Synchronisation type MVS_SLP
Without synchronisation MOS_TS
Synchronisation types MET_SVS, MEP_SVS
Synchronisation types MET_MOS, MEP_MOS
Path or time-related pre-output of M functions (P-CHAN-00070)
Axis-specific M functions (P-CHAN-00039)
Time-out and process times of M functions (P-CHAN-00040)
Settings for H functions
Synchronisation type of H functions (P-CHAN-00027)
Path or time-related pre-output of H functions (P-CHAN-00107)
Axis-specific H functions (P-CHAN-00025)
Time-out / process times of H functions (P-CHAN-00026)
Settings for tool change (tool.* or werkzeug.*)
Synchronisation type of tool request (P-CHAN-00086)
Timeout / process time of tool request (P-CHAN-00072)
Minimum permissible tool length (P-CHAN-00156)
Minimum permissible tool radius (P-CHAN-00157)
Process time of homing (P-CHAN-00077)
Calculation model for M/H pre-output time (P-CHAN-00209)
Tolerance for deviation with pre-output position of M/H function (P-CHAN-00760)
Residual path/time calculation with M/H pre-output (P-CHAN-00212)
Number of NC blocks at M/H code look ahead (P-CHAN-00274)
Dimensional units and resolutions
Dimensional unit for translatory axes (P-CHAN-00054)
Dimensional unit for rotary axes (P-CHAN-00079)
Scaling factor of axis resolution (P-CHAN-00315)
Resolution of linear axes (P-CHAN-00034)
Resolution of rotary axes (P-CHAN-00078)
Resolution of spindles (P-CHAN-00083)
Settings for tool management
Implicit execution of D word with T (P-CHAN-00014)
Output of tool data to the PLC interface (P-CHAN-00322)
Tool data is located in an external tool management (P-CHAN-00016)
Information of the external tool management (P-CHAN-00087)
Saving and deleting of tool data (P-CHAN-00103)
Initiating FLUSH mechanisms
Releasing motion blocks during T-selection (P-CHAN-00106)
Flushing NC channel by implicit '#FLUSH WAIT' (flush.*)
'#FLUSH WAIT' on selection of D word (P-CHAN-00271)
Tool life data recording
Send tool life data (P-CHAN-00076)
Suppress output of tool life data zero (P-CHAN-00243)
Tool life data recording for rapid traversing movements (P-CHAN-00255)
Tool life data recoding with D word (P-CHAN-00482)
Settings for edge banding
Residual path (P-CHAN-00030)
Block global edge banding (P-CHAN-00029)
Reject rest block (P-CHAN-00149)
Modal active measurement (P-CHAN-00153)
Suppress motion path check (P-CHAN-00227)
Programmed measurement signal (P-CHAN-00257)
Residual path related to contour (P-CHAN-00258)
Warning on non-detection of probing signal (P-CHAN-00298)
Warning message if residual motion path is too small (P-CHAN-00299)
Outputting an MNE_SNS technology function at measuring event (P-CHAN-00435)
Settings for measurement
Measurement type (P-CHAN-00057)
Error reaction with measurement type 1 (P-CHAN-00176)
Active delay with measurement signal (P-CHAN-00214)
Error reaction with measurement type 7 (P-CHAN-00266)
Automatic travel range limit (P-CHAN-00268)
Active dynamic for measurement run (P-CHAN-00296)
Including ball radius in PCS measurement value (P-CHAN-00311)
Allow already actuated probes when starting a measurement run (P-CHAN-00312)
Measurement path without motion path (P-CHAN-00313)
Switch over between physical and clone axes during a measurement run (P-CHAN-00326)
Axes, measurement values and offsets in CS (P-CHAN-00327)
Global program effectiveness of P parameters (P-CHAN-00067)
Single-step operating mode (P-CHAN-00015)
Settings for diameter programming (P-CHAN-00091)
Settings for circle centre point correction and radius compensation
Permissible absolute centre point offset (P-CHAN-00059)
Permissible relative centre point offset (P-CHAN-00060)
Maximum permissible absolute radius difference (P-CHAN-00171)
Maximum permissible percentage radius difference (P-CHAN-00172)
Settings for RESET
Default axis configuration in the channel after reset (P-CHAN-00179)
Axis release after Reset (P-CHAN-00075)
Release of non-channel axes after Reset (P-CHAN-00115)
Retention of the last axis configuration (P-CHAN-00460)
Maximum channel override (P-CHAN-00056)
Sampling of override (P-CHAN-00065)
Mode of the override
Influence on feed (P-CHAN-00066)
Influence on acceleration (P-CHAN-00170)
Rapid traverse override (P-CHAN-00181)
Influence of time override on dwell time (P-CHAN-00111)
Influence of time override on dwell time (P-CHAN-00353)
Operating principle of PLC feed (P-CHAN-00102)
Settings for vector dynamic limits (vector.*)
Vector acceleration limit (P-CHAN-00002)
Path deceleration limit (P-CHAN-00208)
Radial acceleration limit (P-CHAN-00361)
Unit for path acceleration/deceleration and jerk (P-CHAN-00351)
Path velocity limit (P-CHAN-00090)
Dynamic limit in the circle (P-CHAN-00350)
Configuration of effector coordinate system (ECS)
Select the second axis of ECS (P-CHAN-00031)
Plane selection (P-CHAN-00050)
Tracking a rotary axis
Definition of the tracking axis (P-CHAN-00095)
Automatic orientation of a tracking axis (P-CHAN-00101)
Selection of tracking mode without stopping (P-CHAN-00109)
Suppress a rotary CS offset (P-CHAN-00144)
Tracking axis in the workpiece (P-CHAN-00185)
Including a contour rotation (P-CHAN-00215)
Suppress vector dynamic limitation (P-CHAN-00265)
PCS smoothing function for tracking axis (P-CHAN-00281)
Switch the default feed axis (P-CHAN-00096)
Valid deceleration ramp at FEEDHOLD (P-CHAN-00097)
Switch over the meaning of M functions (P-CHAN-00098)
Effectiveness of tool compensation data (P-CHAN-00100)
Configuration of path axes
Number of axis groups (P-CHAN-00023)
Axis group-specific elements
Axis group structure (gruppe[i].*)
Axis group designation (P-CHAN-00005)
Number of axes in each axis group (P-CHAN-00003)
Axis structure (gruppe[i].achse[j].*)
Axis designation (P-CHAN-00006)
Logical axis number (P-CHAN-00035)
Default feed axis (P-CHAN-00011)
Configuration of spindles
Number of spindles (P-CHAN-00082)
Spindle name within a path compound (P-CHAN-00010)
Machine ID with C axis face machining (P-CHAN-00008)
Definition of main spindle
Main spindle axis number (P-CHAN-00051)
Designation of the main spindle (P-CHAN-00053)
Enabling gear changes of the main spindle (P-CHAN-00052)
Start NC programs without resetting main spindle (P-CHAN-00852)
Spindle data (spindel[i].*)
Spindle name (P-CHAN-00007)
Logical axis number (P-CHAN-00036)
Channel-specific PLC spindle (P-CHAN-00069)
Spindle-specific synchronisation types
Synchronisation type of the spindle S function (P-CHAN-00081)
Synchronisation type for M03 (P-CHAN-00045)
Synchronisation type for M04 (P-CHAN-00047)
Synchronisation type for M05 (P-CHAN-00049)
Synchronisation type for M19 (P-CHAN-00043)
Timeout and process time of the spindle function S (P-CHAN-00080)
Timeout and process time of M03 (P-CHAN-00044)
Timeout and process time of M04 (P-CHAN-00046)
Timeout and process time of M05 (P-CHAN-00048)
Timeout and process time of M19 (P-CHAN-00042)
Spindle gear change
Direction of range selection (P-CHAN-00074)
Automatic range selection (P-CHAN-00004)
Table of speed ranges (spindel[i].range_table[j].*)
Min. spindle speed (P-CHAN-00058)
Max. spindle speed (P-CHAN-00055)
Identification of an optional spindle (P-CHAN-00415)
Settings for synchronous mode (synchro_data.*)
Default coupling specifications (synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[i].*)
Coupled axis pairs (synchro_data.koppel_gruppe[i].paar[j].*)
Logical axis number of the slave axis (P-CHAN-00038)
Logical axis number of the master axis (P-CHAN-00037)
Mode of the coupled axis pair (P-CHAN-00061)
Restore coupling after RESET (P-CHAN-00104)
Restore coupling after program end (P-CHAN-00105)
Parameterisation of the change logging function (aep.*)
Logging mode (P-CHAN-00024)
Logging P parameters (P-CHAN-00068)
Logging self-defined variables (P-CHAN-00088)
Logging G functions (P-CHAN-00022)
Logging tool data (P-CHAN-00093)
Definition of macros (makro_def[i].*)
Specification of macro name (P-CHAN-00085)
Specification of macro content (P-CHAN-00062)
Settings for tool radius compensation (TRC)
Configuration with TRC (P-CHAN-00092)
Suppress warnings during contour masking (P-CHAN-00021)
Implicit contour masking (P-CHAN-00219)
Extended kerf detection for circular blocks (P-CHAN-00284)
Configuration of syntax check (syn_chk.*)
Number of errors per row (P-CHAN-00020)
Number of errors in an NC program (P-CHAN-00019)
Specifying the operation mode (P-CHAN-00028)
Write results of syntax check to file (P-CHAN-00416)
Parameterisation of kinematic transformations
Configuration for CNC Build V2.11.2xxx and higher:
Selection of default kinematic type (P-CHAN-00032)
Kinematic data (kinematik[i].*)
Kinematic parameters (P-CHAN-00094)
Configuration of Universal Kinematics
Configuration for CNC Builds as of V3.00 and higher:
Select default kinematic types for multi-step transformations (P-CHAN-00264)
Kinematic data (kin_step[i].trafo[j].* / trafo[j].* / trafo_pcs[j].)
Definition of kinematic ID (P-CHAN-00262)
Kinematic type (P-CHAN-00829)
Kinematic parameters (P-CHAN-00263)
Configuration of Universal Kinematics
Correction values for kinematics (P-CHAN-00438)
Basic offsets for stacked kinematics (P-CHAN-00446)
Default kinematic for PCS transformation (P-CHAN-00854)
Parameters of the Universal Kinematics (kinematik[91].*, trafo[j].*
Zero orientation of the tool (P-CHAN-00285)
Zero position of the tool (P-CHAN-00286)
Angle transformation (P-CHAN-00287)
Programming mode (P-CHAN-00288)
Number of axes (P-CHAN-00289)
Axis sequence (P-CHAN-00290)
Axis-specific data (kinematik[91].axis[k].*, trafo[j].axis[k].*)
Axis type (P-CHAN-00291)
Axis orientation (P-CHAN-00292)
Interpolation point on the axis (P-CHAN-00293)
Mode for the transformation between axis values and Cart. coordinates (P-CHAN-00294)
Transformation between axis values and Cart. coordinates (P-CHAN-00295)
Parameters of the coupling kinematic
Group ID of a coupling kinematic (P-CHAN-00447)
ID of a group containing the tool of a coupling kinematic (P-CHAN-00448)
Kinematic chain of a group (P-CHAN-00449)
Sequence of TCP movements of partial kinematics (P-CHAN-00450)
Lock the Cartesian degree of freedom of the coupling kinematic (P-CHAN-00458)
Orientation angle mode (P-CHAN-00112)
Activation of TCP display data (P-CHAN-00145)
Switchover of TCP display data (P-CHAN-00184)
Parameters for automatic alignment function (tool_ori_cs.*)
Axis in parallel with the tool (P-CHAN-00188)
Selecting the orientation resolution (P-CHAN-00189)
Transformation with gaps in the axis (P-CHAN-00213)
Tool orientation within the machining coordinate system (P-CHAN-00247)
Permissible calculation tolerance with forward / backward transformation (P-CHAN-00228)
Implicit selection of kinematic transformation (P-CHAN-00151)
Implicit deselection of kinematic transformation (P-CHAN-00152)
Mode of kinematic transformation (P-CHAN-00456)
TCP velocity limit (limit.kin[i].*)
Activate additional functionality for kinematics (P-CHAN-00464)
Kinematic ID (P-CHAN-00830)
Velocity limit (P-CHAN-00466)
Mode with tool head offsets (P-CHAN-00469)
Velocity percentage of the interpolation with G201 (P-CHAN-00478)
Default settings at program start (prog_start.*)
Initialisation of G functions (prog_start.g_gruppe[i].*)
G function numbers (P-CHAN-00063)
Initialisation of M functions (prog_start.m_gruppe[i].*)
M function number (P-CHAN-00064)
Initialisation of slope parameters (prog_start.slope.*)
Acceleration profile (P-CHAN-00071)
Effect of ramp time weighting (P-CHAN-00073)
Effect of acceleration weighting (P-CHAN-00001)
Profile calculation mode (P-CHAN-00349)
Initialisation of default feed rate (P-CHAN-00099)
Initialisation of feed rate unit (P-CHAN-00108)
Late synchronisation at program end (P-CHAN-00033)
Settings for Job Manager mode
Requesting current positions at program start (P-CHAN-00316)
Initialisation of working data at program start (P-CHAN-00317)
Enabling the interface to log scene data (P-CHAN-00318)
Enabling the interface to log time stamps (P-CHAN-00319)
Enabling the interface to log axis positions (P-CHAN-00320)
Reduction of tangential transition velocity (P-CHAN-00009)
Including jerk in the polynomial (P-CHAN-00110)
Jerk limiting mode at block transition (P-CHAN-00117)
Additional consideration of curvature at block transition (P-CHAN-00245)
Look ahead speed limit (speed_limit_look_ahead.*)
Enable / disable (P-CHAN-00017)
Weighting of speed limit (P-CHAN-00089)
Unit (P-CHAN-00018)
Distance to corner (P-CHAN-00013)
Distance from corner (P-CHAN-00012)
Weighting the speed limit via override (P-CHAN-00155)
Settings for manual mode
Rejection of manual mode path (P-CHAN-00113)
Relative manual mode offset limits with G200 (P-CHAN-00114)
Override with manual mode (P-CHAN-00186)
Error message output at manual mode axis overrun (P-CHAN-00437)
Suppression of workspace monitoring in manual operation (P-CHAN-00442)
Exclusivity of measuring system programming (P-CHAN-00116)
Exclusivity of axes programming (P-CHAN-00148)
Subroutine call with M6 (P-CHAN-00118)
Subroutine call with D word (P-CHAN-00429)
Subroutine call at program start / MDI
Subroutine name (P-CHAN-00119)
Mode of subroutine call (P-CHAN-00260)
Subroutine call at program end / MDI
Subroutine name (P-CHAN-00252)
Mode of subroutine call (P-CHAN-00433)
Settings for software limit switch (SLS) monitoring
Software limit switch (SLS) monitoring with tolerance (P-CHAN-00120)
Error reaction for command value based software limit switch monitoring (P-CHAN-00147)
Suppress software limit switch monitoring on command value side (P-CHAN-00459)
Limitation of software limit switches in manual mode with parallel interpolation (P-CHAN-00759)
Behaviour with programmed software limit switches (P-CHAN-00498)
List interpretation with active NC program (P-CHAN-00146)
Adoption of block number when subroutine is called (P-CHAN-00150)
Parameterisation of HSC machining (hsc.*)
BSPLINE parameters (hsc.bspline.*)
Deviation from the path contour (P-CHAN-00122)
Deviation of the tracked axis (P-CHAN-00123)
Path length of relevant blocks (P-CHAN-00124)
Contour bend angle for linear block transitions (P-CHAN-00125)
Cancellation criteria for merging blocks (P-CHAN-00126)
Start criteria for merging blocks (P-CHAN-00127)
Spline deselection with G00 blocks (P-CHAN-00128)
Response to maximum path deviation (P-CHAN-00129)
Response to maximum tracked axis deviation (P-CHAN-00130)
Limiting the corner distance (P-CHAN-00131)
Automatic insertion of polynomials on internal B spline deselection (P-CHAN-00239)
Definition of feed group for B spline (P-CHAN-00240)
HSC deselection when a deviation is equal to zero (P-CHAN-00241)
Deselecting spline at exact stop G60 (P-CHAN-00421)
General HSC parameters (hsc.gen.*)
Segmentation of linear blocks (P-CHAN-00132)
Block selection in the case of linear segmentation (P-CHAN-00133)
Segmentation specification (P-CHAN-00134)
Segment length with linear blocks (P-CHAN-00135)
Basis of segmentation of circular blocks (P-CHAN-00136)
Segmentation of circular blocks (P-CHAN-00137)
Contour error on segmentation of circular blocks (P-CHAN-00138)
Handling short blocks (P-CHAN-00139)
Minimum segment length for block segmentation (P-CHAN-00140)
Jerk limiting algorithm (P-CHAN-00141)
Factor for permissible jerk in 5-axis mode (P-CHAN-00142)
Factor for permissible jerk in 2.5D mode (P-CHAN-00143)
Delayed HSC selection (P-CHAN-00217)
HSC deselection behaviour for tracking axes (P-CHAN-00405)
Maximum number of segmented blocks for feed profile planning (P-CHAN-00375)
Analytical dynamic calculation for spline curves (P-CHAN-00468)
Channel synchronisation on axis exchange (P-CHAN-00154)
Channel initialisation with actual values (P-CHAN-00455)
Program name for automatic streaming (P-CHAN-00158)
Modal effect of I/J/K for circle programming (P-CHAN-00159)
Subroutine calls using G functions
Implicit call with G80 (P-CHAN-00160 - P-CHAN-00169)
Implicit call with G81 (P-CHAN-00161)
Implicit call with G82 (P-CHAN-00162)
Implicit call with G83 (P-CHAN-00163)
Implicit call with G84 (P-CHAN-00164)
Implicit call with G85 (P-CHAN-00165)
Implicit call with G86 (P-CHAN-00166)
Implicit call with G87 (P-CHAN-00167)
Implicit call with G88 (P-CHAN-00168)
Implicit call with G89 (P-CHAN-00169)
Additional implicit calls with G8xx (P-CHAN-00187)
Active testing whether axis group is 'in position' (P-CHAN-00173)
Ignore internal stop conditions with rapid contour visualisation (P-CHAN-00183)
Behaviour with axis errors (P-CHAN-00218)
Path-dependent dynamic weighting
Activation of dynamic weighting (P-CHAN-00190)
Table of dynamic weightings (dynamic_weighting[i].*)
Motion path limit (P-CHAN-00191)
Weighting factor for speed (P-CHAN-00192)
Weighting factor for acceleration (P-CHAN-00193)
Weighting factor for ramp time (P-CHAN-00194)
Example of a table
Radius-dependent dynamic weighting
Activation of dynamic weighting (P-CHAN-00230)
Table of dynamic weighting (curve_dynamic_weighting[i].*)
Radius limit (P-CHAN-00231)
Weighting factor for speed (P-CHAN-00232)
Weighting factor for acceleration (P-CHAN-00233)
Weighting factor for ramp time (P-CHAN-00234)
Example of a table
Special manual mode data (man_mode.*)
Settings for Cartesian manual mode (man_mode.vector_limit.*)
Dynamic data for linear axes
Command speed of a linear axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00195)
Command acceleration of a linear axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00196)
Ramp time of a linear axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00197)
Dynamic data for orientation axes
Command speed of an orientation axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00198)
Command acceleration of an orientation axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00199)
Ramp time of an orientation axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00200)
Command jerk of an orientation axis in manual mode (P-CHAN-00343)
Cycle programming settings
Modal effect of changes in the cycle (P-CHAN-00210)
Suppress NC blocks from cycles and M6 in trace data and display (P-CHAN-00211)
Memory size for @P parameters (P-CHAN-00481)
Automatic creation of @P parameters (P-CHAN-00463)
HSC settings for cycles
NC filename to deselect HSC settings (P-CHAN-00470)
Default machining tolerance to deselect HSC settings (P-CHAN-00471)
NC filename for HSC settings - roughing (P-CHAN-00472)
Default machining tolerance for HSC settings - roughing (P-CHAN-00473)
NC filename for HSC settings- Pre-finishing (P-CHAN-00474)
Default machining tolerance for HSC settings - Pre-finishing (P-CHAN-00475)
NC filename for HSC settings - Finishing (P-CHAN-00476)
Default machining tolerance for HSC settings - Finishing (P-CHAN-00477)
Settings for edge machining (edge_machining.*)
Enable / disable (P-CHAN-00220)
Critical bend angle (P-CHAN-00221)
Distance before the edge (P-CHAN-00222)
Feed before edge (P-CHAN-00223)
Waiting time in edge (P-CHAN-00224)
Distance after the edge (P-CHAN-00225)
Feed rate after the edge (P-CHAN-00226)
Switching feed rate adjustment (P-CHAN-00300)
Edge detection mode (P-CHAN-00301)
Decoder block ahead limiting
Block ahead limiting via number of blocks (P-CHAN-00216)
Block ahead limiting via number of NC motion blocks (P-CHAN-00246)
Time-based block ahead limiting (P-CHAN-00269)
Block ahead limiting in protected mode (P-CHAN-00270)
Selection/deselection of chamfers and roundings function (P-CHAN-00273)
Time ahead calculation based on mean feed velocity (P-CHAN-00428)
Exact stop with rapid traverse (P-CHAN-00235)
Check exact stop with additive movements (P-CHAN-00486)
Settings for lifting
Minimum path length for lift movements (P-CHAN-00244)
Lifting an axis with time-based calculation (P-CHAN-00345)
Settings for robotics
Orientation programming (ori.*)
Type of orientation representation (P-CHAN-00177)
Index of fixed rotation axis (P-CHAN-00178)
Plane of parallel tool axis (P-CHAN-00436)
Alternative programming of axis-specific movements in robotics (P-CHAN-00253)
Suppress an active kinematic transformation at G0 (P-CHAN-00423)
Limiting the path length of motion block (P-CHAN-00457)
Handling of polynomial blocks of zero length (P-CHAN-00254)
Settings for profile tube processing (tube_profile.*)
Type definition of technological functions (P-CHAN-00251)
Technological functions to display rounding transitions when exiting (P-CHAN-00250)
Technological functions to signal rounding transitions on engaging (P-CHAN-00249)
Optimised polynomial smoothing (P-CHAN-00259)
Configuration of interpolator input disable (P-CHAN-00267)
Settings for forward/backward movement on the path (forward_backward.*)
Backward movement with external position offsets (P-CHAN-00275)
M00 / M01 synchronisation
Programmed M00 stop during backward movements (P-CHAN-00276)
Programmed M00 stop during next forward movements (P-CHAN-00277)
Programmed M01 stop during backward movement (P-CHAN-00278)
Programmed M01 stop during next forward movement (P-CHAN-00279)
Automatic reversal after STOP
Behaviour at STOP marks during backward movement (P-CHAN-00308)
Response at STOP marks during forward movement (P-CHAN-00309)
Response at STOP marks during repeated forward movement (P-CHAN-00310)
User-defined data (customer.*)
Free values (P-CHAN-00280)
Encryption of NC programs (P-CHAN-00283)
Settings for independent axes
Position synchronisation of independent axes (P-CHAN-00297)
Implicit synchronisation using independent asynchronous axes (P-CHAN-00451)
Jog of path option after block search (P-CHAN-00305)
Checking the license in the clone channel (P-CHAN-00306)
Positioning of modulo axes on shortest path (P-CHAN-00346)
Optimised insertion of #FLUSH CONTINUE (P-CHAN-00341)
Enable 2-path programming (P-CHAN-00261)
Configuration of general display data
Definition of channel display information
Channel name (P-CHAN-00174)
Channel type (P-CHAN-00175)
Suppressing display of file name/file offset (P-CHAN-00180)
Diameter display (P-CHAN-00256)
Display format during machining simulation (P-CHAN-00121)
Display of active path feed (P-CHAN-00328)
Selecting the coordinate system to display axis positions (P-CHAN-00330)
Display of axis command values and target points in Cartesian coordinate systems (P-CHAN-00331)
Display of transformed actual positions (P-CHAN-00344)
Consider mirroring in display and manual mode (P-CHAN-00434)
Display motion range limits in PCS coordinate system (P-CHAN-00489)
Display PCS positions inverse TRC (P-CHAN-00487)
Logging of manual block commands
Name of manual block log file (P-CHAN-00338)
Maximum size of the manual block log file (P-CHAN-00339)
Filter parameters for error handling in the NC channel (error_filter[i].*)
Error cause (P-CHAN-00378)
Error action (P-CHAN-00379)
Conditional activation (P-CHAN-00380)
Conditional action (P-CHAN-00381)
Conditional filter activation (P-CHAN-00382)
Output of additional error information (P-CHAN-00383)
Settings for programming coordinate systems (coordinate_system.*)
Definition of the rotation mode (P-CHAN-00393)
Coordinate system settings (CS, ACS, BCS)
Identifier CS/ACS/BCS (P-CHAN-00490)
Translation of first axis (P-CHAN-00491)
Translation of second axis (P-CHAN-00492)
Translation of third axis (P-CHAN-00493)
Rotation angle of first rotation (P-CHAN-00494)
Rotation angle of second rotation (P-CHAN-00495)
Rotation angle of third rotation (P-CHAN-00496)
Parameterisation example
Transformation stack parameters
Name of the transformation stack (P-CHAN-00752)
Kinematic ID of the transformation stack (P-CHAN-00831)
ID of CS offset (P-CHAN-00754)
ID of ACS offset (P-CHAN-00755)
ID of BCS offset (P-CHAN-00756)
Name of activated transformation stack at program start (P-CHAN-00757)
Definition of rotation sequence (P-CHAN-00394)
Managing axis offsets in tracked axes (P-CHAN-00397)
2-path programming
Selection of the display coordinate system (P-CHAN-00395)
Selection of reference coordinate system (P-CHAN-00396)
Selection/deselection of intersection point calculation (P-CHAN-00398)
Response of G91 with orientation axes (P-CHAN-00332)
Use of axis numbers of master channel (P-CHAN-00282)
Buffering motion blocks to optimise the feed rate profile (P-CHAN-00329)
Units used in PLC Open functions (P-CHAN-00182)
Starting NC programs without initialisation (P-CHAN-00347)
Logical number of a NC channel (P-CHAN-00400)
Settings for throughfeed machining (conveyor_sync.*)
Logical axis number of the conveyor belt (P-CHAN-00362)
Movement direction of conveyor belt (P-CHAN-00363)
Virtual X axis (P-CHAN-00364)
Tolerance window for synchronisation to a conveyor belt (P-CHAN-00365)
Factor for reducing the speed (P-CHAN-00366)
Permissible tolerance for the end stop position of the X axis (P-CHAN-00367)
X offset of the Cartesian basic coordination system (P-CHAN-00368)
Y offset of the Cartesian basic coordination system (P-CHAN-00369)
Z offset of the Cartesian basic coordination system (P-CHAN-00370)
A rotation of the Cartesian basic coordination system (P-CHAN-00371)
B rotation of the Cartesian basic coordination system (P-CHAN-00372)
C rotation of the Cartesian basic coordination system (P-CHAN-00373)
End stop position of the X axis in the conveyor belt coordinate system (P-CHAN-00374)
Settings for dynamic contour control (dcc.*)
Selecting/deselecting the dynamic contour control function (P-CHAN-00384)
Selection of calculation method (P-CHAN-00385)
REAL64 dynamic contour control input parameters (P-CHAN-00388)
SGN32 dynamic contour control input parameters (P-CHAN-00389)
Settings for surface feed rate (geo_feed_adapt.*)
Selecting/deselecting the constant surface feed rate function (P-CHAN-00386)
Selection of calculation method (P-CHAN-00387)
REAL64 input parameters for surface feed rate (P-CHAN-00390)
SGN32 input parameters for surface feed rate (P-CHAN-00391)
NC program paths (path[i].*)
Path specification (P-CHAN-00401)
Logical path number (P-CHAN-00402)
Path type (P-CHAN-00403)
Priority (P-CHAN-00404)
Settings for generating debug data (debug.*)
Tracing parameters and variables (P-CHAN-00392)
Configuration of channel interface (provide_channel_interface.*)
Enabling channel interface for synchronous CS operations (P-CHAN-00399)
Settings for 'Time preview' function
Reserved distance for time calculation (P-CHAN-00307)
Relating the reserved distance for time preview to contour (P-CHAN-00340)
Merge short blocks for optimised contouring (P-CHAN-00321)
Contouring method in inch units (P-CHAN-00439)
Unit of constant cutting velocity (P-CHAN-00360)
Synchronisation of PLCopen jobs (P-CHAN-00359)
Orientation interpolation mode (P-CHAN-00417)
Orientation motion with active machining coordinate system (P-CHAN-00858)
Axis-specific orientation of tool length compensation (P-CHAN-00420)
Deactivate feed factor effect (P-CHAN-00422)
Residual time calculation up to trigger mark, residual time look-ahead
Trigger mark mode for residual time calculation (P-CHAN-00833)
M/H number of trigger mark for residual time calculation (P-CHAN-00832)
Settings for precalculation
Precalculation - time offset (P-CHAN-00324)
Precalculation mode (P-CHAN-00325)
Dynamic look-ahead for axis polynomials (P-CHAN-00453)
Memory size for contour machining (P-CHAN-00467)
Real-time cycles
Activating real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00406)
Memory for real-time cycles (P-CHAN-00407)
Max. execution time of realtime cycles (P-CHAN-00425)
Number of elementary instructions for time check (P-CHAN-00426)
Max. number of elementary instructions per CNC cycle (P-CHAN-00427)
Max. number of actions in a real-time cycle (P-CHAN-00480)
Compatibility for measuring with #CS/Transformation (P-CHAN-00440)
Calculation mode of resulting ramp time with #CS and #TRAFO (P-CHAN-00758)
Tolerance limit for recalculation with dynamic limitation of axis positions (P-CHAN-00751)
Settings for thread tapping
Tapping with actual positions of the spindle (P-CHAN-00761)
Number of filter cycles to filter actual spindle positions (P-CHAN-00762)
Settings for thread cutting
Thread cutting with actual spindle speed (P-CHAN-00834)
Number of filter cycles to filter actual spindle speed (P-CHAN-00835)
Parameter for MultiCore
Context information of the COM task (P-CHAN-00409)
Context information of the GEO task (P-CHAN-00410)
Context information of the SDA task (P-CHAN-00411)
3D distance control (dist_ctrl[i].*)
Filtering of sensor values (P-CHAN-00800)
Maximum position offset (P-CHAN-00801)
Maximum velocity (P-CHAN-00802)
Maximum acceleration (P-CHAN-00803)
Maximum permissible change in velocity of the measured distance (P-CHAN-00804)
Reference point offset for control measuring system (P-CHAN-00805)
Upper limit for measuring system (P-CHAN-00806)
Lower limit for measuring system (P-CHAN-00807)
Tolerance band for limits (P-CHAN-00808)
Coupling of distance sensor and motor encoder (P-CHAN-00810)
Adaptive weighting of acceleration (P-CHAN-00811)
Minimum acceleration (P-CHAN-00812)
Minimum distance error (P-CHAN-00813)
Maximum distance error (P-CHAN-00814)
Low pass filter (P-CHAN-00815)
Order of the filter (P-CHAN-00816)
Characteristic frequency of a filter (P-CHAN-00817)
Weighting factor for velocity of lowering movement (P-CHAN-00819)
Weighting factor for acceleration of lowering movement (P-CHAN-00820)
Weighting the distance control output values (P-CHAN-00821)
Integral (I) action time of the PID controller (P-CHAN-00822)
Derivative (D) action time of the PID controller (P-CHAN-00823)
Filter type for smoothing sensor data (P-CHAN-00825)
Uncertainty of measured values (P-CHAN-00826)
Smoothing factor (P-CHAN-00827)
Definition - Load model (limit.kin[i].dynamic_model.load[j].*)
Load mass (P-CHAN-00763)
X offset of load centre of gravity to the flange (P-CHAN-00764)
Y offset of load centre of gravity to the flange (P-CHAN-00765)
Z offset of load centre of gravity to the flange (P-CHAN-00766)
Rotation offset of the X axis (P-CHAN-00767)
Rotation offset of the Y axis (P-CHAN-00768)
Rotation offset of the Z axis (P-CHAN-00769)
Main moment of inertia of the X axis (P-CHAN-00770)
Main moment of inertia of the Y axis (P-CHAN-00771)
Main moment of inertia of the Z axis (P-CHAN-00772)
Dynamic model
Robot arm inertia parameters
Mass of the robot arm (P-CHAN-00778)
X offset of the robot arm centre of gravity (P-CHAN-00779)
Y offset of the robot arm centre of gravity (P-CHAN-00780)
Z offset of the robot arm centre of gravity (P-CHAN-00781)
Rotary offset of the robot arm centre of gravity of the X axis (P-CHAN-00782)
Rotary offset of the robot arm centre of gravity of the Y axis (P-CHAN-00783)
Rotary offset of the robot arm centre of gravity of the Z axis (P-CHAN-00784)
Main moment of inertia of the robot arm in relation to the X axis (P-CHAN-00785)
Main moment of inertia of the robot arm in relation to the Y axis (P-CHAN-00786)
Main moment of inertia of the robot arm in relation to the Z axis (P-CHAN-00787)
Dress pack additional element
Mass of the dress pack (P-CHAN-00788)
X offset of the dress pack centre of gravity (P-CHAN-00789)
Y offset of the dress pack centre of gravity (P-CHAN-00790)
Z offset of the dress pack centre of gravity (P-CHAN-00791)
Rotary offset of the dress pack of the X axis (P-CHAN-00792)
Rotary offset of the dress pack of the Y axis (P-CHAN-00793)
Rotary offset of the dress pack of the Y axis (P-CHAN-00794)
Main moment of inertia of the dress pack in relation to the X axis (P-CHAN-00795)
Main moment of inertia of the dress pack in relation to the Y axis (P-CHAN-00796)
Main moment of inertia of the dress pack in relation to the Z axis (P-CHAN-00797)
User-specific parameters
Suppressing escape motions (P-CHAN-00430)
Discontinued parameters
Definition of the kinematic name (P-CHAN-00443)
Select default kinematic names for multi-step transformations (P-CHAN-00452)
Name of the default kinematic after start-up (P-CHAN-00454)
Name of the kinematic (P-CHAN-00465)
Name of the kinematic (P-CHAN-00753)
Configuration list of realtime parameters
Overview of real-time parameters
General description
Using rtconf.lis
Structure and breakdown of the RT configuration data
Description of the basic parameters
Interrupt source (P-RTCF-00001)
NC cycle time (P-RTCF-00002)
Timer-Interrupt (P-RTCF-00003)
Guaranteed Windows computing time (P-RTCF-00004)
Name of the external operating system semaphore (P-RTCF-00005)
Thread-specific parameters (thread[i].*)
Name of thread (P-RTCF-00008)
Cycle time of thread (P-RTCF-00009)
Call sequence of the thread (P-RTCF-00010)
Error message on thread overflow (P-RTCF-00011)
Functions in a thread (thread[i].function[j].*)
Name of a thread function (P-RTCF-00012)
Number of calls of a thread function (P-RTCF-00013)
Flag bit of a thread function (P-RTCF-00014)
Assigning the thread to a CPU kernel (P-RTCF-00015)
Context information of a thread (P-RTCF-00017)
Schedule (P-RTCF-00018)
External threads
General description and overview
Specific parameters of external threads (external_thread[i].*)
Cycle time of an external thread (P-RTCF-00006)
Name of the semaphore of an external thread (P-RTCF-00007)
Example of a Rtconf.lis for a SERCOS application
Clamp position offset
Overview of clamp position offset parameter
General description
Classification of clamp position offset data
Description of elements
Clamp position offset group (pzv_grp[i].*)
Axis assignment of data in the clamp position offset group (pzv_grp[i].achse[j.*])
Axis-specific clamp position offset (P-CLMP-00001)
Example of assigning clamp position offset data ("pzv_d.lis")
Zero offsets
Overview of zero offsets
General description
Structure and classification of zero point data
Description of elements
Deselecting zero offsets (P-ZERO-00001)
Default setting of zero offsets (P-ZERO-00002)
Zero offset group (np_grp[i].*)
Axis assignment of data (np_grp[i].achse[j].*)
Zero offset (P-ZERO-00003)
Axis-specific activation (P-ZERO-00004)
Example assignment zero offsets with 3 axes
SERCOS device
Device type (type)
Telegram type (telegramm_typ)
Ring number (ring_nr)
Device address (antr_adr)
Master data telegram MDT (mdt[i].*)
MDT data (ident_nr)
MDT length (ident_len)
MDT data type (nc_ref)
Drive data telegram AT (at[i].*)
AT data (ident)
AT length (ident_len)
AT data type (nc_ref)
Configuration list for scene visualization and collision monitoring
Description of elements
General parameters
File name of the status image (P-SECO-00001)
Path to the enveloping bodies (P-SECO-00002)
Activating collision monitoring (P-SECO-00003)
Reaction after collision (P-SECO-00004)
Consistency check of data models (P-SECO-00005)
Suffix of colliding objects (P-SECO-00006)
Path to collision geometry (P-SECO-00007)
Coordinate system of an element
Translation (P-SECO-00025)
Rotation (P-SECO-00026)
Data of a graphical object (gobject[i].*)
Name of the graphical object (P-SECO-00020)
File name of geometric data (P-SECO-00021)
Node point name (P-SECO-00022)
Orientation of a graphical object (gobject[i].cs.*)
Definition of translation and rotation
Additional characteristics of graphical objects: key/value pairs
Data of a node point (linkpoint[i].*)
Node point name (P-SECO-00040)
Name of the previous node point (P-SECO-00041)
Assigned logical axis number (P-SECO-00042)
Orientation of the node point (linkpoint[i].cs_init.*)
Type of axis movement (P-SECO-00047)
Handling node point movement (P-SECO-00048)
Effect of axis movement on node point movement (P-SECO-00049)
Data of a group (group[i].*)
Name of the group (P-SECO-00060)
Names of the graphical objects (P-SECO-00061)
Example of assignment of a scene and collision list
Volumetric compensation parameters
Overview of compensation parameters
Description of elements
Logical axis numbers of the participating axes (P-VOLC-00001 to P-VOLC-00006)
Type of kinematic chain (P-VOLC-00007)
Number of workpiece axes (P-VOLC-00008)
Negating compensation values (P-VOLC-00009)
Setting compensation values to zero (P-VOLC-00010)
Alternative calculation rule (P-VOLC-00011)
Paths and names of parameter files (P-VOLC-00012)
Parameter file formats (P-VOLC-00013)
Interpolation method for error parameters (P-VOLC-00014)
Adaptation of error parameters (P-VOLC-00015)
Path to the diagnosis file (P-VOLC-00016)
Manual activation (P-VOLC-00017)
Filter size (P-VOLC-00018)
Associate compensation to channel (P-VOLC-00019)
Consider axis offsets (P-VOLC-00020)
Tool data
Overview of tool parameters
Description of elements
Tool data (wz[i].*)
Type (P-TOOL-00001)
Cutter position (P-TOOL-00002)
Tool length (P-TOOL-00003)
Tool radius (P-TOOL-00004)
Tool orientation (P-TOOL-00146)
Validity flag (P-TOOL-00005)
Axis offsets (P-TOOL-00006)
Additional tool parameters (P-TOOL-00007)
Unit of length, radius and axis offsets (P-TOOL-00008)
Kinematic parameters (P-TOOL-00009)
Tool fixed / alignable (P-TOOL-00010)
Kinematic ID (P-TOOL-00011)
Dynamic and gear data
Extended tool settings (P-TOOL-00147)
Logical spindle axis number (P-TOOL-00012)
Minimum rotation speed (P-TOOL-00013)
Maximum rotation speed (P-TOOL-00014)
Maximum acceleration (P-TOOL-00015)
Numerator gear ratio of a tool (P-TOOL-00016)
Denominator gear ratio of tool (P-TOOL-00017)
Reversal of rotation direction by gear (P-TOOL-00018)
Reversal of rotation direction without spindle standstill (P-TOOL-00019)
Data for grinding applications
Wear constant (P-TOOL-00030)
Maximum discrete infeed (P-TOOL-00031)
Grinding disc tilt angle (P-TOOL-00138)
Data for visualisation and collision monitoring
Linkpoint data (wz[i].linkpoint_data.*)
Linkpoint name (P-TOOL-00100)
Mountpoint (P-TOOL-00101)
Translation of main axes (P-TOOL-00102)
Rotation of main axes (P-TOOL-00103)
Axis number (P-TOOL-00104)
Translation/rotation of linkpoint (P-TOOL-00105)
Effect of the movement on the linkpoint (P-TOOL-00106)
Use of the linkpoint (P-TOOL-00107)
Position of linkpoint after axis exchange (P-TOOL-00108)
Maximum lever arm length (P-TOOL-00109)
Object data (wz[i].gobject_data[j].*)
Name Name of graphical object (P-TOOL-00120)
Linkpoint name (P-TOOL-00121)
Group name (P-TOOL-00122)
Translation of object (P-TOOL-00123)
Rotation of object (P-TOOL-00124)
Effect of shift and rotation (P-TOOL-00125)
File containing description of object data (P-TOOL-00126)
Key name (P-TOOL-00127)
Value name (P-TOOL-00128)
Information about a change (P-TOOL-00129)
Path-specific tool data (wz[i].path[j].*)
Tool radius (P-TOOL-00020)
Settings for the free configuration of the tool number
Enabling tool number assignment (P-TOOL-00140)
Defining the tool number(/tool ID (wz[i].tool_id.*)
Basic tool number (P-TOOL-00141)
Sister tool number (P-TOOL-00142)
Variant tool number (P-TOOL-00143)
Validity flag of the sister tool (P-TOOL-00144)
Validity flag of the variant tool (P-TOOL-00145)
Example of assigning tool data
Functional descriptions (FCT)
A1 Axis position lag
Type 1: Standard Method
Type 2: Linear Method
Type 4: Velocity-independent Method
Deactivate position lag monitoring
Overview of parameters
Axis parameters
CNC objects
A2 Software limit switch
Display motion path limiting
Programming a negative software limit switch
Position of the positive software limit switch
Extensions to G98 and G99
Overview of parameters
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
Manual mode parameters
CNC objects
A3 Axis position monitoring
Overview of parameters
Axis parameters
A4 Manual mode offset limits
Relative offset limits
Absolute offset limits
Programming relative offset limits
Overview of parameters
Axis parameters
Channel parameters
Manual mode parameters
CNC objects
ISG parameters
A7 Axis filters
Standard filters
Low-pass filters
High-pass filters
Band-pass filters
Band-stop filters
All-pass filters
Time delay filter
HSC filters
Filter prototypes
Axis filter parameter
Additional interface parameters
A8 Oscillating axes
Oscillating motion dynamics
Example of limitation by acceleration
Example of limitation by velocity
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
Linear slope
Non-linear slope
A9 Axis coupling over HLI
A10 Parameterising the DRIVE command
Drive datum to be transferred
Transfer type
Limitation of the output value
Value after controller start-up
Bitwise writing
Use of torque scaling
Response on program abort
Example 1: Reducing the maximum torque
Example 2: Disabling speed monitoring
A11 Collision avoidance through lift function
Advanced Lifting
Advanced Lifting properties
Special cases
Lifting properties
Special cases
Permitted functions
Limitations and error response
Differences between Advanced Lifting and Lifting
Display data - status display
Activate lift function
Parameters for the Lift function
CNC objects
HLI parameters
A12 Improved Position Control
“DIRECT" mode
"SET_POINT" mode
Gantry axes
Application example
C1 M- and H-functions
Range of freely user-definable M/H numbers
Default M functions
Parameterising the synchronisation methods
Examples of the synchronisation methods in combination with motions
Example with MVS_SVS
Example with MVS_SNS
Example with MNS_SNS
Example with MNE_SNS
Example of MVS_SLM
Example of MVS_SLP
Response of 'late' synchronisation (MVS_SLM, MVS_SLP) at program end
Example with synchronisation output brought forward MEP_SVS and MET_SVS
Defining the lead distance or time lead
Example with MEP_MOS and MET_MOS
Example with MOS_TS
Channel and axis-/-specific M/H functions
General programming
M/H functions with additional information
Production time calculation
Pre-output of M functions (MicroJoint)
Limitations, special cases
Tolerance parameters for the permitted deviation between real and planned pre-output positions of an M/H function
Explicit feed programming for MicroJoints (#CHANNEL SET)
Spindle M functions
Examples of spindle M functions
Example 1a: CNC spindle, internally synchronised
Example 1b: CNC spindle, internal and synchronised by the PLC
Example 2a: PLC spindle
Example 2b: PLC spindle with output of M functions via the channel range
Gear speed selection/parameter set changeover
Programming using the example of M functions, channel- and axis-specific
Example 1: Programming a channel-specific M function
Example 2a: Programming an axis-specific M function in extended syntax
Example 2b: Programming an axis-specific M function in DIN syntax
Other examples
Method to create an M or H function in the channel parameter list
C2 Coordinate systems and offsets
Offset types
Coordinate systems
Selecting a coordinate system (#CS)
Rotation in a plane (contour rotation)
Coordinate system for fixture adaptation (#ACS)
Linkage of coordinate systems
Effector coordinate system (#ECS)
Temporary transition to the machine axis coordinate system (#MCS)
Measuring offset
Manual mode offset
Position preset
Reference point offset
Zero offset
Tool offset
Tool length compensation (#TLC)
Clamp position offset
Suppressing offsets
Axis parameters
Channel parameters
C3 Axis collision monitoring
C4 Measurement
Dynamics of measurement run
Basic settings
Measure with one / several axes
Measured value detected in the drive hardware
Terminal drives
Measured value detection in the CNC
Measuring probe signal via PLC interface
Probing with switchable probe and measured value detection in the drive
Measurement run to fixed stop
Example for SERVOS drive
Example for CANopen drive
Measure with external measuring hardware
Measuring with Distributed Clocks Timestamp
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
PLC parameters
Old probing signal parameters (up to version V2.11.2019.14)
C5 Axis compensations
Backlash compensation
CNC objects
Error messages
Parameterisation example
Temperature compensation
CNC objects
Axis compensations with compensation value lists
Compensation value lists
Cross compensation
CNC objects
Example of a compensation value list
Error messages
Plane compensation
CNC objects
Examples of compensation value lists
Error messages
Leadscrew error compensation
CNC objects
Example - Non-equidistant bilateral SSFK
Error messages
Friction compensation
Types of friction and compensation
Additive current dependent on velocity
Reverse the motion direction
Select and deselect compensation
Special features of drive parameters
Determine the parameters for the compensation value list
Determine parameters manually
Effect of friction compensation
Axis parameters
Compensation values
Axis parameters
Compensation values
Crosstalk compensation
CNC objects
Example of a compensation value list
Error messages
Other configuration options for axis compensation
Selecting/deselecting axis compensation in the NC program
Checking the states of axis compensation in the NC program
Monitoring of effectiveness of axis compensations in automatic mode
C6 Block search
Block search types
Type 1: Continuation position defined by file offset
Type 3: Continuation position defined by block counter
Type 4: Continuation position defined by block number
Type 5: Block search at program end
All types: Block search with additional breakpoint
Type 6: Breakpoint without block search
All types: Block search as of a specific program position (file offset)
General parameters
Continuation position within a block
Covered distance in current block in per thousand
Distance covered from program start (#DISTANCE PROG START)
Restart to the contour after block search
Manual restart during block search
Track the C axis with block search (#CAX TRACK)
Path-dependent angle compensation at block search (#VECTOR OFFSET)
Backward motion after block search
Block search interface and parameters
General block search parameters
Covered distance
Block search type 1 parameters: File start/end position
Start position
End position
Block search type 3 parameters: Block counter
Block search type 4 parameters: Block number
Status data: Access via CNC objects:
Status data: Access via HLI
Lock program areas for block search (#BLOCKSEARCH)
On/off handshake with PLC
Known restrictions
Block search type 4
Specify block number and pass counter
Specify the block number and covered distance in the block
Block search type 3
Specify block counter
Exceptions and errors
C7 Forward and backward on path
Forward/backward motion on the path
Synchronisation during forward/backward motion
M/H function handshake with PLC
Suppressing programmed or optional stops
NC program
Skipping program sequences (#OPTIONAL EXECUTION)
Clearing backward storage (#BACKWARD STORAGE CLEAR)
PLC interface
Control units
Control units for CNC Builds up to V2.11.20xx
Known restrictions
Backward movement with external position offsets
Backward motion after block search
Automatic reversal after stop (#STOP REVERSIBLE)
Interfaces / NC commands
NC command
HLI state
HLI commands
Example 1: Reversible stop
Example 2: Option to disable the reversible STOP
Example 3: Additional parameters for optional stop
Example 4: Enabling the programmed STOP by the PLC
Example 5: Parameterising the programmed stop
C9 Syntax check
Selection via HMI interface
Commands and display via PLC interface
Description of channel parameters
C10 External tool management
Programming and tool data
Saving tool data
Access to tool data in the NC program (V.G.WZ..)
Saving tool life parameters
Access to tool life parameters
Communication with ext. tool management system (PLC)
Tool data (D or #TOOL DATA)
Tool change (T or #TOOL PREP)
Information to PLC
Tool life data
Description of channel parameters
C11 Gantry operation
Soft gantry
Programming examples
Hard gantry
Master axis
Slave axis
Gantry start-up
Disable gantry combination (#GANTRY OFF, #GANTRY OFF ALL)
Restore gantry combination (#GANTRY ON, #GANTRY ON ALL)
Error handling
Channel parameters for dynamic gantry mode
General axis parameters
Axis parameters for dynamic gantry mode
Axis parameters for static gantry mode
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
C12 Decrypting and encrypting a NC program
Encryption groups and configuration
Channel parameter list
Library methods
Version number
Use of the dll in a test GUI
Encryption example
Channel parameters
CNC objects
C13 Access to CNC
COM task
Requesting object description
Data content
Task SDA, Task GEO
Administration, IndexGroup/Offset address
Dynamic access to variables
P parameter
V.L variables
V.P variables
V.S variables
Interface for variables with flexible data type (V.E, V.G, V.A, V.CYC)
General properties
Channel-specific interface
Axis-specific interface (e.g. for V.A variables)
Transfer parameters and return values
“Number of variable elements” function
“Variable description by index” function
“Variable handle by name” function
“Read variable value by handle” function
“Read variable value by name” function
“Write variable value by handle” function
“Write variable value by name” function
“Extended description by index” function
“Variable handle by name” axis-specific function
“Read variable value by name” axis-specific function
“Write variable value by name” axis-specific function
Partially dynamic elements
V.A variables
V.G. variables
V.E variables
Access to V.E array element
C14 Workspace monitoring
Standard control for axes
Characteristics of workspace/protection area control
Workspace/protection area monitoring for 2-path application
Control levels
Defining workspace and protection areas
Polygonal control areas “POLY”
Cylindrical control areas “CIRC”
Activating workspace and protection areas
Deactivating workspace and protection areas
Clearing workspace and protection areas
Monitor additional axes
Special features in manual mode
PLC parameters
C15 Jog of path
Configuring axes and channels
Switchover sequence
Positions off set
Application examples
PLC interface
HMI interface
CNC objects
C17 Contour visualization
Dry run
Rapid contour visualisation
Application examples
Online contour visualisation
Scene contour visualisation
C19 Data streaming
Description of data streaming
Basic characteristics
Extended characteristics of data streaming
Flushing the NC channel (#FLUSH CONTINUE)
Subroutine call
Loops and branches
Block search
Jump to label
Tool radius compensation, contouring, splines
Automatic program commanding as comparison
Error handling
Exceptional situations and error cases
Data transfer via COM object
C20 Online tool compensation
Programming (#OTC ON/OFF)
Wear compensation of tool radius
Wear compensation of tool length
Inclined grinding disc
Wear compensation in tool direction
Wear compensation in direction of surface normal
Special settings in tool data
HLI parameters
Channel-specific connection
Axis-specific connection
Special V.G. variables for OTC
Connecting to external tool management
C22 Export V.E. variables
Generating the output file (#EXPORT VE)
Errors on exporting
Example 1- Use short text strings
V.E. variable list
Example of output file for CODESYS
PLC example
Example of output file for MULTIPROG
Example 2- Use long text strings
V.E. variable list
Sample output file for CODESYS
PLC example
Example of distance control
V.E. variable list
Exporting the V.E. variable list
Importing the code into PLC
Integrating into PLC program
Restrictions in the case of a multi-channel controller structure
C23 Loading NC programs in local memory
Description, characteristics
Programming (#CACHE)
C24 Limiting decoder block ahead
Block ahead limiting on the basis of the number of blocks
Block number limiting via NC command
Limiting the number of blocks via channel parameters
Special features and restrictions
Time-related block ahead limiting
Programming examples
Monitored block ahead operation
C26 Volumetric compensation
General configuration (obligatory)
Tool length (optional)
Modification of compensation values (optional)
Alternative model (optional)
Diagnosis (optional)
Linkage to channel (optional)
Access to configuration and state data with V.G variables
Activation (#VOLCOMP ON/OFF)
Behaviour on reset and in the event of errors
Notes on measurement
Influence of measuring strategy on configuration
Workpiece axes
Cartesian pre-compensation
Coordinate system offset, rotation centre
Error parameters
Parametric model according to DIN ISO 230 and ISO TR 16907
List of parameters supported
File formats supported
Units of measure
ISG CSV format
Etalon Exchange Format
Interpolation of parameter values
Interpolation mode
Constancy in the case of modulo passages, parameter splicing
Cartesian compensation of XYZ kinematics
Compensation of head kinematics CYXZ, with Cartesian pre-compensation
C27 Universal Kinematic
Configuring the kinematics
Description of flange and tool
Programming or description of the kinematic chain
Setting the programming mode
Setting angle transformation
Notes on parameterisation
Kinematic chain
Sequence of axes in the kinematic chain
1. Example of a CA machine
2. Example of an AC machine
3. Example of an AC machine with cardanic table
Sequence of axes in the kinematic chain
Testing the configuration in the simulation
Programming modes
Point-vector programming
Angle programming
Classic programming modes
Compliance and direct programming
Compensating axis position errors
Avoiding pose changes
Simulating existing kinematics
Transformation between axis values and Cartesian coordinates
Other examples
Implementation of CB head kinematic
C28 Delete distance to go
Delete distance to go
Delete single distance to go
Delete distance to go up to an explicit end marker
Interface signals
Commands in the deleted contour
Relative programming (G91)
Combination with backward motion
Abort a measuring block with Delete distance to go
PLC interface
Programming examples
Request at different times
Delete multiple distances to go with rapid motion G00
Delete single distance to go applied multiple times, G01 motion
Delete distance to go with intermediate signal reset
Delete distance to go with command within deleted contour
Delete distance to go with backward motion
Delete distance to go for backward motion
C30 Dynamic coordinate system
Dynamic coordinate system
Specify the coordinate system by master
CNC channel as master (#CHANNEL INTERFACE)
PLC as Master
Control unit
Tracking slave
Switch via NC command
Consider the master position in the slave
Implicit axis-specific calculation (#TRACK CS ABS)
Explicit calculation
Switch via PLC command
Display on the HLI
Example 1: Slave tracks master axis-specific
Example 2: Fluctuations in a kinematics base
Example 3: Slave tracks the moved workpiece
Example 4: Slave tracks workpiece on rotary table
Hybrid implementation from PLC and NC program
Implementation via PLC
Channel parameters
Start-up parameters
C31 Service Interface
C32 Realtime cycles
Realtime cycle
Separating definition and activation
BLOCK validity
PROG validity
GLOBAL validity
Action at end
Time-critical execution
Managing realtime cycles
$IF control structure
$IF without frequency
$IF with frequency
Combination of $IF conditions with and without frequency
Mathematical expressions
Applicable variables
External variables
Realtime variables
Channel-specific realtime variables
Axis-specific realtime variables
Channel variables
Create / Delete
Variable types
Basic properties / visibility / scope
Influencing variable synchronisation
Applicable functionality
Timer functionality
Output of user errors
M and H technology functions
Spindle programming
Spindle speed and direction for endless turning
Positioning spindles
Spindle stop
PLC spindles
Single axis motions
Programming syntax
Position request
Overview of channel and axis parameters
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
C34 Estimation of future data
Start-up parameters
Channel parameter
Start-up parameters
Channel parameter
CNC objects
Channel-specific CNC objects
Axis-specific CNC objects
HLI parameters
C35 Coupling kinematics
Constraints and limitations
Configuring the partial kinematics
Special features of Universal Kinematic ID 91
Configuring groups
Configuring a workpiece CS
Configuring the kinematic chain of a group
Configuring the priority for the solution algorithm
Configuring axes
Tool data
Modification in the NC program
Configuration examples
Robot on an XY linear unit
Robot on an XZ linear unit at a rotary/swivel table
Direct programming of partial kinematics
Programming the TCP
Mixed programming
Locking degrees of freedom
Available V.G variables
Axis parameters
Channel parameters
C36 Vibration Guard
Operating principle
Vibration Guard mode
Contour deviation
Tolerance monitoring
Activating the Vibration Guard
Limitations, special features
C37 FIR-Filter
Operating principle
Filter types
Moving average filter
Gaussian filter
Windowed sinc filter
Time delay filter
Contour deviation
Estimation of contour deviation
Limiting axis errors and contour deviation
Tolerance monitoring
Enabling FIR filters
Restrictions – special features
C39 MultiCore
Standard configuration of CNC tasks
Configuration of GEO tasks
Assignment of CNC task and CNC channel
CNC scheduler
Configuration in TwinCAT
Real-time Linux / Windows Simulator
Diagnostic options
Channel parameters
Real-time parameter
CNC objects
C40 Contour look-ahead
Mode 1 – Request via index
Mode 2 - Request via distance from program start
PLC interface
User data
Examples (graphic)
Contour look-ahead and real-time loops
PLC parameters
C41 Insert stop command
Combination of functions “Insert motion stops during processing” and real-time loops
POSITION mode application
DISTANCE mode application
Combination of functions “Insert motion stops during processing” and real-time loops
PLC interface
Control unit – Insert stop marks (insert command)
User data
C42 Real-time loops
Display data
Differences from default loop
Combination of functions “Insert motion stops during processing” and real-time loops
Permissible NC commands within a real-time loop
Real-time variables for real-time loops
Contour look-ahead and real-time loops
PLC interface for display data
C43 Dynamic limitation of axis position
PLC parameters
Monitoring axis positions
PLCopen blocks
C45 Velocity smoothing
Productivity factor
Description of parameters
CNC objects
C47 TCP velocity limit
Tool parameter modes
Application examples
Parameterisation example for operation mode in T1 mode
Universal Kinematics ID 91 and V.G.LIMIT.KIN[i].TOOL
Programming example – Update the kinematic
Channel parameters
HLI parameters
Error messages
C48 Load model
Basic configuration
Load parameterisation
Programming (#LIMIT LOAD)
Axis parameter
Channel parameters
D1 Dynamic parameter
General dynamics characteristics
Further limits
Acceleration profiles
Step-shaped acceleration profile
Jerk-limited default acceleration profile
Jerk-limited HSC acceleration profile
Jerk limitation and path
Path profile with non-tangential continuous block limits
Path profile with tangential continuous block transitions
Jerk limitation within the path
Emergency stop acceleration
Selecting/modifying the acceleration profile
Profile type and weighting effect, parameterising channel parameters
Path-specific dynamic limit, parameterising channel parameters
Dynamic limits for manual mode
Parameterising the axis parameters G200
Parameterising the axis parameters G201
Parameterising channel parameters
Parameters for homing
Parameters for reduced velocity
Control flags
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
General parameters
Linear slope
Non-linear slope
Parameters for manual mode
Channel list example
Axis list example
D2 Feedforward control
Example: Parameterising feedforward control with additive command values
Velocity feedforward control
Acceleration feedforward control
M1 Homing
Homing interfaces
Commanding and execution
Sequence strategies for homing
Default homing
Phase 1: Move to reference cam
Phase 2: Move away from reference cam
Phase 3: Move to reference cam with referencing
Flying homing for spindle axes
Homing without reversal
Special homing methods
Referencing with motion away from cam
Homing without reversal
Referencing with zero pulse without reference cam
Referencing by homing to fixed stop
Process for homing to fixed stop
Drive parameters
Drive simulation
Gantry coupling
Example parameters for a SERCOS drive
NC-controlled homing to fixed stop with DSE drives
Monitoring during homing
Path monitoring
Monitoring after homing
Reference loss (reference monitoring)
Delayed activation of zero pulse logic
System parameters
Drive types
Simulation axis
Drive systems with reference cam
Reference cam present
Cam switch signal level
Access type on cam signal
Drive systems with zero pulse
Sequence parameters
Homing with or without reversal
Motion direction during homing
Velocities for homing
Homing acceleration
Reference position
Specific parameter for drive simulation
Effectiveness of parameters
Parameterisation examples
Conventional drives
SERCOS with zero pulse latch with S-0-146
Dependence on the type of referencing method
M2 Single step mode
Commandable operating modes
Disable program areas for single step
Single step mode on block numbers
Select via CNC object
M3 Distance control
Smoothing sensor data
Moving averaging filter
Exponentially weighted averaging filter
Influence of parameters
Low-pass filters
Kalman filter with averaging filter model
Influence of parameters:
Kalman filter with exponential model
Influence of parameters:
Operation mode of distance control
Specifying the workpiece surface (SET_POS, surface)
Specifying the distance (SET_DIST, distance)
Various distance control options
Option: Use of distance sensor and motor encoder
Option: Weighting of acceleration dependent on distance deviation
Option: Dead time reduction
Option: Dynamic weighting of the lowering movement
Parameter display
Changing parameters
Example of distance axis
CNC objects of axis-specific distance control
PLC interface
Distance control states and transitions
Control commands for distance control
Test example with drive simulation
Error messages
3D distance control
Overview of functionality
Minimum distance
Constant tool centre point
Compensation for real workpiece surface
CNC and PLC tasks
Properties, function
Tool centre point and compensation motion
Monitoring the minimum distance using kinematic ID 98
Example: Inclination of tool via CA kinematic
Example: Monitoring the minimum distance with different orientations in the plane
Compensation for real workpiece surface
Example: Compensation in tool direction
Example: Compensation orthogonal to the surface
Example: Robot
Activating/deactivating, behaviour at reset, program end
Restrictions - compatibility with other functions
PLC interface (status information of a channel)
CNC objects 3D distance control
Error messages
Parameterisation example
Example configuration of sensor variables
Application examples
M5 Tube processing
Machining variants (3/4-axis)
Round tube, lateral surface
Programming #CYL [..]
Axis configuration
Path example
Round tube, projection
Programming #CYL [RADIUS..]
Axis configuration
Path example
Polygonal tube, profiled tube
Programming #CYL [EDGES..]
Axis configuration
Profile rounding, technology and dynamics during feed motion
Path example
Open polygonal tube / profiled tube (L/U profiles)
Programming #CYL [EDGES.. OPEN..]
Eccentric rotation centre point
Axis configuration
Machining variants (5/6-axis)
Round tube, lateral surface
6-axis, 2 orientation axes in the tool head available
Tube machining with AB orientation head
Tube machining with BA orientation head
Tube machining with CA orientation head
Tube machining with CB orientation head
Tube machining with CA cardanic orientation head
5-axis, one orientation axis in both workpiece and tool
Tube machining with AU kinematics
Tube machining with BV kinematics
Tube machining (#CYL ORI LATERAL)
Plate machining
Examples of tube machining (6-axis)
AB head, AB programming
BA head, BA programming
AB head, CA programming
BA head, CA programming
CA head, CA programming
CB Kopf, CB Programmierung
CA cardanic head, CA programming
Examples of plate machining (6-axis)
AB Kopf, CA Programming
AB Kopf, AB Programming
Examples of tube machining (5-axis)
AU kinematics, BA programming
BV kinematics, AB programming
AU kinematics, CA programming
BV kinematics, CA programming
Polygonal tube, profiled tube
Programming (#CYL ORI PROFILE)
Program example with AB tool head configuration
Program example with BV configuration:
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
Round tube, lateral surface (kinematic ID 15)
Round tube, projection (kinematic ID 78)
Polygonal tube, profiled tube (kinematic ID 79)
M / H Steuercodes
Round tube, lateral surface (5/6-axis) (kinematic ID 90)
Parameters for AB orientation head
Parameters for BA orientation head
Parameters for CA orientation head
Parameters for CB orientation head
Parameters for CA cardanic orientation head
Parameters for AU kinematics
Parameters for BV kinematics
Polygonal tube, profiled tube (5/6-axis) (kinematic ID 93)
Parameters for AB and BV orientation head
Block search and profiled tube machining
M6 Skipping
Skip NC blocks
Standard skipping
Extended skipping (skip levels)
Enabling/disabling via HMI
Enabling/disabling via PLC
CNC objects
PLC parameters
M7 Error management
Reporting and recording errors
Suppressing all warnings
Output examples
Filtering error messages
Programming example of filtering error messages
Activating filter rules
Outputting user error messages
User-defined error output (#ERROR)
Output of user-defined error messages to HMI
TwinCAT3 error output
Output only via PLC
Direct output to Event Logger
Output format of Event Logger
Example of output to HMI
Start-up parameters
Channel parameters
Axis parameter
CNC objects
HLI parameters
M8 Fixed stop
“Move to fixed stop” with one axis
“Move to fixed stop” with an independent axis
Text for fixed stop detected
“Move to fixed stop” with several axes
Default initialisation at controller start
Default assignment for a SERCOS drive
Default assignment for a CANopen drive
Start-up parameters
Axis parameters
Start-up parameters
Axis parameters
M09 Diagnosis upload
Commanding the upload
Commanding via the PLC
Parameterisation of an upload
Execute upload
Start-up parameters
CNC objects
PLC parameters
S1 Spindle
Control topology
Spindle types
NC spindle
Example: Configuring and programming an NC spindle
PLC spindle
Example: Configuring and programming a PLC spindle
Special application
Main spindle
Controlled spindle
Example: Configuring a sensorless spindle
Example: Configuring a speed-controlled spindle with speed feedback
Other configuration examples
Example: Configuring and programming several spindles
Example: Configuration of a 2-channel system with 3 spindles
Spindle modes
Endless rotation
Spindle as channel axis
Spindle behaviour
Spindle override
Control by CNC
Behaviour at NC program end or CNC Reset
M functions
Spindle speed - path motion
Spindle monitoring
Homing for NC spindles
Spindle functions
Feed forward
Gear change
Synchronous operation
Curve-controlled acceleration
Method 1: Characteristic curve a(n) in polynomial- or hyperbola form
Method 2: Characteristic curve for asynchronous drives
Tool-related dynamic limiting for spindles
Thread drilling without compensating chuck (G63)
Thread cutting with endlessly rotating spindle (G33)
C-axis machining (face and lateral surface machining)
Turning functions
HLI interface objects (NCK PLC interface)
Overview of channel, axis and tool parameters
Channel parameters
Axis parameters
Tool parameters
S2 Spindle operation
Drives with position control in the drive
Drives with position control in the CNC
S3 Turning
Standard turning functions
Diameter programming (G51/G52)
Cutter radius compensation (G40/G41/G42)
2D cutter radius compensation (CRC) and 5-axis kinematics
Feedrate per revolution (G95 / G94)
Thread cutting with endlessly rotating spindle (G33)
Thread cutting at actual spindle speed
Constant cutting speed (G96/G97/G196)
Constant cutting speed at feedrate per revolution (G96, G95)
Tapping (G331/ G332)
Thread drilling without compensating chuck (G63)
Thread tapping with spindle actual positions
Functions for lathes / milling machines
C axis machining
Exchange spindles in coordinated motion (# CAX, #CAX OFF)
Face machining (#FACE, #FACE OFF)
Face machining with 2 rotary axes (#FACE 2ROT, #FACE OFF)
Surface machining (#CYL, #CYL OFF)
Lateral surface machining with 2 rotary axes (#CYL 2ROT, #CYL OFF)
Channel parameters
Tool offsets
Axis parameter
Tool parameters
Kinematic transformations
Specifying the kinematic ID, kinematic type and offset data
Kinematic ID and offset data - CNC Build <V300
Rotary axes and direction of rotation
Linear axes and motion direction
Kinematic singularities
Further documentation concerning transformations
Kinematic transformations
KIN_TYP_1 – 5-axis kinematics/single-column bed machine
KIN_TYP_2 – 5-axis kinematics with rotary/swivel head
KIN_TYP_3 - four-axis kinematics with double spindle head (top spindle)
KIN_TYP_4 - four-axis kinematics with double spindle head (top spindle)
KIN_TYP_5 – 4-axis kinematics with crosshead for 4 tools
KIN_TYP_6 – 4-axis kinematics with underfloor milling tool
KIN_TYP_7 – 5-axis kinematics with man. auxiliary axis (drilling)
KIN_TYP_8 – 5-axis kinematics with man. auxiliary axis (sawing)
KIN_TYP_9 – 5-axis kinematics (boring and milling unit)
KIN_TYP_10 – 5-axis kinematics (sawing)
KIN_TYP_11 – 5-axis kinematics with oblique tool head
KIN_TYP_12 – Tripod kinematics
KIN_TYP_13/14 - Face transformation
KIN_TYP_16 – 5-axis kinematics
KIN_TYP_17 – five-axis kinematics with 2 manual auxiliary axes
KIN_TYP_18 – five-axis kinematics with 2 manual auxiliary axes (sawing)
KIN_TYP_19 – Tripod kinematics
KIN_TYP_21 – Lambda kinematics
KIN_TYP_22 – 5-axis kinematics with X/Y workpiece table
KIN_TYP_23 – 5-axis kinematics with X/Y/B workpiece table
KIN_TYP_25 – 5-axis kinematics with plasma/laser head
KIN_TYP_28 – 5-axis kinematics
KIN_TYP_30 – 4-axis kinematics
KIN_TYP_33 – 5-axis kinematics with oblique tool head
KIN_TYP_34 – 4-axis kinematics with X/C workpiece table
KIN_TYP_52 – 5-axis kinematics with A/B workpiece table
KIN_TYP_57 – 5-axis kinematics with B/C workpiece table
KIN_TYP_58 – Five-axis kinematics with A/C workpiece table
Cardanic kinematics
KIN_TYP_59 – Cardanic kinematics with C/A head
Saw blade with TCP function
Special function: Flange-mounted underfloor milling tool
KIN_TYP_60 – Cardanic kinematics with C/B head
KIN_TYP_61 – 5-axis kinematics with Y/A workpiece table
KIN_TYP_63 – 5-axis kinematics with X/Y/B workpiece table
KIN_TYP_64 – 6-axis kinematics with C/A/C workpiece table
KIN_TYP_70 – 5-axis kinematics
KIN_TYP_76 – 5-axis kinematics with MTCP oblique tool head
KIN_TYP_80 – 5-axis kinematics with A/B workpiece table
KIN_TYP_81 – 5-axis kinematics with B/A workpiece table
KIN_TYP_82 – 6-axis kinematics with C workpiece table
KIN_TYP_85 – Lever arm kinematics
KIN_TYP_98- Transformation to monitor the minimum distance
KIN_TYP_202 - CYL 2ROT kinematics
KIN_TYP_203 - FACE 2ROT kinematics
KIN_TYP_205 - Eccentric disc kinematics
KIN_TYP_207- 5-axis kinematics with inclined tool
KIN_TYP_209 - Tripod with rotary/swivel workpiece table
Robot kinematics
KIN_TYP_36 – SCARA kinematics
KIN_TYP_37 – Delta robot kinematics
KIN_TYP_45 – 6-axis articulated robot kinematics
Moved workpiece
Flange coordinate system
Status & Turn (IS, IT)
Singularities with a six-axis articulated robot kinematic
Kinematic poses of six-axis articulated robot
KIN_TYP_96 - Palletising kinematic
KIN_TYP_206 – 5-axis robot on linear unit
KIN_TYP_208 – 4-axis robot on linear unit
KIN_TYP_213- Five-axis palletising robot
Classification of transformations
Transformation type
Kinematic type
Tube machining transformations
Definition of terms
HLI from v2.2800
Implementation by High-Level Interface (HLI)
Organisation of the HLI
Data of a channel\axis
Status and display information
Control commands
Control unit with usage check
Operation with and without PLC
Definition of axes
Definition of coordinate systems
Description of the axis-specific interface
Axis identification
Velocities of an axis
Axis positions
Axis positions in the PCS
Position offsets in the PCS
MCS axis position
Axis positions in the ACS
Display data of tool centre point in MCS
Status information of an axis
Drive of an axis
Compensation of an axis
Pre-calculated status information
Axis control commands
Commanding axis couplings
Distance control
Monitoring axis positions
Control commands of a drive
External axis commanding
Measuring with external measuring hardware
Description of the spindle-specific interface
Speeds of a spindle
Positions of a spindle
Status information of a spindle
Control commands of a spindle
External spindle command
Control unit of external spindle command
User data for external spindle commands
Description of the channel-specific interface
Status information of a channel
Status information on tool orientation
Pre-calculated status information
Status information for velocity limit
Speed Limit Detect, Look Ahead for velocity limit
Control commands of a channel
Dynamic coordinate system
Control unit
Contour look-ahead
Control unit – Contour look-ahead
User data
Insert stop marks
Control unit – Insert stop marks (insert command)
User data
Control commands to PLC
Block search
Technology processes
Management of technology functions
Elements to manage axis-specific technology control units
Block-by-block synchronisation (default synchronisation)
Cross-block synchronisation
Elements for managing channel-specific technology control units
Block-by-block synchronisation (default synchronisation)
Cross-block synchronisation
Data of a technology control unit
Data of an axis-specific technology control unit
Data of a channel-specific technology control unit
Data of the technology functions
Data of the M/H function
Data of the S function
Data of the T function
User data of tool identification
External variables / V.E variables
Processing types
State graph of operation modes
States of operation mode: Automatic mode
States of operation mode: Manual block
States of operation mode: Manual operation mode
States of operation mode: Homing
Control commands/status information for operation modes
Control Unit
User data
Requested and commanded user data
Status information
Manual operation mode
Status information of manual mode
Control commands of manual mode
Activating control elements for manual mode
User data on activation
Parametrising of manual mode
Continuous jog mode (by button press)
Control Unit
User data
Incremental jog mode (by button press)
Control Unit
User data
Handwheel mode
Control Unit
User data
Control elements for manual mode
Enforcing a button press
Control Unit
User data
Rapid traverse velocity during path motion
Control Unit
User data
Handwheel increments
Safety system
Channel-specific interface
Watchdog mechanism
Channel-specific interface
Axis-specific interface
Error messages
Management data of an error message
Error message CNC -> PLC
Error message PLC -> CNC
User data of an error message
Error message content, body nc program
Error message content, body machine data
Error message content, body communication
Error message content, body RAM disk
Error message content, body file
Error message content, body interpreted file list
Error message content, body binary list
Error message content, body global channel manager
Additional error information value 1 - 5
Value range of variable ‘Type’ of additional error information
Value range of ‘Dimension’ variable of the additional error information
Value range of ‘Significance’ variable of additional error information
Activating error filters
Platform data
Status information of a platform
Diagnosis upload
Control Unit
User data
Requested and commanded user data
Implementation as PLC library
Access to HLI
Function blocks within the PLC library
Overview of implemented function blocks
Behaviour of the FB: Table of error identifiers
Programming examples
PLC main program frame
Initialisation function UserInitialisations()
Simulation DLL for CNC kernel V1.0.24
DLL version
kernelv as of V300
Multiple instances
Diagnostics with multiple instances
License protection
Licensing under TwinCAT 2
Licensing under TwinCAT 3
Identification of axes and channels
Coordinate systems
Use of kernelv
Cyclic operation
Operation modes of kernelv
Acknowledgement of technology functions
Search path for NXC programs
kernelv demo application
Project structure
Use of the demo application
Explanations about demo application
Path of the configuration lists
Error message texts
Tool management
kernelv API functions
CNC error messages with kernelv
Read out error message in the form of a string kernelv_get_error()
General information on error messages
Error messages caused by NC programs
Coordinate systems and offsets
Kinematic transformations
External measuring hardware
kernelv API types
Data types of contour visualisation
Data types of error output
External measuring hardware
Production time calculation
kernelv API constants
General information on kinematic transformations (TRAFO)
Coordinate systems
Position offsets
Modulo setting of axes
Interfacing transformation via TcCOM
Transformation methods
Working (instance data) of the transformation
Basic working data: TcNcTrafoParameter
Extended working data: TcNcTrafoParameterExtCnc
Configuring and registering the transformation with the CNC
CNC parameters: Channel and tool
Transformation parameters of the tool
Channel parameter
TcCOM parameters
Error handling and diagnosis
Error message
Diagnostic data
Concatenating transformations, multistep transformations
Generating a transformation
Generation process
Create new project
Generate transformation
Integrate transformation
Debug the transformation
Source code extension/encoding
Differences between extended transformation / standard transformation
Additional options of extended transformation
Version identifier of transformation interface
Rotation sequence
Modulo handling of axis positions
Use of extended parameters
Use of extended options
Applying and using the Caller ID
McCOM external compensation
Overview of parameters
Start-up parameters
Axis parameters
Adding a compensation via TcCom
Interface methods
Instance data of the compensation
Configuring and registering the compensation
Using the example project/template
Loading the compensation object
Error handling and diagnosis
Error messages
Diagnostic data
ADS objects
PLC-Libraries (MCP)
PLC Examples
HLI libraries General application for the use of PLCopen function blocks
Required libraries
MAIN() main program Test application for PLCopen function blocks
Configuration requirements
Required libraries
MAIN() main program
General implementation notes
Global variables
Defaults values in PLCopen
Part 1 PLCopen program
Part 1 MCV_Fbs program
Part1_TouchProbe program
Part4_PLCopen program
MotionOfAxes program
MCV_Table_access program
MCV_TriggerCamIn program
Trace program
SERCOS_PRG program
Visualisations for function blocks
Visualisation of axis positions
Visualisation of cam data
Visualisation to change cam tables
HLI BlockSearch – test application for the various block search variants
BlockSearch_Common visualisation
Description of elements in the BlockSearch_Common visualisation
Visualisations to assign specific block search parameters
Procedure with active "Block search by visu input" and active "auto return"
Procedure with active "Block search by visu input" and deactivated "auto return"
Procedure with enabled "PLC code handles block search"
Other visualisations
AddFunctionality visualisation
Ax_AxisCoupling visualisation
Table of block search states
PLC-Library McpBase
PLC library “McpBase” – platform library
Overview of PLCopen data structures
Data structure AXIS_REF
Field of data structures of the AXIS_REF type
Data structure AXES_GROUP_REF
Array for data structures of the AXES_GROUP_REF type
Further definitions of PLCopen data structures
Data structure MC_CAM_ID
Data structure MC_CAM_REF
Data structure IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF
Data structure MC_KIN_REF
Data structure MC_PATH_DATA_REF
PLC library “McpBase” – ISG function blocks
PLC-Library McpControl
PLC library “McpControl”
Overview of the FBs
Description of “TraceType” input:
Description of “TraceAxes” input
Description of “TraceData” input
BahnTrace (TraceType 1)
SpindleTrace (TraceType 2)
Position controller trace (TraceType 3):
Trace synchronisation data (TraceType 4):
TraceType 5 - PLC Motion Control diagnostic prints
ISG Motion Control Platform for PLCopen
The ISG Motion Control Platform
What is the ISG Motion Control Platform?
Elements of the ISG Motion Control Platform
HLI library – memory interface to the ISG-MCE
Platform library
Motion library – PLCopen Part1
PLCopen function blocks
Function block MCV_Axis
Function block MCV_P1_PLATFORM
Axes group library – PLCopen Part4
Function block MCV_AxesGroup
Function block MCV_P4_PLATFORM
PLCopen function blocks
Safety concept and compliance with EN775
General details of the software safety concept
Actual speed monitoring
Bidirectional congruence checking of the HLI memory interface
Priority of the MC_Stop FB
Speed monitoring during active torque limiting
Preventing unintentional MCFB motions in the T1 mode
Safety low speed for non-referenced axes
Details of realisation within the ISG-MCP
General details of the operating principle of the PLCopen FBs
Realisation of the FBs
Interaction of the FB with the FBSD and error handling
Error handling at the FBSD level
Error handling at the FB level
Defined errors at the FB level
Axis errors from the motion controller
Version check by FBs
Further general system characteristics
Appendix 1: PLC application programming best practice
Essential details in brief
Behaviour of the PLCopen-FB´s "execute" and "done" inputs!outputs
The crux of the matter: command assertion and acknowledgement
PLC programming tips and tricks
Tips on runtime optimisation
Appendix 2: HelloWorld with the ISG Motion Control Platform
"CoDeSys" programming example
Step 1: Required libraries
Step 2: Creating the HelloWorld application program
Step 3: HelloWorld program: Instancing PLCopen FBs
Step 4: Linking the axes to PLCopen FBs
Step 5: Assigning the function block IN/OUT variables
Step 6: Insert the HelloWorld program in the MAIN program
Step 7: Assigning programs to a task
Step 8: Build application, login, run
Step 9: Setting the enabling signals for the axis
Step 10: Ready, axis has moved!
PLC-Library McpPLCopen Part 1
PLC library “McpPLCopenP1”
PLCopen axis state model
Measurement of axis positions
Data structure TRIGGER_REF
Behaviour of MC_TouchProbe and MC_AbortTrigger
Measurement parameter definition in the axis-specific machine data
Cam functionality
Definition range of cams and their processing
Cam processing with closed scanning
Cam description by interpolation point tables
Handling interpolation pointer tables
Online interpolation of interpolation point tables
Closed processing for an endlessly rotating slave axis
Example: Simplest possible linear cam for endlessly rotating processing
Processing tables with LINE/POLY5 motion segments
Definition of the motion pattern
Calculating the polynomial coefficients and interpolation
Table format
Characteristics of the tables
Behaviour of the slave axis at the modulo limit
Slave positions outside the modulo range
Modifying tables with motion segments
Access to cam tables
File format of the cam tables (ASCII interpreter)
The table header
Table data
Table types
Function types (interpolation types)
Tokens and separators
Example of a correct file format
Overview of the PLCopen FBs
Parameter values when the“CamSignal” input is used
Values at input “StartMode”
Values at the “TableFctType” input
Influence of axis parameters on the coupling process
Influence of axis parameters on the coupling process
PLC library “McpPLCopenP1” – ISG extensions
Overview of the additional ISG function blocks (FB)
Application notes
Application note: Configuration of a “synchronisation master”
Configuring a simulated axis in the ISG-CNC
Setting axis parameters
Handling the control units on the HLI
GearIn coupling
Actual value filtering
CamIn coupling
PLC-Library McpPLCopen Part 4
PLC library “McpPLCopenP4”
PLCopen axis group state diagram
Axis group reference AXES_GROUP_REF
Array for data structures of the AXES_GROUP_REF type
Other references defined according to PLCopen Part 4
Data structure IDENT_IN_GROUP_REF
Data structure MC_PATH_DATA_REF
Path blending and transition modes
Overview of transition conditions on contouring (blending and transition modes)
Transition mode: TMNone
Transition mode: TMConstantVelocity
Transition mode: TMCornerDistance
Transition mode: TMMaxCornerDeviation
Transition mode: TMConstDeviation
Transition mode: TMIntermediatePoint
Transition mode: TMDynamicOptimized
Overview of the PLCopen FBs
Meaning of the “CircMode“ input with absolute programming
Meaning of the “PathChoice“ input
Meaning of the “CircMode“ input with relative programming
Meaning of the “PathChoice“ input
Overview of PLCopen FBs
PLC library “McpPLCopenP4” – ISG extensions
Overview of the additional ISG FBs
Example 1
Example 2
Data structures for job management
Overview of the additional ISG FBs
PLC-Library McpPLCopen Part 1 Ext
Overview of the FBs
Function blocks for technology functions
General function blocks
PLC-Library McpPLCopen Part 4 Ext
PLC library “McpPLCopenP4Ext”
Axis group reference AXES_GROUP_REF
Array for data structures of the AXES_GROUP_REF type
Overview of the FBs
Function blocks for block search
General information about block search
Use of function blocks for block search
Function blocks for manual mode
General function blocks
Function blocks for technology functions
Commissioning (CMS)
CMS-A1 Commissioning of axis
Axis operation modes
Drive type specific differences
SERCOS drive with position control in the CNC controller
Switching over axes to simulation
Control loop
Drive type specific differences
Overview of control loop parameters
Resolution of the position measuring system
Sign for actual and command values
Position controller gain
Arithmetical calculation:
Example: Lightbus drive
Example: Terminal spindle
Example: Terminal spindle with gear
Example: CNC-controlled, translatory axis with SERCOS Drive
Example: CNC-controlled, rotary axis with SERCOS drive
Experimental determination:
Drive enables/drive status
Drive enables
Drive status
Drive enables/drive status of drive types
SERCOS drives
Special features when using stepper motors
Possible configurations
Operation without encoder
Operation with encoder
Function restrictions
CMS-A2 Commissioning of the kinematic transformation
Machines with kinematic transformation
Commissioning of the transformation
General approach for machine commissioning
Activating transformation
Implicit selection/cancelation of kinematic transformation
Parameterising the kinematics via the NC program
Checking the settings in the case of five-axis kinematics
Zero setting the rotatory B axis in the tool
Setting the zero position of the rotatory C axis in the tool
Zero setting the rotatory C axis in the workpiece
Examples for machine kinematics
Transformation for 5-axis machine with rotary table
Kinematic structure
Aligning the axis systems
Transformation for Tripod strut kinematic with fixed strut length
Kinematic structure
Transformation for articulated robot
Kinematic structure, Axis configuration
Translatory kinematic offsets
Rotary kinematic offsets
Angle offset
Direction of rotation
Flange coordinate system
Tool offsets
Sample parameterisation for a KUKA KR150
Axis configuration
Kinematics offsets
Cycles - Introduction
Cycles - Machining
Drilling cycles
Geometry and machining data
SysDrillBoring - Finish-drilling
Programming example
SysDrillCenterHole - centring and simple drilling
Programming example
SysDrillDeepHole - Deep hole drilling
Programming example
SysDrillHelicalMilling - Helical drill milling
Programming example
SysDrillReaming - Reaming
Programming example
SysDrillTapping - Thread tapping
Programming example
SysDrillThreadMilling - Drill thread milling
Programming example
Drill pattern cycles
SysDrillPatternLine cycle - Drilling a row of holes
Programming example
SysDrillPatternLine cycle - Drilling a hole circle
Programming example
SysDrillPatternLine cycle - Drilling a point grid
Programming example
SysDrillPatternLine cycle - Drilling a point frame
Programming example
SysDrillPatternArbitrary cycle - Drill any position
Programming example
Milling cycles
SysMillFace - Face milling
Programming example
SysMillCircularSpigot - Mill circular spigot
Programming example
SysMillRectangularSpigot - Mill rectangular spigot
Programming example
SysMillMultiEdge – Mill multi-edge
Programming example
SysMillCircularPocket - Mill circular pocket
Programming example
SysMillRectangularPocket – Mill rectangular pocket
Programming example
SysMillLonghole cycle - Milling longholes arranged in a circle
Programming example
SysMillSlot - Milling slots arranged in circle
Programming example
SysMillCircumferentialSlot cycle - Milling slots arranged in a circle
Programming example
SysMillOpenSlot - Milling open slot
Programming example
SysMillThread - Thread milling cycle
Programming example
Contour milling
Possible applications
Definition of a contour in NC program code
Delete contours
SysMillContourPocket - Mill contour pocket
Programming example
SysMillContourSpigot - Mill contour spigot
Programming example
SysMillContourPath - Path milling
Programming example
SysMillContourResidual - Remove residual material with contour milling
Programming example
SysMillContourPreDrilling - Predrilling with contour milling
Programming example
SysMillEngrave cycle - Engrave text
Output variables
Programming example
SysMillChamfer cycle - Deburring
Programming example
Cycles - Calibration and Measurement
Handling output variables
Calibrating a touch probe
Configuration file
Pre- and post-files
General cycle process
Calibrating the touch probe on a ring
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the length of the touch probe
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the touch probe at an edge along the X axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the touch probe at an edge along the Y axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the touch probe at two edges along the X axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the touch probe at two edges along the Y axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the touch probe on a sphere
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating the tool touch probe
Configuration file
Pre- and post-files
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Calibrating laser
Configuration files
Pre- and post-files
Calibrating touch probe
Programming example
Output variables
Measure laser tool
Configuration files
Pre- and post-files
General cycle process
V.E. variables as transfer parameters
Measure length and radius
Internal cycle process
Programming example
Output variables
Laser tool breakage check
Configuration files
Pre- and post-files
General cycle process
Breakage check
Internal cycle process
Programming example
Output variables
Teach-in (sequence numbering)
Configuration file
Pre- and post-files
General cycle process
SysMeasCs1 - Manual teach-in
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Example of a program generated
Output variables
SysMeasCs2 - Semi-automatic teach-in
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Example of a program generated
Output variables
SysMeasCs3 - Automatic teach-in
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Example of a program generated
Output variables
SysMeasCs4 - Align plane cycle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
SysMeasCs5 - Teach-in with 3 spheres
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Workpiece Coordinate System (WCS)
Pre- and post-files
Configuration file
General cycle process
Single point measurement
Measure in X axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure in Y axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure in Z axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Two point measurement
Measure in X and Y axes
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure in X and Z axes
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure in Y and Z axes
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Three point measurement
Measure in X, Y and Z axes
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure the diameter
Inner diameter with four points
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Inner diameter with three points
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Outer diameter with four points
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Outer diameter with three points
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Inner diameter with four points and obstacle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure slot and web
Measure slot in X axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure slot in Y axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure web in X axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure web in Y axis
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure slot in X axis with obstacle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure slot in Y axis with obstacle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Angle measurement
Measure angle in X axis (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle in Y axis (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between 2 drilled holes (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between pins (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between drilled hole and spigot (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between point in Y and drilled hole (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between point in Y and spigot (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between point in X and drilled hole (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle between point in X and spigot (C axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle in Z axis (A axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measure angle in Z axis (B axis)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Inner rectangle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Outer rectangle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Extra measurement cycles
Centre point across 4 drilled holes
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Centre point of a hole circle
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring a circle segment
Measuring circle segment from the inside (3 points)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring circle segment from the inside (4 points)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring circle segment from the outside (3 points)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring circle segment from the outside (4 points)
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring a corner
Rectangular corner
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Any corner
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring a sphere
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring a tool
Configuration file
Pre- and post-files
Process (internal cycle)
Programming example
Output variables
Measuring a rotary axis
Pre- and post-files
Configuration file
Process and pre-positioning
Mounting the calibration sphere
Output variables
Programming examples
Measuring a swivel axis
Measuring a rotary axis with an active kinematic
Measuring with an inclined touch probe head in the starting position
Cycles - Kinematic optimisation
Cycle-specific tool data
CNC controller
Machine controller
Measurement and calculation cycle
General parameters
Setting the measurement poses
Kinematic-related arrangement of axes
Measuring the machine
General sequence of measurement run
Measuring with measurement subroutines
External measurement
Manual measurement with calibration sphere
Measuring the TCP (tool centre point)
Preparing the calculation cycle
Adapting the output file
Adapting the output format
Adapting the limit for deviation
Initialising the kinematic calculation
Entering measurement results
Direct input of measurement data
Sphere centre points already calculated
Kinematic-specific changes
Executing the calculation cycle
Starting the main program
Checking the calibration
Plausibility check of the output
Determining missing offsets
Machining test part
Additional cycles
Positioning cycles
SysPosRotationToPlane - Rotate to plane
Definition of the plane by reference points
Definition of the plane by angles
Programming examples
SysPosPattern - Generate call pattern
Define a call pattern in NC program code
Programming example
Calculation cycles
Cycle for calculation of a circle in 2D
Output variables
Programming example
Cycle for calculation of a plane
Output variables
Programming example
Cycle for calculation of a straight line in 3D
Output variables
Programming example
Cycle for calculation of a sphere
Output variables
Programming example
Cycle for calculation of a circle in 3D
Output variables
Programming example
High Speed Settings
SysHscSettings cycle - High Speed Cutting settings
Programming example
Diagnosis manual
Structure of a CNC error message
Overview of error reaction classes
Overview of troubleshooting classes
Overview of possible error types
Type 1: Error message from NC program
Type 2: Error message by data transfer from parameter list to control device
Type 3: Communication error
Type 4: RAM disk (optional)
Type 5: Error messages on access to files
Type 6: Error messages on data transfer to control device
Type 7: Error messages on transfer of binary data to control device (optional)
Type 8: Error messages of the Job Manager (optional)
Type 9: General error messages
Type 10: Error messages of the PLC
Type 11: Error messages from position controller
Additional diagnostic values, overview of possible meanings
Dimensions identifiers
Presentation of an error message
Error message from NC program decoding
Error message from look-ahead
Overview of CNC error messages
General error, start-up error (ID range 1000-12999)
ID-range 1000-1249
ID 1030
ID 1031 / 1032
ID 1033
ID 1034
ID 1035
ID 1036
ID-range 1500-1749
ID 1527 - 1598
ID 1599
ID 1600 - 1623
ID 1624
ID 1625
ID 1626
ID 1700
ID 1701
ID 1702
ID 1703
ID 1704
ID 1705
ID 1706
ID 1708
ID 1709
ID-range 2000-2249
ID 2023
ID 2024
ID 2030
ID 2031
ID 2032
ID 2033
ID 2034
ID 2035
ID 2036
ID 2037
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ID 2065
ID 2100
ID-range 3000-3249
ID 3200 - 3209
ID 3210
ID 3213 - 3215
ID 3314
ID 3315
ID 3316
ID-range 3250-3499
ID 3300 - 3316
ID-range 4000-4500
ID 4000 – 4118
ID 4119
ID 4120
ID 4121
ID 4122
ID 4123
ID 4124
ID 4125
ID 4126
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ID 4137
ID 4138 – 4141
ID 4142
ID 4143
ID 4144
ID 4145
ID 4146
ID-range 10000-10249
ID 10000 - 10024
ID 10030
ID-range 11000-11249
ID 11016
ID 11020
ID 11066
ID 11072 / 11073
ID 11074
ID 11075 - 11078
ID 11203
ID 11204
ID 11205
ID 11206
Cycle errors (13000-19999)
ID-range 13000-13249
ID 13100
ID 13101
ID 13102
ID 13103
ID 13104
ID 13105
ID 13106
ID 13107
ID 13108
ID 13109
ID 13110
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ID-range 13250-13499
ID 13260
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ID-range 13500-13749
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ID-range 14000-14249
ID 14000
ID 14001
ID 14002
ID 14020
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ID-range 14250-14499
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ID 14399
ID 14400
Decoding errors (syntax, semantic) (ID-range 20000-29999)
ID-range 20000-20249
ID 20002
ID 20003
ID 20007
ID 20008
ID 20010
ID 20011
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ID 20013
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ID-range 20250-20499
ID 20251 - 20259
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ID 20268 - 20281
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ID-range 20500-20749
ID 20500
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ID 20524
ID 20535
ID 20545
ID 20546
ID 20547
ID 20551
ID 20566
ID 20567
ID 20568
ID 20569
ID 20570
ID 20571
ID 20573
ID 20574
ID 20576
ID 20577
ID 20578
ID 20581
ID 20582
ID 20583
ID 20584
ID 20585
ID 20587
ID 20588 / 20589
ID 20590
ID 20591
ID 20592
ID 20593
ID 20595
ID 20596 - 20600
ID 20601
ID 20602
ID 20603
ID 20604
ID 20605
ID 20606
ID 20607
ID 20608
ID 20610
ID 20612
ID 20613
ID 20614
ID 20615
ID 20616
ID 20617
ID 20618
ID 20619
ID 20620
ID 20621
ID 20622
ID 20624
ID 20625
ID 20626
ID 20629
ID 20630
ID 20633
ID 20634
ID 20635
ID 20636
ID 20637
ID 20638
ID 20639
ID 20640
ID 20641
ID 20642
ID 20643
ID 20644
ID 20648
ID 20650
ID 20651
ID 20652
ID 20653
ID 20654
ID 20657
ID 20658
ID 20659
ID 20660
ID 20661
ID 20662
ID 20663
ID 20664
ID 20665
ID 20666
ID 20668
ID 20669
ID 20671
ID 20675
ID 20676
ID 20679
ID 20680
ID 20681
ID 20683
ID 20684
ID 20685
ID 20686
ID 20687
ID 20688
ID 20689
ID 20690
ID 20691
ID 20692
ID 20693
ID 20695
ID 20697 / 20698
ID 20699
ID 20701
ID 20702
ID 20703
ID 20704
ID 20705
ID 20706
ID 20707
ID 20708 / 20709
ID 20711
ID 20712
ID 20713
ID 20715
ID 20716
ID 20718
ID 20721
ID 20722
ID 20723
ID 20724
ID 20726
ID 20727 - 20733
ID 20734
ID 20735 / 20736
ID 20737
ID 20738
ID 20739
ID 20740
ID 20741
ID 20743
ID 20744
ID 20745
ID 20746
ID 20747
ID 20748
ID 20749
ID-range 20750-20999
ID 20750
ID 20751
ID 20752
ID 20753 / 20754
ID 20756
ID 20757
ID 20758
ID 20759
ID 20760
ID 20762
ID 20764
ID 20765
ID 20766
ID 20770
ID 20771
ID 20772
ID 20773
ID 20774
ID 20775
ID 20776
ID 20777
ID 20778 / 20779
ID 20780
ID 20781
ID 20782
ID 20783
ID 20786
ID 20787
ID 20788
ID 20789
ID 20790
ID 20791
ID 20792
ID 20794
ID 20795
ID 20796
ID 20797
ID 20798
ID 20799
ID 20800
ID 20801
ID 20802
ID 20803
ID 20804
ID 20805
ID 20806
ID 20809
ID 20810
ID 20811
ID 20812
ID 20813
ID 20814
ID 20816
ID 20817 / 20818
ID 20819
ID 20820
ID 20821
ID 20822
ID 20823
ID 20824
ID 20825
ID 20826
ID 20827 / 20828
ID 20829
ID 20830
ID 20831
ID 20832
ID 20833
ID 20834
ID 20836
ID 20837
ID 20838
ID 20839
ID 20840
ID 20841
ID 20842
ID 20844
ID 20845
ID 20846
ID 20847
ID 20848 - 20850
ID 20851
ID 20852
ID 20856
ID 20857
ID 20860
ID 20861
ID 20862
ID 20863
ID 20864
ID 20865
ID 20868
ID 20870
ID 20872
ID 20873
ID 20875
ID 20876
ID 20877
ID 20879
ID 20880
ID 20881
ID 20882 / 20883
ID 20885
ID 20886
ID 20887
ID 20888
ID 20889
ID 20890
ID 20891
ID 20893
ID 20894
ID 20895
ID 20897
ID 20899
ID 20900
ID 20901
ID 20902
ID 20903
ID 20904
ID 20905
ID 20906
ID 20907
ID 20908
ID 20909
ID 20910
ID 20912
ID 20913
ID 20915
ID 20916
ID 20917
ID 20918
ID 20919
ID 20920
ID 20921
ID 20924
ID 20925
ID 20926
ID 20927
ID 20930
ID 20931
ID 20932
ID 20933
ID 20934
ID 20935 / 20938
ID 20939
ID 20940
ID 20941
ID 20942
ID 20943
ID 20944
ID 20948 / 20949
ID 20953
ID 20954
ID 20955
ID 20956
ID 20958
ID 20959
ID 20961
ID 20962
ID 20963
ID 20965
ID 20966
ID 20967
ID 20971
ID 20972
ID 20973
ID 20974
ID 20977
ID 20978
ID 20980
ID 20981
ID 20984
ID 20985
ID 20986
ID 20990
ID 20991
ID 20994
ID 20995
ID 20996
ID 20997
ID 20998
ID 20999
ID-range 21000-21249
ID 21000
ID 21001 - 21019
ID 21020
ID 21022
ID 21023
ID 21024
ID 21025 / 21026
ID 21027
ID 21028
ID 21029
ID 21035
ID 21036
ID 21037
ID 21038
ID 21039
ID 21040
ID 21041
ID 21042
ID 21043
ID 21044
ID 21045
ID 21046
ID 21047
ID 21050
ID 21056
ID 21057
ID 21058
ID 21059
ID 21060
ID 21061
ID 21067
ID 21068
ID 21071
ID 21072
ID 21076
ID 21077
ID 21078
ID 21079
ID 21080
ID 21081
ID 21083
ID 21085
ID 21086
ID 21087
ID 21088
ID 21089
ID 21090
ID 21091 - 21093
ID 21094
ID 21095
ID 21096
ID 21097
ID 21098
ID 21099
ID 21100
ID 21101
ID 21102
ID 21103
ID 21104
ID 21105
ID 21106
ID 21107
ID 21110
ID 21111
ID 21120
ID 21121
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ID 21123
ID 21126
ID 21128
ID 21129
ID 21130
ID 21131
ID 21132
ID 21134
ID 21135
ID 21136
ID 21137
ID 21138
ID 21139
ID 21141
ID 21142
ID 21143
ID 21144
ID 21145
ID 21146
ID 21147
ID 21151
ID 21152
ID 21153 - 21155
ID 21157
ID 21158
ID 21159
ID 21160
ID 21164
ID 21165
ID 21167
ID 21168
ID 21169
ID 21170
ID 21171
ID 21173
ID 21174
ID 21175
ID 21176
ID 21177
ID 21178
ID 21179
ID 21180
ID 21182
ID 21183
ID 21184
ID 21185
ID 21187
ID 21188
ID 21189
ID 21190
ID 21191
ID 21192
ID 21193
ID 21195
ID 21196
ID 21197
ID 21198
ID 21199
ID 21200
ID 21201
ID 21202
ID 21203
ID 21204
ID 21205
ID 21206
ID 21207
ID 21208
ID 21209
ID 21210
ID 21211
ID 21212
ID 21213
ID 21215
ID 21216
ID 21217
ID 21218
ID 21219
ID 21220
ID 21224- 21227
ID 21230
ID 21231
ID 21232
ID 21233
ID 21234
ID 21235
ID 21236
ID 21237
ID 21238
ID 21239
ID 21240
ID 21241
ID 21242
ID 21243
ID 21244
ID 21247
ID 21248
ID 21249
ID-range 21250-21499
ID 21423
ID 21250
ID 21251
ID 21252
ID 21253
ID 21254
ID 21255
ID 21256
ID 21257
ID 21258
ID 21259
ID 21260
ID 21261
ID 21262
ID 21263 - 21272
ID 21273
ID 21274
ID 21275
ID 21276
ID 21277
ID 21278
ID 21279
ID 21280
ID 21281
ID 21282
ID 21283
ID 21284
ID 21285
ID 21286
ID 21287
ID 21288
ID 21289
ID 21290
ID 21291
ID 21292
ID 21293
ID 21294
ID 21295
ID 21296
ID 21297
ID 21298
ID 21299
ID 21300
ID 21301
ID 21302
ID 21303
ID 21304
ID 21305
ID 21306
ID 21307
ID 21308
ID 21309
ID 21310
ID 21311
ID 21312
ID 21313
ID 21314
ID 21315
ID 21316
ID 21317
ID 21318
ID 21319
ID 21320
ID 21321
ID 21322
ID 21323
ID 21326
ID 21327
ID 21328
ID 21329
ID 21330
ID 21332
ID 21333
ID 21335
ID 21336
ID 21337
ID 21338
ID 21339
ID 21340
ID 21341
ID 21342
ID 21343
ID 21344
ID 21345
ID 21346
ID 21347
ID 21348
ID 21349
ID 21350
ID 21351
ID 21352
ID 21353
ID 21354
ID 21355
ID 21356
ID 21357
ID 21358
ID 21359
ID 21360
ID 21362
ID 21363
ID 21364
ID 21365
ID 21366 - 21368
ID 21369
ID 21370
ID 21371
ID 21372
ID 21373
ID 21374
ID 21375
ID 21376
ID 21377
ID 21379
ID 21380
ID 21381
ID 21382
ID 21383
ID 21384
ID 21385
ID 21386
ID 21387
ID 21388
ID 21389
ID 21390
ID 21391
ID 21392
ID 21393
ID 21394
ID 21395
ID 21396
ID 21397
ID 21398
ID 21399
ID 21400
ID 21401
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ID 21403
ID 21404
ID 21405
ID 21406
ID 21407
ID 21408
ID 21409
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ID 21415
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ID 21417
ID 21418
ID 21419
ID 21420
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ID 21425
ID 21426
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ID 21429
ID 21430
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ID 21433
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ID 21436
ID 21437
ID 21438
ID 21439
ID 21440
ID 21441
ID 21442
ID 21443
ID 21444
ID 21445
ID 21446
ID 21447
ID 21448 - 21450
ID 21451
ID 21452
ID 21453
ID 21454
ID 21455
ID 21456
ID 21457
ID 21458
ID 21459
ID 21460
ID 21461
ID 21462
ID 21463
ID 21464
ID 21465
ID 21466
ID 21467
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ID 21469
ID 21470
ID 21471
ID 21472
ID 21473
ID 21474
ID 21475
ID 21476
ID 21477
ID 21478
ID 21479
ID 21480
ID 21481
ID 21482
ID 21483
ID 21484
ID 21485
ID 21486
ID 21487
ID 21488
ID 21489
ID 21490
ID 21491
ID 21492
ID 21493
ID 21494
ID 21495
ID 21496
ID 21497
ID 21498
ID 21499
ID-range 21500-21749
ID 21500
ID 21501
ID 21502
ID 21503
ID 21504
ID 21505
ID 21506
ID 21507
ID 21508
ID 21509
ID 21510
ID 21511
ID 21512
ID 21513
ID 21514
ID 21515
ID 21516
ID 21517
ID 21518
ID 21519
ID 21520
ID 21521
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ID 21523
ID 21524
ID 21525
ID 21526
ID 21527
ID 21528
ID 21529
ID 21530
ID 21531
ID 21532
ID 21533
ID 21534
ID 21535
ID 21536
ID 21537
ID 21538
ID 21539
ID 21540
ID 21541
ID 21542
ID 21543
ID 21544
ID 21545
ID 21546
ID 21547
ID 21548
ID 21549
ID 21550
ID 21551
ID 21552
ID 21553
ID 21555
ID 21556
ID 21557
ID 21558
ID 21559
ID 21560
ID 21561
ID 21562
ID 21563
ID 21564
ID 21565
ID 21566
ID 21567
ID 21568
ID 21569
ID 21570
ID 21571
ID 21572
ID 21573
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ID 21575
ID 21576
ID 21577
ID 21578
ID 21579
ID 21580
ID 21581
ID 21582
ID 21585
ID 21586
ID 21587
ID 21588
ID 21589
ID 21590
ID 21591
ID 21592
ID 21593
ID 21594
ID 21595
ID 21596
ID 21597
ID 21598
ID 21599
ID 21600
ID 21601
ID 21602
ID 21603
ID 21604
ID 21605
ID 21606 / 21607
ID 21608
ID 21609
ID 21610
ID 21611
ID 21612
ID 21614
ID 21617
ID 21618
ID 21620
ID 21621
ID 21622
ID 21623
ID 21624
ID 21625
ID 21627
ID 21628
ID 21629
ID 21630
ID 21631
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ID 21634
ID 21635
ID 21636
ID 21637
ID 21638
ID 21640
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ID 21642
ID 21643
ID 21644
ID 21645
ID 21646
ID 21647
ID 21648
ID 21649
ID 21650
ID 21651
ID 21655
ID 21656
ID 21657
ID 21658
ID 21659
ID 21660
ID 21661 / 21662
ID 21663
ID 21664
ID 21665
ID 21666
ID 21667
ID 21668
ID 21669
ID 21670
ID 21673
ID 21674
ID 21675
ID 21676
ID 21678
ID 21680
ID 21683
ID 21684
ID 21686
ID 21687
ID 21688
ID 21689
ID 21690
ID 21691
ID 21692
ID 21693
ID 21694
ID 21695
ID 21696
ID 21697
ID 21698
ID 21701
ID 21702
ID 21703
ID 21705
ID 21706
ID 21709
ID 21710
ID 21711 / 21712
ID 21713
ID 21714
ID 21715 / 21716
ID 21717
ID 21718
ID 21719
ID 21720
ID 21721
ID 21723
ID 21724
ID 21725
ID 21726
ID 21727
ID 21728
ID 21729
ID 21730
ID 21731
ID 21732
ID 21734
ID 21735
ID 21736
ID 21737
ID 21738
ID 21739
ID 21743
ID 21744
ID 21745
ID 21748
ID 21749
ID-range 21750-21999
ID 21750
ID 21751
ID 21752
ID 21753 - 21755
ID 21756
ID 21757
ID 21758
ID 21760 - 21764
ID 21766
ID 21767
ID 21768
ID 21769 / 21770
ID 21771
ID 21772
ID 21773
ID 21774
ID 21775
ID 21776
ID 21777
ID 21778
ID 21779
ID 21780
ID 21781
ID 21782
ID 21783
ID 21785
ID 21786
ID 21788
ID 21789
ID 21790
ID 21791
ID 21792
ID 21793
ID 21795
ID 21796
ID 21797
ID 21798
ID 21799
ID 21800
ID 21801
ID 21802
ID 21803
ID 21804
ID 21805
ID 21806
ID 21807
ID 21808
ID 21809
ID 21810
ID 21811
ID 21812
ID 21813
ID 21814
ID 21815
ID 21816
ID 21818
ID 21819
ID 21820
ID 21821
ID 21822
ID 21823
ID 21826
ID 21827
ID 21828
ID 21829
ID 21830 / 21831
ID 21832
ID 21833
ID 21834
ID 21836
ID 21837
ID 21838 / 21839
ID 21840
ID 21841
ID 21842
ID 21843
ID 21844
ID 21845
ID 21846
ID 21847
ID 21848
ID 21849
ID 21850
ID 21851
ID 21852
ID 21853
ID 21854
ID 21855
ID 21856
ID 21857
ID 21858
ID 21859
ID 21860
ID 21861
ID 21862
ID 21863
ID 21864
ID 21865
ID 21866
ID 21867
ID 21868
ID 21869
ID 21870
ID 21871
ID 21872
ID 21873
ID 21874
ID 21875
ID 21876
ID 21877
ID 21878
ID 21879
ID 21880
ID 21881
ID 21882
ID 21883
ID 21884
ID 21885
ID 21886
ID 21887
ID 21889
ID 21891
ID 21892
ID 21893
ID 21894
ID 21895
ID 21896
ID 21897
ID 21898
ID 21899 - 21902
ID 21903
ID 21904
ID 21905
ID 21906
ID 21907
ID 21908
ID 21909
ID 21910
ID 21912
ID 21913
ID 21914
ID 21915
ID 21916
ID 21917
ID 21918
ID 21919
ID 21920
ID 21921
ID 21922 - 21924
ID 21925
ID 21927
ID 21928
ID 21929
ID 21931
ID 21932
ID 21935
ID 21936
ID 21939
ID 21941
ID 21944
ID 21945
ID 21946
ID 21947
ID 21949
ID 21950
ID 21952
ID 21955
ID 21956
ID 21957 - 21958
ID 21964
ID 21965
ID 21966
ID 21967
ID 21968
ID 21969
ID 21970
ID 21972
ID 21974
ID 21977 - 21978
ID 21978
ID 21979
ID 21980
ID 21981
ID 21982
ID 21984
ID 21985-21986
ID 21987
ID 21988
ID 21989
ID 21990
ID 21991
ID 21992
ID 21993
ID 21994
ID 21995
ID 21996
ID 21997
ID 21998
ID 21999
ID-range 22000-22249
ID 22000
ID 22001
ID 22002
ID 22003
ID 22004
ID 22005
ID 22006
ID 22007
ID 22008
ID 22009
ID 22010
ID 22012
ID 22013
ID 22014
ID 22015
ID 22016
ID 22018
ID 22019
ID 22020
ID 22021
ID 22022
ID 22023
ID 22024
ID 22025
ID 22026
ID 22027
ID 22028
ID 22029
ID 22030
ID 22031
ID 22038 / 22039
ID 22043
ID 22053
ID 22060
ID 22062
ID 22066
ID 22067
ID 22068
ID 22073
ID 22077
ID 22079
ID 22080
ID 22081
ID 22083
ID 22084
ID 22088
ID 22089
ID 22090
ID 22091
ID 22092
ID 22093
ID 22094
ID 22095
ID 22096
ID 22097
ID 22099
ID 22100
ID 22101
ID 22102
ID 22103
ID 22104
ID 22105
ID 22106
ID 22107
ID 22108
ID 22109
ID 22110
ID 22111
ID 22112
ID 22114
ID 22115
ID 22116
ID 22117
ID 22118
ID 22121
ID 22122
ID 22123
ID 22124
ID 22125
ID 22126
ID 22127
ID 22128
ID 22129
ID 22130
ID 22131
ID 22132
ID 22134
ID 22135
ID 22136
ID 22137
ID 22138
ID 22139
ID 22140
ID 22141
ID 22142
ID 22143
ID 22144
ID 22145
ID 22146
ID 22147
ID 22148
ID 22149
ID 22150
ID 22151
ID 22153
ID 22155
ID 22156
ID 22157
ID 22158
ID 22159
ID 22162
ID 22163
ID 22164
ID 22165
ID 22166
ID 22167
ID 22168
ID 22169
ID 22170
ID 22172
ID 22173
ID 22174
ID 22175
ID 22178
ID 22179
ID 22180
ID 22181
ID 22182
ID 22183
ID 22189
ID 22190
ID 22192
ID 22193
ID 22194
ID 22195
ID 22200
ID 22201
ID 22203
ID 22204
ID 22205
ID 22206
ID 22207
ID 22209
ID 22210
ID 22213
ID 22224
ID 22225
ID 22226
ID 22227
ID 22229
ID 22230
ID 22231
ID 22241
ID 22242
ID 22243
ID 22244
ID 22245
ID 22246
ID 22247
ID 22248
ID range 22250-22499
ID 22250
ID 22253
ID 22254
ID 22255
ID 22256
ID 22257
ID 22258
ID 22261
ID 22269
ID 22272
ID 22273
ID 22274
ID 22275
ID 22276
ID 22277
Configuration error (ID-range 30000-39999)
ID-range 30000-30249
ID 30000 - 30013
ID 30014
ID 30015 - 30074
PLC function block error (ID-range 40000-49999)
ID-range 40000-40249
ID 40001
ID 40002
ID 40003
ID 40004
ID 40005
ID 40006
ID 40007
ID 40008
ID 40009
ID 40010
ID 40011
ID 40014
ID 40015
ID 40016
ID 40017
ID 40018
ID 40019
ID 40020
ID 40021
ID 40022
ID 40023
ID 40024
ID 40025
ID 40026
ID 40027
ID 40028
ID 40032
ID 40033
ID 40034
ID 40035
ID 40037
ID 40038
ID 40039
ID 40040
ID 40041
ID 40042
ID 40044
ID 40045
ID 40046
ID 40047
ID 40048
ID 40049
ID 40051
ID 40052
ID 40053
ID 40055
ID 40056
ID 40059
ID 40066
ID 40067
ID 40068
ID 40069
ID 40070
ID 40071
ID 40072
ID 40073
ID 40074
ID 40075
ID 40076
ID 40077
ID 40078
ID 40079
ID 40080
ID 40081
ID 40084
ID 40085
ID 40086
ID 40087
ID 40088
ID 40089
ID 40090
ID 40091
ID 40092
ID 40093
ID 40094
ID 40095
ID 40097
ID 40098
ID 40099
ID 40100
ID 40101
ID 40102
ID 40103
ID-range 42000-42249
ID 42000
ID 42001 - 42011
ID 42012
ID 42014
ID 42015
ID 42016
ID-range 44000-44249
ID 44000
ID 44001
ID 44002
ID 44003
ID 44004
ID 44005
ID 44006
ID 44007
ID 44008
ID 44009
ID 44010
ID 44011
ID 44012
ID 44013
ID 44014
ID 44015
ID 44016
ID 44017
ID 44018
ID 44019
ID 44020
ID 44021
ID 44022
ID 44024
ID 44025
ID 44026
ID 44027
ID 44028
ID 44029
ID 44030
ID 44031
ID 44032
ID 44033
ID 44034
ID 44035
ID 44036
ID 44037
ID 44038
ID 44039
ID 44040
ID 44043
ID 44044
ID 44045
ID 44046
ID 44047
ID 44049
ID 44050
ID 44052
ID 44053
ID 44054
ID 44055
ID 44056
ID 44057
ID 44058
ID 44059
ID 44060
ID 44062
ID 44064
ID 44065
ID 44066
ID 44069
ID 44070
ID 44071
ID 44075
ID 44076
ID 44077
ID 44078
ID 44079
ID 44082
ID 44083
ID 44084
ID 44085 / 44086
ID-range 46000-46249
ID 46000
ID 46001
ID 46002
ID 46003
ID 46004
ID 46005
ID 46006
ID 46007
ID 46008
ID 46009
ID 46010
ID 46011
ID 46016
ID 46017
ID 46018
ID 46019
ID 46020
ID 46021
ID 46022
ID 46023 / 46024
ID 46025
ID 46026 / 46027
ID 46028
ID 46029
ID 46030
ID 46031
ID 46032
ID 46033
ID 46034
ID 46035
ID 46036
ID 46037
ID 46038
ID 46039
ID 46040
ID 46041
ID 46042
ID 46043
ID 46044
ID 46045
ID 46046
ID 46047
ID 46048
ID 46049
ID 46050
ID 46051
ID 46052
ID 46053
ID 46054
ID 46055
ID 46056
ID 46057
ID 46058
Path interpolator error (ID-range 50000-59999)
ID-range 50000-50249
ID 50000 - 50009
ID 50010
ID 50011
ID 50012 - 50023
ID 50025
ID 50026 - 50038
ID 50041
ID 50042
ID 50043
ID 50044
ID 50045
ID 50046 - 50049
ID 50050
ID 50051
ID 50052
ID 50053
ID 50054
ID 50057
ID 50058
ID 50059
ID 50060
ID 50061
ID 50063
ID 50064
ID 50065
ID 50066
ID 50067
ID 50069 - 50089
ID 50092
ID 50095 - 50110
ID 50116
ID 50118
ID 50119
ID 50120
ID 50121
ID 50122
ID 50123
ID 50124 / 50129
ID 50130
ID 50137 - 50157
ID 50168
ID 50169
ID 50170
ID 50172
ID 50180
ID 50181
ID 50182
ID 50183
ID 50184
ID 50185
ID 50186 - 50189
ID 50193
ID 50195 - 50204
ID 50206
ID 50207 - 50213
ID 50214
ID 50215
ID 50216 - 50222
ID 50233
ID 50246
ID-range 50250-50499
ID 50250 / 50251
ID 50253
ID 50254
ID 50255 - 50259
ID 50260
ID 50262
ID 50263
ID 50264 - 50277
ID 50278
ID 50279
ID 50280
ID 50282 - 50346
ID 50350
ID 50351
ID 50352
ID 50354
ID 50355
ID 50356
ID 50357
ID 50358
ID 50359
ID 50360
ID 50361
ID 50362
ID 50363 - 50381
ID 50384
ID 50385 - 50387
ID 50388
ID 50389
ID 50391 - 50397
ID 50398
ID 50399 - 50401
ID 50403
ID 50404
ID 50405 - 50410
ID 50411
ID 50412
ID 50417
ID 50418
ID 50419 - 50427
ID 50429
ID 50430
ID 50431
ID 50432 - 50434
ID 50438
ID 50439 - 50442
ID 50443
ID 50444 - 50448
ID 50449
ID 50450
ID 50451
ID 50452
ID 50453
ID 50454
ID 50455
ID 50456 - 50461
ID 50462
ID 50463
ID 50464
ID 50465
ID 50466 - 50472
ID 50473
ID 50474
ID 50475
ID 50482 - 50486
ID 50487
ID 50489 - 50493
ID 50494
ID 50496 / 50497
ID 50498
ID 50499
ID-range 50500-50749
ID 50500
ID 50501 / 50502
ID 50503
ID 50504
ID 50505
ID 50506
ID 50507
ID 50508
ID 50509 / 50511
ID 50512
ID 50513
ID 50515
ID 50516
ID 50517
ID 50519
ID 50520 - 50528
ID 50529
ID 50533
ID 50534
ID 50535 - 50539
ID 50540
ID 50541
ID 50542
ID 50543
ID 50544
ID 50545
ID 50546 - 50556
ID 50557
ID 50558
ID 50559 - 50561
ID 50562
ID 50563
ID 50564
ID 50565 / 50566
ID 50567
ID 50568
ID 50569
ID 50570
ID 50571
ID 50572
ID 50573
ID 50574 - 50576
ID 50578 - 50586
ID 50591
ID 50593
ID 50594
ID 50595
ID 50597
ID 50599
ID 50600
ID 50601
ID 50603
ID 50604
ID 50605
ID 50606
ID 50607
ID 50608
ID 50609
ID 50610
ID 50611
ID 50612
ID 50613
ID 50614 / 50615
ID 50616
ID 50618
ID 50619
ID 50620 - 50624
ID 50625
ID 50626
ID 50627
ID 50629
ID 50630
ID 50631
ID 50633
ID 50634
ID 50635
ID 50636
ID 50637
ID 50638
ID 50639
ID 50640
ID 50641
ID 50642
ID 50643
ID 50644
ID 50645 - 50648
ID 50649
ID 50650 - 50652
ID 50653
ID 50654
ID 50655
ID 50656 - 50659
ID 50660
ID 50662
ID 50663
ID 50664
ID 50665
ID 50666
ID 50667
ID 50668 - 50671
ID 50673
ID 50674
ID 50675
ID 50676
ID 50677
ID 50678
ID 50679 / 50680
ID 50681
ID 50682 / 50683
ID 50684
ID 50685
ID 50686
ID 50687
ID 50688
ID 50689
ID 50690 / 50691
ID 50692
ID 50693
ID 50694
ID 50695
ID 50696
ID 50697
ID 50698
ID 50700 - 50705
ID 50706
ID 50707
ID 50708
ID 50712
ID 50713
ID 50715 / 50716
ID 50717
ID 50718
ID 50719
ID 50720
ID 50721
ID 50722 / 50723
ID 50724
ID 50725
ID 50726
ID 50727
ID 50728
ID 50729
ID 50730
ID 50731
ID 50732
ID 50733
ID 50734
ID 50735
ID 50736
ID 50737
ID 50738
ID 50745
ID 50746
ID 50747
ID 50748
ID-range 50750-50999
ID 50750
ID 50752
ID 50753 - 50760
ID 50761
ID 50762
ID 50763
ID 50765
ID 50766
ID 50767
ID 50768
ID 50769 / 50770
ID 50771
ID 50772
ID 50773
ID 50774
ID 50775 - 50777
ID 50778
ID 50779
ID 50780
ID 50781
ID 50782
ID 50783
ID 50784
ID 50785
ID 50786
ID 50787
ID 50788
ID 50789
ID 50790
ID 50791
ID 50792
ID 50793
ID 50794
ID 50795
ID 50796
ID 50797
ID 50798
ID 50799
ID 50806
ID 50807
ID 50808
ID 50810
ID 50812
ID 50819
ID 50820
ID 50821
ID 50822
ID 50824
ID 50825 - 50832
ID 50833
ID 50834 - 50836
ID 50837
ID 50839
ID 50841
ID 50842
ID 50843
ID 50844
ID 50845-50848
ID 50849
ID 50852
ID 50854
ID 50855
ID 50856
ID 50857
ID 50858
ID 50859-50860
ID 50861
ID 50862
ID 50863
ID 50864-50869
ID 50870
ID 50871
ID 50872
ID 50873
ID 50874
ID 50875
ID 50876
ID 50877
ID 50878
ID 50879
ID 50880
ID 50881
ID 50882
ID 50883
ID 50884
ID 50885
ID 50886
ID 50887-50888
ID 50889
ID 50890
ID 50891
ID 50892
ID 50893
ID 50898
ID 50899
ID 50894
ID 50895
ID 50896
ID 50900
ID 50901
ID 50902
ID 50903
ID 50905
ID 50906
ID 50909
ID 50910
ID 50911
ID 50913
ID 50914
ID 50915
ID 50916
ID 50917
ID 50918
ID 50920/50921
ID 50922
ID 50924
ID 50925
ID 50926
ID 50927
ID 50929
ID 50930
ID 50931
ID 50932
ID 50933
ID 50934
ID 50935-50937
ID 50938
ID 50939
ID 50940
ID 50941
ID 50942
ID 50943
ID 50945
ID 50946
ID 50947
ID 50948
ID 50949
ID 50950
ID 50951
ID 50952
ID 50953
ID 50954
ID 50955
ID 50956
ID 50960
ID 50961
ID 50962
ID 50963
ID 50964
ID 50965
ID 50966
ID 50967
ID 50968
ID 50973
ID 50974
ID 50975
ID 50976
ID 50977
ID 50978
ID 50979-50986
ID 50987
ID 50988
ID 50989
ID 50990
ID 50991
ID 50992-50994
ID 50995
ID 50996
ID 50997
ID 50998
ID 50999
ID-range 51000-51250
ID 51000
ID 51001
ID 51002
ID 51004
ID 51005
ID 51006
ID 51007
ID 51009
ID 51010
ID 51011
ID 51012
ID 51013
ID 51014
ID 51015
ID 51016
ID 51018
ID 51019
ID 51020
ID 51021
ID 51023
ID 51024
ID 51025
ID 51026
ID 51027
ID 51028
ID 51029
ID 51030
ID 51031
ID 51032
ID 51033
ID 51034
ID 51035
ID 51036
ID 51037
ID 51038 / 51039
ID 51040
ID 51041
ID 51042
ID 51043
ID 51044
ID 51045
ID 51046
ID 51047
ID 51048
ID 51049
ID 51050
ID 51051
ID 51052
ID 51053
ID 51054
ID 51055
ID 51056
ID 51057
ID 51058
ID 51059- 51061
ID 51063
ID 51065
ID 51066
ID 51071
ID 51072
ID 51073
ID 51076 - 51078
ID 51079
ID 51081
ID 51082
ID 51083
ID 51084
ID 51085
ID 51086
ID 51087
ID 51088
ID 51089
ID 51091
Spindle interpolator error (ID-range 60000-69999)
ID-range 60000-60249
ID 60004
ID 60006
ID 60007 - 60017
ID 60018
ID 60019
ID 60020
ID 60027 / 60031
ID 60032
ID 60034
ID 60040
ID 60041 / 60049
ID 60053
ID 60054
ID 60061 - 60084
ID 60085
ID 60086 - 60093
ID 60100
ID 60101
ID 60102
ID 60103
ID 60104
ID 60105
ID 60106
ID 60107
ID 60109 - 60130
ID 60131
ID 60132
ID 60134 - 60136
ID 60137
ID 60138
ID 60139
ID 60141
ID 60142
ID 60146
ID 60147
ID 60148 - 60151
ID 60154
ID 60155
ID 60156
ID 60157
ID 60158
ID 60159
ID 60160 / 60161
ID 60162
ID 60163
ID 60164
ID 60165 / 60166
ID 60167
ID 60168 - 60171
ID 60172
ID 60173
ID 60174
ID 60175
ID 60176
ID 60177
ID 60179 / 60180
ID 60181
ID 60182
ID 60183
ID 60184
ID 60185
ID 60186
ID 60187
ID 60188
ID 60189
ID 60190
ID 60191
ID 60192
ID 60193
ID 60194
ID 60195
ID 60196
ID 60197
ID 60198
ID 60199
ID 60200
ID 60201
ID 60202 - 60205
ID 60206
ID 60207
ID 60208
ID 60209
ID 60210
ID 60211
ID 60212
ID 60213
ID 60214
ID 60215 - 60223
ID 60224
ID 60225
ID 60226
ID 60227
ID 60228
ID 60229
ID 60230
ID 60231
ID 60232
ID 60234
ID 60235
ID 60236
ID 60237
ID 60238
ID 60239
ID 60240
ID 60241
ID 60242
ID 60243
ID 60244
ID 60245
ID 60246
ID 60247
ID 60248
ID 60249
ID-range 60250-60499
ID 60250
ID 60251
ID 60252
ID 60253
ID 60254
ID 60255
ID 60256
ID 60257
ID 60259
ID 60260
ID 60261
ID 60262
ID 60263
ID 60264
ID 60265
ID 60266
ID 60267
ID 60268
ID 60269
ID 60270
ID 60271 / 60272
ID 60273
ID 60274
ID 60275
ID 60284
ID 60285
ID 60286
ID 60287
ID 60288 / 60289
ID 60290
ID 60291
ID 60292
ID 60293
ID 60294
ID 60296
ID 60297
ID 60298
ID 60299
ID 60300
ID 60301
ID 60302
ID 60303
ID 60304
ID 60305
ID 60306
ID 60307 - 60310
ID 60311
ID 60312
ID 60313
ID 60314
ID 60315
ID 60316
ID 60317
ID 60319
ID 60320
ID 60321
ID 60322
ID 60323
ID 60324
ID 60325 - 60327
ID 60328
ID 60329 - 60331
ID 60332
ID 60333
ID 60334
ID 60335
ID 60336
Position controller error (ID-range 70000-79999)
ID-range 70000-70249
ID 70000
ID 70001
ID 70002 / 70007
ID 70008
ID 70009
ID 70010
ID 70011
ID 70012
ID 70013
ID 70014
ID 70018
ID 70020
ID 70021
ID 70022
ID 70023
ID 70024
ID 70026 - 70029
ID 70030
ID 70031
ID 70032
ID 70033
ID 70034
ID 70035
ID 70036 / 70038
ID 70039
ID 70040
ID 70041 - 70048
ID 70049
ID 70050 - 70080
ID 70081
ID 70082
ID 70083
ID 70084
ID 70085
ID 70086
ID 70087
ID 70088
ID 70090
ID 70091
ID 70092
ID 70093
ID 70094 - 70098
ID 70099
ID 70100
ID 70101
ID 70103
ID 70104
ID 70105
ID 70106
ID 70107 / 70108
ID 70111
ID 70112
ID 70113
ID 70114
ID 70115
ID 70116
ID 70118 / 70119
ID 70120
ID 70121
ID 70123
ID 70124
ID 70125
ID 70126
ID 70127
ID 70151
ID 70152
ID 70158
ID 70159
ID 70160
ID 70161
ID 70162
ID 70164
ID 70165
ID 70166
ID 70167
ID 70168
ID 70169
ID 70170
ID 70171
ID 70172
ID 70174 - 70176
ID 70177
ID 70178
ID 70179
ID 70180 / 70181
ID 70182
ID 70183
ID 70184
ID 70185
ID 70186
ID 70187
ID 70190
ID 70191
ID 70192
ID 70193
ID 70194
ID 70195
ID 70196
ID 70197
ID 70198
ID 70199
ID 70200
ID 70201
ID 70202
ID 70204
ID 70205
ID 70206
ID 70207
ID 70208
ID 70209
ID 70210
ID 70211
ID 70212
ID 70215
ID 70216
ID 70217
ID 70218
ID 70220
ID 70221
ID 70222
ID 70223
ID 70224
ID 70225
ID 70229
ID 70230
ID 70231
ID 70242
ID 70243
ID 70244
ID 70245
ID 70246
ID 70247
ID 70248
ID 70249
ID-range 70250-70499
ID 70250
ID 70251
ID 70252
ID 70253
ID 70254
ID 70255
ID 70256
ID 70259
ID 70261
ID 70262
ID 70263
ID 70264
ID 70265
ID 70266
ID 70267
ID 70268
ID 70269
ID 70271
ID 70272
ID 70273
ID 70274
ID 70275
ID 70276
ID 70277
ID 70278
ID 70279
ID 70280
ID 70281
ID 70282
ID 70283
ID 70284
ID 70285
ID 70286
ID 70287
ID 70288
ID 70290
ID 70291
ID 70292
ID 70293
ID 70294
ID 70295
ID 70296
ID 70297
ID 70298
ID 70299
ID 70300
ID 70301
ID 70302
ID 70304
ID 70305
ID 70306
ID 70307 / 70308
ID 70309
ID 70310
ID 70311
ID 70312
ID 70313
ID 70314
ID 70315
ID 70316
ID 70317
ID 70318
ID 70319
ID 70320
ID 70321
ID 70322 / 70323
ID 70324
ID 70325
ID 70326
ID 70328
ID 70329
ID 70330
ID 70331
ID 70332
ID 70333
ID 70334
ID 70335
ID 70336
ID 70337
ID 70338
ID 70339
ID 70340
ID 70341
ID 70342
ID 70343
ID 70344
ID 70345
ID 70346
ID 70347
ID 70348
ID 70349
ID 70350
ID 70351
ID 70355
ID 70357
ID 70358
ID 70359
ID 70360
ID 70361
ID 70362
ID 70363
ID 70364 / 70365
ID 70366
ID 70367
ID 70368
ID 70369
ID 70370
ID 70371
ID 70372
ID 70373
ID 70374
ID 70375
ID 70376
ID 70377
ID 70378
ID 70379
ID 70380
ID 70381
ID 70382
ID 70383
ID 70384
ID 70385
ID 70386
ID 70387
ID 70388
ID 70389
ID 70390
ID 70391
ID 70393
ID 70394
ID 70395
ID 70396
ID 70397
ID 70398
ID 70399
ID 70400
ID 70401
ID 70402
ID 70403
ID 70404
ID 70405
ID 70406
ID 70410
ID 70411
ID 70412 - 70419
ID 70420
ID 70421
ID 70422
ID 70423
ID 70424
ID 70425
ID 70426
ID 70427
ID 70428
ID 70429
ID 70430
ID 70431
ID 70432
ID 70433
ID 70434
ID 70435
ID 70436
ID 70437
ID 70438
ID 70439
ID 70440
ID 70441
ID 70442
ID 70443 / 70444
ID 70445
ID 70446
ID 70447
ID 70448
ID 70449
ID 70450
ID 70451
ID 70452
ID 70453
ID 70454
ID 70455
ID 70456
ID 70457
ID 70458
ID 70459
ID 70460
ID 70461
ID 70462
ID 70463
ID 70464
ID 70465
ID 70466
ID 70467
ID 70468
ID 70469
ID 70470
ID 70471
ID 70472
ID 70473
ID 70474
ID 70475
ID 70476
ID 70477
ID 70478
ID 70479
ID 70480
ID 70481
ID 70482
ID 70483
ID 70484
ID 70485
ID 70487
ID 70488
ID 70489
ID 70490
ID 70491
ID 70492
ID 70493
ID 70494
ID 70495
ID 70496
ID 70497
ID 70498
ID 70499
ID-range 70500-70749
ID 70500
ID 70501
ID 70502
ID 70503
ID 70504
ID 70505
ID 70506
ID 70507
ID 70508
ID 70509
ID 70510
ID 70511
ID 70512
ID 70513
ID 70514
ID 70515
ID 70516
ID 70517 / 70518
ID 70519
ID 70520
ID 70521
ID 70523
ID 70524
ID 70525
ID 70526
ID 70528
ID 70529
ID 70530
ID 70531
ID 70532
ID 70533
ID 70534
ID 70535
ID 70536
ID 70537
ID 70538
ID 70539
ID 70540
ID 70541
ID 70542-70543
ID 70544
ID 70545
ID 70546
ID 70547
ID 70548
ID 70549
ID 70550
ID 70551
ID 70552
ID 70553
ID 70554
ID 70555
ID 70556
ID 70557
ID 70558
ID 70559
ID 70560
ID 70561
ID 70562
ID 70563
ID 70565
ID 70568
ID 70569
ID 70571 / 70572
ID 70574
ID 70575
ID 70576
ID 70582
ID 70583
ID 70584
ID 70585
ID 70586
ID 70587
ID 70588
ID 70589
ID 70590
ID 70591
ID 70592
ID 70593
ID 70594
ID 70595
ID 70599
ID 70600
ID 70601
ID 70602
ID 70603
ID 70604
ID 70605
ID 70606
ID 70607
ID 70610
ID 70612
ID 70613
ID 70614
ID 70615
ID 70616
ID 70617
ID 70619
ID 70620
ID 70621
ID 70622
ID 70625
ID 70626
ID 70627
ID 70629
ID 70631
ID 70632
ID 70634
ID 70635
ID 70636
ID 70642
ID 70643
ID 70644
ID 70645
ID 70647
ID 70648
ID 70649
ID 70650
ID 70651
ID 70652
ID 70653
ID 70654
ID 70655
ID 70656
ID 70657
ID 70658
ID 70659
ID 70660
ID 70661
ID 70662
Axis filter errors (ID-range 80000-89999)
ID-range 80000-80249
ID 80000
ID 80001 / 80004
ID 80005
ID 80006
ID 80007
ID 80008
ID 80009
ID 80010
ID 80011
ID 80016 - 80043
ID 80044
Tool radius compensation error (ID-range 90000-99999)
ID-range 90000-90249
ID 90002 - 90005
ID 90008
ID 90009 / 90010
ID 90011
ID 90012
ID 90013
ID 90014
ID 90015
ID 90016
ID 90017
ID 90018
ID 90019
ID 90020 - 90025
ID 90026
ID 90027 - 90030
ID 90031
ID 90032 - 90035
ID 90036
ID 90037
ID 90038
ID 90040
ID 90041
ID 90042 - 90045
ID 90046
ID 90047
ID 90048
ID 90049
ID 90050
ID 90051 - 90056
ID 90057
ID 90059
ID 90062
ID 90063
ID 90064
ID 90065
ID 90066
ID 90067 - 90073
ID 90074
ID 90075
ID 90076
ID 90077
ID 90079 - 90085
ID 90087
ID 90088
ID 90090
ID 90091 - 90097
ID 90098
ID 90099
ID 90100
ID 90101 - 90106
ID 90107
ID 90109
ID 90110 / 90111
ID 90112
ID 90114
ID 90115
ID 90116
ID 90117 / 90118
ID 90119
ID 90120 - 90122
ID 90123
ID 90124
ID 90125
ID 90126
ID 90127
ID 90128
ID 90129
ID 90130
ID 90131
ID 90132
ID 90133
ID 90134
ID 90135 / 90136
ID 90137
ID 90138 - 90140
ID 90141
ID 90142
ID 90143
ID 90144
ID 90145
ID 90146
ID 90147
ID 90148 - 90150
ID 90151
ID 90152
ID 90154
ID 90155 / 90156
ID 90157
ID 90158
ID 90159
ID 90160
ID 90161
ID 90162
ID 90163
ID 90164
ID 90165
ID 90166
ID 90167 - 90171
ID 90172
ID 90173 - 90177
ID 90178
ID 90179
ID 90180
ID 90181
ID 90182
ID 90183
ID 90184
ID 90185 - 90187
ID 90190
ID 90191
ID 90192
ID 90193
ID 90194
ID 90195-90199
ID 90201
ID 90202
ID 90203
ID 90204
Axis management errors (ID-range 110000-119999)
ID-range 110000-110249
ID 110005 - 110033
ID 110034
ID 110035
ID 110036
ID 110037
ID 110038
ID 110039
ID 110040
ID 110042
ID 110043
ID 110048
ID 110051
ID 110052
ID 110053
ID 110054
ID 110055
ID 110059
ID 110060
ID 110061
ID 110062
ID 110063
ID 110064
ID 110065
ID 110066
ID 110067
ID 110068
ID 110069
ID 110070
ID 110071
ID 110073
ID 110074
ID 110075
ID 110076
ID 110077
ID 110078
ID 110079
ID 110080
ID 110081
ID 110082
ID 110083
ID 110084
ID 110085
ID 110086
ID 110087
ID 110088
ID 110089
ID 110090
ID 110091
ID 110092
ID 110093
ID 110094
ID 110095
ID 110096
ID 110097
ID 110098
ID 110099
ID 110100
ID 110101
ID 110102
ID 110103
ID 110104
ID 110105
ID 110106
ID 110107
ID 110110
ID 110111
ID 110112
ID 110113
ID 110114
ID 110115
ID 110117
ID 110118
ID 110119
ID 110120
ID 110121
ID 110122
ID 110123
ID 110124
ID 110125
ID 110126
ID 110127
ID 110128
ID 110129
ID 110130
ID 110131
ID 110132
ID 110133
ID 110134
ID 110135
ID 110136
ID 110137
ID 110138
ID 110139
ID 110140
ID 110141
ID 110142
ID 110143
ID 110145
ID 110147
ID 110148
ID 110149
ID 110150
ID 110151
ID 110154
ID 110162
ID 110163 - 110181
ID 110182
ID 110183
ID 110184 - 110198
ID 110199
ID 110200 - 110209
ID 110210
ID 110211
ID 110212
ID 110213
ID 110214
ID 110215
ID 110216
ID 110217
ID 110218
ID 110219
ID 110220
ID 110221
ID 110222
ID 110225 - 110227
ID 110228
ID 110229
ID 110230
ID 110231
ID 110232
ID 110233 / 110234
ID 110236
ID 110237
ID 110238
ID 110239
ID 110240
ID 110241
ID 110242
ID 110243
ID 110244
ID 110246
ID-range 110250-110499
ID 110250
ID 110251
ID 110253
ID 110254
ID 110264
ID 110267
ID 110268
ID 110269
ID 110270
ID 110271
ID 110272
ID 110273
ID 110274
ID 110275
ID 110276
ID 110277
ID 110278
ID 110281
ID 110282
ID 110283
ID 110286
ID 110288
ID 110292
ID 110294
ID 110297
ID 110298
ID 110299
ID 110300
ID 110301
ID 110302
ID 110303
ID 110304
ID 110305
ID 110306
ID 110307
ID 110308
ID 110309
ID 110310
ID 110311
ID 110312
ID 110316
ID 110317
ID 110318
ID 110319
ID 110320
ID 110321
ID 110322
ID 110323
ID 110324
ID 110326
ID 110327
ID 110328
ID 110329
ID 110330
ID 110331
ID 110332
ID 110333
ID 110334
ID 110335
ID 110336
ID 110337
ID 110339
ID 110340
ID 110341
ID 110342
ID 110343
ID 110344
ID 110345 - 110347
ID 110348
ID 110349
ID 110350
ID 110351
ID 110352
ID 110353
ID 110354
ID 110355
ID 110356
ID 110357 / 110358
ID 110359
ID 110360
ID 110361
ID 110362
ID 110363
ID 110364
ID 110365
ID 110366
ID 110367
ID 110368
ID 110369
ID 110371
ID 110372
ID 110373
ID 110374
ID 110376
ID 110378
ID 110379
ID 110380
ID 110381
ID 110382
ID 110384
ID 110385
ID 110386
ID 110388
ID 110389
ID 110390
ID 110391
ID 110392
ID 110393
ID 110394
ID 110397
ID 110398
ID 110399
ID 110400
ID 110401
ID 110402
ID 110403
ID 110404
ID 110405
ID 110406
ID 110409
ID 110410
ID 110411
ID 110412
ID 110413
ID 110414
ID 110415
ID 110416
ID 110417
ID 110418
ID 110419
ID 110420
ID 110421
ID 110422
ID 110423
ID 110424
ID 110425
ID 110426
ID 110427
ID 110428
ID 110429
ID 110430
ID 110431
ID 110432
ID 110433
ID 110434
ID 110435 / 110436
ID 110437
ID 110438
ID 110439
ID 110440
ID 110441
ID 110442
ID 110443
ID 110444
ID 110445
ID 110446
ID 110447
ID 110448
ID 110449
ID 110450
ID 110451
ID 110452
ID 110453
ID 110454
ID 110455
ID 110456
ID 110457
ID 110459
ID 110460
ID 110461
ID 110462
ID 110463
ID 110464
ID 110465
ID 110466
ID 110467
ID 110468
ID 110469
ID 110470
ID 110471
ID 110472
ID 110473
ID 110474
ID 110475
ID 110476
ID 110477
ID 110478
ID 110479
ID 110480
ID 110481
ID 110482
ID 110483
ID 110484
ID 110485
ID 110486
ID 110487
ID 110488
ID 110489
ID 110490
ID 110491
ID 110496
ID 110497
ID 110498
ID 110499
ID 110387
ID-range 110500-110749
ID 110500
ID 110501
ID 110502
ID 110503
ID 110504
ID 110505
ID 110506
ID 110507
ID 110508
ID 110509
ID 110510
ID 110511
ID 110512
ID 110513
ID 110514
ID 110515
ID 110516
ID 110517
ID 110518
ID 110519
ID 110520
ID 110521
ID 110522
ID 110523
ID 110524
ID 110528
ID 110529
ID 110530
ID 110531
ID 110532
ID 110533
ID 110538
ID 110539
ID 110540
ID 110541
ID 110543
ID 110544
ID 110545
ID 110546
ID 110547
ID 110548
ID 110549
ID 110550
ID 110551
ID 110552
ID 110553
ID 110557
ID 110558
ID 110559
ID 110560
ID 110561
ID 110562
ID 110563
ID 110564
ID 110565
ID 110566
ID 110567
ID 110568
ID 110569
ID 110570
ID 110571
ID 110572
ID 110573
ID 110574
ID 110575
ID 110576
ID 110577
ID 110578
ID 110579
ID 110580
ID 110581
ID 110582
ID 110583
ID 110584
ID 110585
ID 110586
ID 110587
ID 110588
ID 110589
ID 110590
ID 110591
ID 110592
ID 110593
ID 110594
ID 110595
ID 110596
ID 110597
ID 110598
ID 110600
ID 110601
ID 110602
ID 110603
ID 110604
ID 110605
ID 110606
ID 110607
ID 110608
ID 110609
ID 110610
ID 110611
ID 110612
ID 110613
ID 110614
ID 110615
ID 110617
ID 110618
ID 110619
ID 110620
ID 110621
ID 110622
ID 110624
ID 110625
ID 110636
ID 110637
ID 110638
ID 110639
ID 110640
ID 110641
ID 110642
ID 110643
ID 110644
ID 110645
ID 110646
ID 110647
ID 110648
ID 110649
ID 110651
ID 110652
ID 110653
ID 110654
ID 110655
ID 110656
ID 110657
ID 110658
ID 110659
ID 110660
ID 110661
ID 110663
ID 110664
ID 110665
ID 110668
ID 110669
ID 110673
ID 110674
ID 110675
ID 110678
ID 110679
ID 110680
ID 110681
ID 110682
ID 110683
ID 110684
ID 110685
ID 110688
ID 110689
ID 110690
ID 110691
ID 110694
Path preparation error (ID-range 120000-129999)
ID-range 120000-120249
ID 120000 / 120001
ID 120002
ID 120003
ID 120006 - 120008
ID 120011
ID 120015
ID 120016 - 120018
ID 120019
ID 120020
ID 120021
ID 120022 - 120024
ID 120025
ID 120026
ID 120027
ID 120028
ID 120029
ID 120030
ID 120031
ID 120032
ID 120033
ID 120034
ID 120035
ID 120036
ID 120037
ID 120038
ID 120039
ID 120040
ID 120041
ID 120042
ID 120050 - 120093
ID 120094
ID 120095
ID 120096
ID 120097
ID 120099
ID 120100
ID 120101
ID 120102
ID 120104
ID 120105
ID 120106
ID 120107
ID 120108 - 120111
ID 120112
ID 120115
ID 120116
ID 120117
ID 120120
ID 120125
ID 120126
ID 120129
ID 120130
ID 120131
ID 120133 / 120139
ID 120140
ID 120141 / 120143
ID 120144
ID 120145
ID 120146
ID 120147
ID 120148
ID 120149 - 120166
ID 120167
ID 120169
ID 120170
ID 120171
ID 120172
ID 120173
ID 120174
ID 120175
ID 120176
ID 120178
ID 120179
ID 120180
ID 120183
ID 120185 - 120192
ID 120193
ID 120199
ID 120200 / 120202
ID 120204
ID 120206
ID 120207
ID 120208 - 120212
ID 120213
ID 120214
ID 120215
ID 120216
ID 120237 - 120248
ID-range 120250-120499
ID 120251 / 120253
ID 120254
ID 120255
ID 120256 - 120264
ID 120265
ID 120266
ID 120267
ID 120268
ID 120269 / 120270
ID 120272
ID 120275 - 120284
ID 120285
ID 120287 - 120292
ID 120293
ID 120294
ID 120296
ID 120297
ID 120299 - 120318
ID 120319
ID 120320 - 120328
ID 120332
ID 120333
ID 120334 - 120345
ID 120346
ID 120347 - 120369
ID 120370
ID 120371
ID 120372 - 120374
ID 120377
ID 120378
ID 120379
ID 120380 - 120388
ID 120389
ID 120390
ID 120391
ID 120392
ID 120393
ID 120394
ID 120395
ID 120396
ID 120397 - 120404
ID 120405
ID 120406
ID 120407
ID 120422 - 120424
ID 120425
ID 120428 - 120430
ID 120433
ID 120434
ID 120435
ID 120438
ID 120439
ID 120440 - 120458
ID 120459
ID 120460
ID 120462
ID 120463
ID 120464 - 120468
ID 120469
ID 120470
ID 120471
ID 120472
ID 120473
ID 120474
ID 120475
ID 120476
ID 120477
ID 120478
ID 120479
ID 120480
ID 120481
ID 120482
ID 120483
ID 120484
ID 120485
ID 120486
ID 120487
ID 120488
ID 120489
ID 120490
ID 120491
ID 120492
ID 120493
ID 120494
ID 120495 / 120496
ID 120498
ID 120499
ID-range 120500-120749
ID 120500
ID 120501 - 120503
ID 120504
ID 120505
ID 120506 / 120507
ID 120508
ID 120509
ID 120512
ID 120513
ID 120514
ID 120515
ID 120516
ID 120517
ID 120518
ID 120519
ID 120521
ID 120522 / 120523
ID 120524
ID 120525
ID 120526 - 120528
ID 120529
ID 120531
ID 120532
ID 120533
ID 120536
ID 120537
ID 120539
ID 120540
ID 120542
ID 120543
ID 120544
ID 120545 - 120547
ID 120548
ID 120549 / 120550
ID 120551
ID 120552 / 120553
ID 120554
ID 120555 / 120556
ID 120557
ID 120558
ID 120559
ID 120560 / 120561
ID 120562
ID 120563
ID 120564
ID 120566
ID 120567
ID 120568 / 120569
ID 120570
ID 120571
ID 120572
ID 120575
ID 120576
ID 120577
ID 120578
ID 120579
ID 120580 / 120581
ID 120582
ID 120583
ID 120585
ID 120586
ID 120587 - 120600
ID 120603
ID 120604
ID 120605
ID 120606
ID 120607
ID 120608
ID 120611
ID 120614
ID 120615
ID 120617/120618
ID 120619
ID 120621
ID 120622
ID 120623
ID 120624
ID 120625
ID 120626
ID 120627
ID 120628
ID 120629
ID 120630
ID 120631 - 120639
ID 120640
ID 120641 - 120643
ID 120644
ID 120645
ID 120646
ID 120647
ID 120648
ID 120649
ID 120650 / 120651
ID 120652
ID 120653 / 120654
ID 120655
ID 120656
ID 120658
ID 120659
ID 120660
ID 120661
ID 120662
ID 120663
ID 120665
ID 120666
ID 120667
ID 120668
ID 120669
ID 120670
ID 120671
ID 120672
ID 120674
ID 120676
ID 120677
ID 120678
ID 120679
ID 120680
ID 120681
ID 120682
ID 120683
ID 120684
ID 120685
ID 120686 - 120688
ID 120689
ID 120690
ID 120691
ID 120692
ID 120693
ID 120694
ID 120695
ID 120696
ID 120697
ID 120698
ID 120700
ID 120701
ID 120702 - 120704
ID 120705
ID 120706
ID 120707
ID 120708
ID 120709
ID 120710
ID 120711
ID 120712
ID 120713 / 120714
ID 120715
ID 120716
ID 120717
ID 120718
ID 120719
ID 120720
ID 120721
ID 120722 - 120728
ID 120729
ID 120730 / 120731
ID 120732
ID 120733
ID 120734
ID 120735
ID 120736
ID 120737 - 120739
ID 120740
ID 120741
ID 120742
ID 120743
ID 120745
ID 120746
ID 120747
ID 120748
ID 120749-120750
ID-range 120750-120999
ID 120750
ID 120751
ID 120752 - 120755
ID 120756
ID 120757
ID 120758
ID 120759
ID 120760
ID 120761
ID 120762
ID 120763
ID 120764
ID 120765
ID 120766
ID 120767
ID 120768
ID 120769
ID 120770
ID 120771-120776
ID 120778-120780
ID 120781
ID 120782
ID 120783
ID 120784
ID 120785
ID 120786
ID 120787
ID 120788
ID 120789
ID 120790
ID 120791
ID 120792
ID 120793
ID 120794 / 120795
ID 120796
ID 120797
ID 120798
ID 120799
ID 120800
ID 120801
ID 120804
ID 120805
ID 120806
ID 120807-120809
ID 120810
ID 120811
ID 120812
ID 120813
ID 120814
ID 120815
ID 120818- 120821
ID 120822
ID 120823
ID 120825 / 120826
Communication error (ID-range 130000-139999)
ID-range 130000-130249
ID 130000 - 130006
ID 130007
ID 130008 - 130104
ID 130105
ID 130106
ID 130107 - 130119
ID 130120
ID 130121
ID 130122 - 130124
ID 130125
ID 130126
ID 130127
ID 130128 - 130133
ID 130134
ID 130135 / 130136
ID 130137
Drive management error (ID-range 140000-149999)
ID-range 140000-140249
ID 140000 - 140016
ID 140017
ID 140018
ID 140021
ID 140023
ID 140024
ID 140025
ID 140026
ID 140027
ID 140028
ID 140029
ID 140030
ID 140031
ID 140032
ID 140033
ID 140034
ID 140035
ID 140036
ID 140037
ID 140038
ID 140039
ID 140040
ID 140041
ID 140042
ID 140043
ID 140047
ID 140048
ID 140050
ID 140051
ID 140052
ID 140053
ID 140054
ID 140055
ID 140056
ID 140057
ID 140058
ID 140059
ID 140060
Manual mode error (ID-range 150000-159999)
ID-range 150000-150249
ID 150000
ID 150001
ID 150002
ID 150003
ID 150004
ID 150005
ID 150006
ID 150007
ID 150008
ID 150009
ID 150010
ID 150011
ID 150012
ID 150013 - 150023
ID 150024
ID 150025
ID 150026 - 150032
ID 150033
ID 150034 - 150038
ID 150039
ID 150040
ID 150041
ID 150042
ID 150043
ID 150044 - 150046
ID 150047
ID 150048
ID 150049
ID 150050
ID 150051
ID 150052
ID 150053
ID 150054
ID 150055 / 150056
ID 150057
ID 150058
ID 150059
ID 150060
ID 150061
ID 150063 - 150080
ID 150087
ID 150088
ID 150089
ID 150090
ID 150091
ID 150092
ID 150096
ID 150099
ID 150100
ID 150101
ID 150103
ID 150104
ID 150105
ID 150106
ID 150107
ID 150108 - 150111
ID 150112
ID 150113
ID 150114
ID 150115
Utility error (as of ID area 220000)
ID-range 220000-220249
ID 220000 - 220011
ID 220012
ID 220013
ID 220015
ID 220016
ID 220017
ID 220018
ID 220019
ID 220020
ID 220021
ID 220022
ID 220027 / 220028
ID 220029
ID-range 230000-230249
ID 230000 - 230039
ID 230040
ID 230041
ID-range 240000-240249
ID 240000 - 240006
ID 240007
ID 240008
ID 240009
ID 240010
ID 240011
ID 240012
ID 240013
ID 240014
ID 240015
ID 240016
ID 240017
ID 240018
ID 240019
ID 240020
ID 240021
ID 240022
ID 240023
ID 240024
ID 240025
ID 240026
ID 240027
ID 240028
ID 240029
ID 240030
ID 240031
ID 240032
ID 240033
ID 240034
ID 240035
ID 240036
ID 240037
ID 240038
ID 240039
ID 240040 - 240042
ID 240043
ID 240044
ID 240045
ID 240046
ID 240047
ID 240048
ID 240049
ID 240050
ID 240051
ID 240052
ID 240053
ID 240054 - 240056
ID 240057
ID 240058
ID-range 250000-250249
ID 250000
ID 250001
ID 250002
ID 250003
ID 250004
ID 250005
ID 250008
ID 250009
ID 250010 - 250012
ID-range 260000-260249
ID 260001
ID 260002
ID 260003
ID 260004
ID 260005
ID 260007
ID 260008
ID 260009
ID 260010
ID 260011
ID 260012
ID 260013
ID 260016
ID 260017
ID 260018
ID 260019
ID 260020
ID 260022
ID 260025
ID 260026
ID 260028 - 260030
ID 260031
ID 260032
ID 260033
ID 260034
ID 260035
ID 260036
ID 260037
ID 260038
ID 260039
ID 260040
ID 260041
ID 260042
ID 260043
ID 260044
ID 260045
ID 260046
ID 260047
ID 260048
ID 260049
ID 260050
ID 260051
ID 260052
ID 260053
ID 260054
ID 260055
ID 260056
ID 260057
ID 260058
ID 260059
ID 260060
ID 260062
ID 260063
ID 260064
ID 260065
ID 260066
ID 260067
ID 260068
ID 260069
ID 260070
ID 260071
ID 260074
ID 260075
ID 260076
ID 260077
ID 260078
ID 260079
ID 260080
ID 260081
ID 260082
ID 260083
ID 260084
ID 260085
ID 260086
ID 260089
ID 260090
ID 260091
ID 260092
ID 260093
ID 260094
ID 260095
ID 260096
ID 260097
ID 260098
ID 260099
ID 260100
ID 260101
ID-range 270000-270249
ID 270000 / 270001
ID 270018
ID 270021
ID 270022
ID 270023
ID 270024
ID 270029 / 270030
ID 270031
ID 270032
ID 270033
ID 270034 - 270036
ID 270037
ID 270039 / 270040
ID 270041
ID 270042
ID 270045
ID 270046
ID 270047
ID 270048
ID 270049
ID 270050
ID 270051
ID 270052
ID 270053
ID 270054
ID 270055
ID 270056 / 270057
ID 270059
ID 270060
ID 270061
ID 270062
ID 270063 - 270069
ID 270070
ID 270071
ID 270073
ID 270074
ID 270075
ID 270076
ID 270077
ID 270078
ID 270079
ID 270080
ID 270081
ID 270082
ID 270083 / 270085
ID 270086
ID 270091
ID 270092
ID 270093
ID 270094
ID 270095
ID 270096
ID 270097
ID 270098 - 270102
ID 270103
ID 270104
ID 270105 / 270106
ID 270109
ID 270110
ID 270111
ID-range 280000-280249
ID-range 280250-280499
ID 280304
ID-range 280500-280749
ID 280600
ID 280601
ID 280602
ID 280603
ID 280604
ID 280605
ID 280606
ID 280607
ID 280608
ID 280609
ID 280610
ID 280611
ID 280612
ID 280613
ID 280614
ID 280615
ID 280616
ID 280700
ID 280701
ID 280702
ID 280703
ID 280704
ID 280706
ID 280707
ID 280708
ID 280709
ID 280710
ID 280711
ID 280712
ID 280713
ID 280714
ID 280714
ID 280715
ID 280716
ID 280717
ID 280718
ID 280719
ID 280720
ID 280721
ID 280722
ID 280723
ID 280724
ID-range 292000-292249
ID 292000
ID 292001
ID 292002
ID 292003
ID 292004
ID 292005
ID 292006
ID 292007
ID 292008
ID 292009
ID 292010
ID 292011
ID 292012
ID 292013
ID 292014
ID 292015
ID 292016
ID 292019
ID 292020 / 292021
ID 292022
ID 292023
ID 292024
ID 292025
ID 292026
ID 292027
ID 292030
ID 292031
ID 292032
ID 292033
ID 292034
ID 292035
ID 292036
ID 292037
ID 292038
ID 292039
ID 292040
ID 292041
ID 292042
ID 292043
ID 292044
ID 292045
ID 292046
ID 292047
ID 292048
ID 292049
ID 292050
ID 292051
ID 292052
ID 292053
ID 292054
ID 292055
ID 292056
ID 292057
ID 292058
ID 292059
ID 292060
ID 292061
ID 292062
ID 292063
ID 292064
ID 292065
ID 292066
ID 292067
ID 292068
ID 292069
ID 292070
ID 292071
ID 292072
ID 292073
ID 292074
ID 292075
ID 292076
ID 292080
ID 292081
ID 292082
ID 292083
ID 292084
ID 292085
ID 292086
ID 292087
ID-range 293000-293249
ID 293000
ID 293001
ID 293002
ID 293003
ID 293004
ID 293101
ID 293102
ID 293103
ID 293104
ID 293105
ID 293109
ID 293110
ID 293111
ID-range 294000-294249
ID 294000
ID 294001
ID 294002
ID 294003
ID 294004
ID 294005
ID 294006
ID 294007
ID 294008
ID 294009
ID 294010
ID 294011
ID 294012
ID 294013
ID 294014
ID 294015
ID 294016
ID 294017
ID 294018
ID 294020
ID 294021
ID 294022
ID 294023
ID 294024
ID 294025
ID 294026
ID 294027
ID 294028
ID 294029
ID 294030
ID 294031
ID 294032
ID 294033
ID 294034
ID 294035
ID 294036
ID 294037
ID 294038
ID 294039
ID 294040
ID 294041
ID 294042
ID 294043
ID 294044
ID 294045
ID 294046
ID 294047
ID 294048
ID 294049
ID 294050
ID 294051
ID 294053
ID 294054
ID 294055
ID 294056
ID 294057
ID 294058
ID 294059
ID 294060
ID 294061
ID-range 294500-294749
ID 294500
ID 294501
ID 294502
ID 294503
ID 294504
ID 294505
ID 294506
ID 294507
ID 294508
ID 294509
ID 294510
ID 294511
ID 294512
ID 294513
ID 294514
ID 294523
ID 294525
ID 294526
ID 294527
ID 294528
ID 294529
ID 294530
ID 294533
ID 294534
ID 294535
ID 294536
ID 294538
ID 294539
ID 294540
ID 294541
ID 294542
ID 294543
ID 294544
ID 294545
ID 294546
ID 294547
ID 294548
ID 294549
ID 294550
ID 294551
ID 294552
ID 294553
ID 294554
ID 294555
ID 294556
ID 294557
ID 294558
ID 294559
ID 294560
ID 294561
ID 294562
ID 294563
ID 294564
ID 294565
ID 294566
ID 294567
ID 294568
ID 294569
ID 294570
ID 294571
ID 294572
ID 294573
ID 294574
ID 294575
ID 294576
ID 294577
ID 294578
ID 294579
ID 294580
ID 294581
ID 294582
ID 294583
ID 294584
ID 294585
ID 294586
ID 294587
ID 294588
ID 294589
ID 294590
ID 294591
ID 294592
ID 294593
ID 294594
ID 294595
ID 294596
ID 294597
ID 294598
ID 294600
ID 294601
ID 294602
ID-range 295000-295249
ID 295000
ID 295001
ID 295002
ID 295003
ID 295004
ID 295005
ID 295006
ID 295007
ID 295008
ID 295009
ID 295010
ID 295011
ID 295012
ID 295013
ID 295014
ID 295015
ID 295016
ID 295017
ID 295018
ID 295019
ID 295020
ID 295021
ID 295022
ID 295023
ID 295024
ID 295025
ID 295026
ID 295027
ID 295028
ID 295029
ID 295030
ID 295031
ID 295032
ID 295033
ID 295034
ID 295035
ID 295036
ID 295037
ID 295038
ID 295039
ID 295040
ID 295041
ID 295042
ID 295043
ID-range 296000-296249
ID 296000
ID 296001
ID 296002
ID 296003
ID 296004
ID 296005
ID 296006
ID 296007
ID 296008
ID 296009
ID 296010
ID 296011
ID-range 297000-297249
ID 297012
ID 297014
ID 297015
ID 297016
ID-range 301000-301249
ID 301000
ID 301001
ID 301002
ID 301004
ID 301005
ID 301006
ID 301007
ID 301008
ID 301009
ID 301010
ID 301011
ID 301012
ID 301013
ID 301014
ID 301015
ID 301016
ID 301017
ID 301018
ID 301019
ID 301020
ID-range 310000-399999
ID 310000
ID 310001
ID 310002
ID 310003
ID 310004
ID 310005
ID 310006
ID 310007
ID 310008
ID 310009
ID 310010
ID 310011
ID 310012 / 310013
ID 310014
ID 310015
ID 310016
ID 310017
ID 310018
ID 310019
ID 310020
ID 310021
ID 310022
ID 310023
ID 310024
ID 310025
ID 310026
ID 310027
ID 310028
ID 310029
ID 315000
ID 315001
ID 315002
ID 315003
ID 315004
ID 315005
ID 315006
ID 315007
ID 315008
ID 315009
ID 315010
ID 315011
ID 315012
ID-range 400000-400249
ID 400000
ID 400001
ID 400002
ID 400003
ID 400004
ID 400005
ID 400006
ID 400007
ID 400008
ID 400009
ID 400010
ID 400011
ID 400012
ID 400013
ID 400014
ID-range 401000-401249
ID 401000
ID 401001
ID 401002
ID-range 402000-402249
ID 402000
ID 402001
ID 402002
ID-range 403000-403249
ID 403000
ID 403001
ID 403002
ID-range 404000-405005
ID-range 1000000-1000249
ID 1000000 - 1000043
ID 1000044
ID 1000045 - 1000085
ID 1000086
ID 1000087
ID 1000090
ID 1000091 - 1000098
ID 1000099
ID 1000100 / 1000101
ID 1000116
ID 1000117
ID 1000119
ID 1000120
ID 1000121
ID 1000122
ID 1000123
ID 1000124
ID 1000127 - 1000129
ID 1000130
ID 1000131
ID 1000132
ID 1000133
ID 1000134
ID 1000135
ID 1000136
ID 1000137
ID 1000138
ID 1000139
ID 1000140
ID 1000141
ID 1000142 - 1000144
ID 1000145
ID 1000146
ID 1000147
ID 1000148
ID 1000149
ID 1000150
ID 1000151
ID 1000152
ID 1000153
ID 1000154
ID 1000155
ID 1000156
ID 1000157
ID 1000158
ID 1000159
ID 1000160 - 1000163
ID 1000164
ID 1000165
ID 1000166
ID 1000167
ID 1000168
ID 1000170 - 1000172
ID 1000173
ID 1000174
ID 1000175
ID 1000176
ID 1000177
ID 1000178
ID 1000179
ID 1000180
ID 1000181
ID-range 1001000-1001249
ID 1001082 - 1001084
ID 1001085
ID 1001087 - 1001089
ID 1001090
ID 1001095
ID 1001099 / 1001100
ID 1001102
ID 1001103
ID 1001105
ID 1001106
ID 1001107
ID 1001108
ID 1001109
ID 1001110
ID 1001111 / 1001112
ID 1001113
ID 1001114
ID 1001115
ID 1001116
ID 1001117
ID 1001118
ID 1001119
ID 1001120
ID 1001121
ID 1001122
ID 1001125
ID 1001129
ID 1001130
ID 1001131
ID 1001132
ID 1001133
ID 1001134
ID 1001135
ID 1001136
ID 1001137
ID 1001138
ID 1001139
ID 1001140
ID 1001141
ID 1001142
ID 1001143
ID 1001144
ID 1001145
ID 1001146
ID 1001147
ID 1001148
ID 1001149
ID 1001150
ID 1001151
ID 1001152
ID 1001153
ID 1001154
ID 1001200
ID-range 1001750-1001999
ID 1001815
ID 1001816
ID 1001817
ID 1001818
ID 1001819
ID 1001820
ID 1001821
ID 1001822
ID 1001825 / 1001826
ID 1001827
ID 1001828
ID 1001829
ID 1001830
ID 1001831
ID 1001832
ID 1001833
ID 1001834
ID 1001835 / 1001836
ID 1001837
ID 1001838
ID 1001839
ID 1001840
ID 1001841
ID 1001842
ID 1001843
ID 1001844
ID 1001845
ID 1001848
ID 1001849
ID 1001850
ID-range 1003000-1003249
ID 1003001 / 1003002
ID 1003003
ID 1003004
ID 1003005
ID 1003006
ID 1003007
ID 1003008
ISG kernel license functions
Suggestions, corrections and the latest documentation